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Awesome / Elliot Goes To School

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  • The Rousing Speech Elliot gives at the end of the first episode.
  • Elliot hijacks a commercial jet on the way to school.
  • Pretty much the second half of "Pep Rallies". To sum it up, both Elliot and Brandon were left behind by the other two who escapes by themselves, Brandon is ready to give himself to Mr. Higglesworth, but Elliot stays cool, dodge Mr. Higglesworth shots and a Minigun-armed chopper, steals a car alongside Brandon and proceed to rescue both of Jimbo and Xavior, whom have failed from escaping the authority.
  • Dan, a local bully, shoves Brandon, and when he turns around, punches him in the face. What does Brandon say?
    Brandon: My turn!
    • Brandon proceeds to blow on Dan, knocking him backwards down the hall, into his friend, crashing through a window, into a dumpster, and into the schoolyard where they are hit by a commercial jet.
  • Elliot using logic on his gym teahcher:
    Elliot: If we're supposed to be at your class, why aren't YOU at the gym!?
    • It's enough to make Schwarzenegger short out, and BLOW UP THE SCHOOL.
  • Crossing over with CMOF, G-Man/Folding Chair yelling at Higglesworth at the end of Camping:
    G-Man: "Well, I'm gonna fuckin' slap yo shit (starts slapping Higglesworth), so how 'bout YOU go to bed. you old FUCK!?
