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Awesome / The Truth

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  • William de Worde uses the power of the press to prevent the Guild of Engravers and the zombie lawyer Mr. Slant from shutting down his paper, merely by having his printer Mr. Goodmountain set their exact words in type as they say them:
    de Worde: "Asked for his opinion of this flagrant abuse of the city laws, Mr. Slant said..."?
    de Worde:...Full caps for the whole sentence please, Mr. Goodmountain.
    • He scores another over Mr. Slant at the end, blackmailing him into being The Times's lawyer, gratis. And probably forever.
  • When Otto the vampire appears in Lord De Worde's estate and saves William. First he taunts De Worde's goons while launching them through the air with his punches, including asking why they didn't want to fight even when he was using their "civilized fisticuffs". Then he lifts Lord De Worde into the air, rips off his black ribbon of blood temperance and says (paraphrased and de-accented): "William doesn't want me to bite you, he says I am a good person. The question I have to ask myself is: How good am I? Or do I only have to ask myself, am I better than you?"
    • He never liked cocoa, anyway.
    • To make this even more awesome, he does the last part with a longsword through his chest. His response to this is to comment on how he can't seem to keep his shirts from being ruined.
  • Heck, William standing up to Lord De Worde in the first place is pretty badass. "The truth has got its boots on," he said, "It's going to start kicking." (A followup to the Arc Words of "A lie can run halfway around the world before the truth has its boots on.")
  • Taking into account his credentials (see Making Money), when the New Firm (Mr. Pin and Mr. Tulip) intimidate Mr. Slant, an undead zombie lawyer who actually prosecuted his own murderers, and subsequently all others who tried it was pretty badass. How do they do this? He's undead. He'll come back again and again. They realize one thing that no-one else did — zombies are very, very flammable.
  • A subtle one for Vetinari - even the plotters who intend to overthrow Vetinari don't dare to kill him, as everyone knows that he has made himself indispensable to the running of the city. The best the plotters can do is to attempt to discredit him, but they are foiled by the fact that those institutions that Vetinari has encouraged and strengthened - the Watch and the press - are working within the system as they should.
  • William De Worde's final interaction with Lord Vetinari. With a single question he forces Lord Vetinari to attend a social function that he clearly would prefer to miss, made that wedding into possibly the social event of the year, made his job much easier by filling inches and paid back one Harry King for his previous help with interest.
    • Well, not so much forced him, as it pleased Vetinari to let William make the request, and to get to see lots of nobles standing there, all stately, for Harry King's daughter's wedding. Where he would be fine attending, but they will all be uncomfortable but too polite to say anything. Like Vimes, he takes his small vindictive pleasures of chance without comment, except internal. But William getting just a bit cheeky with Vetinari was definitely worth the entire book, to be honest.
  • Sacharissa pulling Mr. Pin's crossbow on Mr. Carney. And it isn't even loaded.
  • Vetinari has a couple of understated ones throughout the book; when Mr Pin and Mr Tulip come to kidnap him, he anticipates trouble and strikes so fast the murderers are caught off balance, and he would certainly have done more damage had he not been surprised at seeing his double. Also, at the end of the book he corrects a printer's spelling mistake... which is in the middle of the text, and from Vetinari's perspective is upside-down and back-to-front.
  • Mr Pin and Mr Tulip's bad experiences in Ankh-Morpork are somewhat awesome for the city itself, and show how much it's progressed; the New Firm are dangerously forward-thinking and practical in other cities, but in Ankh-Morpork they're constantly behind the times and have trouble dealing with a competent, dedicated Watch and the sheer variety of people there, as shown by their attempt to use heavy-handed tactics in the undead bar nearly getting them both killed and forcing them to back down. Conversely, the fact that the entirely human Mr. Tulip manages to make the bar inhabitants nervous enough that the duo get out alive is pretty impressive.
    "He is human?"
    "Well, human is just a word..."
  • Otto's "distraction". He uses a camera to successfully freak out Tulip and Pin for the rest of the book.
  • Harry King, the King of the Golden River (ie sewage) is a bona fide success story. His trade is waste management in Ankh Morpork and he made it an essential public service no one in the town can do without, and despite him being illiterate, his business being a squicky one and facing contempt from various guilds, he makes an impact as a serious city kingpin and a force people need to approach with care, if they would approach him at all.
  • Death gets his moment of awesomeness in dealing with Mr Pin. Mr Pin killed his partner Mr Tulip for his potato, which he explained was a token to get him back to life after death. When Pin proudly holds up the potato to Death, he sees through it and employs Loophole Abuse to send Pin back to the world of the living... as a potato to be fried for chips.
