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Awesome / The Great North

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When living in Alaska and every episodes has the word "Adventure" in its title, you can always expect The Great North to have some awesome moments.

Season One

"Sexi Moose Adventure"
  • Moon saves his family by jumping on the moose's back before it could attack them. As a bonus, he was able to get back his mom's bikini before he's thrown off the moose's back.

"Tusk in the Wind Adventure"

Season Two

"The Yawn of the Dead Adventure [Halloween]"

  • Moon being the only the Only Sane Man among the group and thinks rationally while everyone else is panicking during the "zombie apocalypse". Judy and Ham even acknowledge Moon's bravery and apologizes to him for babying him the whole time.

"Tasteful Noods Adventure"

  • Even though Momma and Pappa sauced Ham's phone to destroy the evidence of him taking photos of their unsanitary food practice, Ham reveals he planned ahead and had the photos already uploaded to the Cloud and printed out the photos for the local newspaper. Too bad nobody cared about their food practice and still continue to eat at their restaurant.

"Papa Don't Fiend Adventure"

  • Moon showing no fear when he first encounters a skunk and manage to befriend it, and he would later befriend a group of them.

Season Three

"Enough Bed Adventure"

  • The bed salesman having enough of the Tobin kids' selfishness and calls them out on it.

"For Whom the Smell Tolls Part Two"

  • Dr. French saving Wolf from a pizzly bear by shooting a tranquilizer dart at it before it can catch Wolf.
  • Despite Ham being known as The Ditz, he shows he's worthy of being the Prom President by showing great leadership skills by helping the students get to the school roof and coming up with the plan to scare away the bears so Junkyard Kyle can rescue them.
  • Gill showing he's stronger than he looks by quickly climbing up the rope to get to the skylight and then later show he's also strong enough to carry stuff while climbing up the rope.
