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Awesome / 102 Dalmatians

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  • Alonzo of all characters gets one near the end. After being pushed around by Cruella and Le Pelt, he finally rebels against both. He fights back against Le Pelt and, with the help of the workers there, is able to incapacitate him. Afterward, he helps Chloe and Kevin escape from the cellar and tells them where Cruella is so that they can save the puppies and have her arrested.
  • The Twilight Bark returns, this time initiated by Oddball during her own capture and sent across all of London by way of Precious Puppies. Her barks are picked up by a few Bloodhound puppies whose baying is picked up by some Australian shepherds, whose barks are some how picked up by Queen Elizabeth II's corgis, sending the call across the Thames from Buckingham Palace. When the message finally arrives at the jail where Kevin, Waddlesworth, and the other dogs are locked up in, they're able to understand what Oddball is saying: "Twouble: Bad man gwabbed thwee spottied wittle doggies."
    • From Kevin and the other’s point, they were immediately able to realize that Oddball and her siblings were in trouble and immediately get to work on breaking out of jail. And while they arrive too late to stop the kidnapping, the dogs were able to find the travel book Le Pelt dropped, allowing them, Kevin and Chloe to give chase.
  • The entire cake factory sequence, where Oddball rallies the other Dalmatian puppies to literally bake Cruella into a cake, with Oddball baking out orders and the others either dumping eggs and flour note , operating the machinery, or at the end, spraying icing onto Cruella.
