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Awesome / Sneakers

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  • Whistler driving. That is all.
  • Whistler decoding Martin's blindfolded trip. Even the other guys on the team are impressed by that one, and they're used to him.
  • The team having the NSA by the balls and getting everything they want - with a progressively more exasperated Abbott.
  • Martin tricks Cosmo with the fake answering machine....then he tricks the NSA with the real one, only with the main chip removed.
  • Crease disarming the two guards. And not that much earlier, Carl and Martin taking down two different guards. In both cases, the heroes were unarmed.
  • Everything Whistler does with his ears.
  • Robbing the bank early in the movie.
  • The guard is starting to wonder what happened with the gardener that went to the washroom. Then he sees the gardener outside again. What he doesn't realize is that it's a different (fake) gardener.
  • The guards at Playtronics in general are shown to be competent and professional. During their search, you can hear Dick on the phone coordinating the various teams by color code. One of them actually spots the CCTV transmitter Bishop plugged into their system and yanked it out. Two other guards spotted their van on the nearby hill and got the drop on them and briefly held them at gunpoint.
    • Dick and Wallace not so much as neither of them search Marty for his radio nor do they realize that Carl is in the crawlspace right about them.
  • Cosmo and Dr Brandes are completely Genre Savvy. Each, with a single piece of information quickly figures out there's a problem with the story they've been fed.
  • The last scene of the movie with the news report about the Republican Party having been bankrupted and Amnesty International, Greenpeace and the United Negro College Fund getting huge anonymous donations. No prizes for guessing who's behind it.
