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Awesome / The Tigger Movie

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The Movie

  • The fact that the gang was able to create their Tigger costumes in less than a day certainly seems impressive.
  • It was implied everyone wasted so much time trying to comfort Tigger that they had no time to make preparations for Winter. In the end, Tigger rapidly fixes all of it for them (eg. builds a house for Eeyore, collects a giant pot of honey for Pooh, and a ceiling tall pile of firewood for Piglet).
  • Finally having enough of Rabbit spending the whole movie being a Control Freak insulting him, Tigger finally stands up against Rabbit and firmly shows that he's going to disobey him this time. This is also important when you remember how much Rabbit hates being confronted or disobeyed, though for him here it's a clear indicator something is very wrong with Tigger.
  • Tigger quickly rescuing all his friends by bouncing them onto the "family tree", essentially performing a Heroic Sacrifice to save Rabbit.
    • Roo performing the Whoop-de-Dooper Loop-de-Looper Alley-Ooper Bounce to save Tigger during that same avalanche.
      Roo: The Whoop-de-Dooper Loop-de-Looper Alley-Ooper Bounce...
      The more you try the more you fly and that's what really counts! (executes the bounce perfectly)
    • Immediately followed up by the two of them using that bounce to escape the avalanche together.
  • A blink-and-you'll-miss-it case, but when the others are perched on the tree, Rabbit manages to stop a heavy gust blowing Eeyore away.
    • How about that one tree managing to hold fast while taking the brunt of a massive avalanche, which had dislodged several other trees and giant boulders, yet the tree didn't move an inch.
  • Pooh managing to grab Rabbit's hand and hoist him up into the tree just clear of the avalanche. Silly old badass is more like it; he doesn't even have thumbs!
