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Awesome / Scooby-Doo! Stage Fright

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  • Every member of Mystery Inc. is given their opportunity to shine in this movie.
  • Shaggy and Scooby deduce the identities of one of the Phantoms, Dewie, because of the lemon scent of his hand sanitizer.
    • Earlier, when Fred and Daphne are doing their dress rehearsal, Shag and Scoob diligently stand guard, looking for any signs of trouble. When they see something suspicious, they actually investigate, rather than running the other way.
  • When the Phantom is menacing Shaggy and Scooby, Freddy drops a net on him from one story up.
  • Velma manages to comb through over 2000 hours of video footage to reveal the identity of one Phantom, and the technique another used to seemingly vanish from sight.
  • Daphne and Fred catch the Phantom, with Emma willingly serving as bait.
    • It should be noted that Freddy didn't set one of his elaborate (and disaster-prone) traps to catch this Phantom. When the Phantom was reaching for Emma's violin, presumably to sabotage or destroy it, Fred and Daphne grab and restrain him. Don't menace or terrorize children in front of Mystery Inc.
  • When the Phantom tries to drop Fred from a catwalk, Fred whips off his ascot and uses it to lasso the Phantom's ankle. People have been mocking the ascot for years. Freddy made it another tool in his arsenal of traps.
  • The original Phantom from the 1970s swings in to rescue Fred when the modern Phantom tries to burn his face off with an acetylene torch.
  • The entire car chase between the Phantom and the Mystery Machine, including Scooby swiping the stolen diamond from the unmasked thief and leaping into Velma's arms in the Mystery Machine, showing amazing timing on Scooby, Velma, and Fred's parts.
  • Daphne manages to distract Dewey by complimenting his sword, allowing the gang to pull a Stealth Hi/Bye.
  • Confronted by a sword-wielding Phantom at the edge of a split drawbridge, Fred stares him down, then casually tosses the bag he used to hold the stolen diamond off the bridge. The Phantom leaps after it, into a passing garbage barge, making it both awesome and funny, as the Phantom was Dewey, the germaphobic producer of the show. To make it even more awesome, it turns out when Dewey opens the bag that the gang swapped out the diamond for one of Scooby's dog bones while he wasn't looking. The only thing he can do as the Chicago police close in on him is spit the standard "meddling kids" speech at the triumphant teens perched on the bridge.
  • Emma can play the violin flawlessly while it's rested on her back.
