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Awesome / A Supe of a Man

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As The Man of Steel steps into a world of tumult and corruption, awesome moments are sure to follow.

  • While Jonathan and Martha were always grateful to Mary for allowing them to have Clark as a son, they put their foot down hard about overexposing him to the media. No TV, no sidekick work.
  • While still under the thumb of Vought, Clark Kent in the years between finding out his origin and "the present" helped turn Los Angeles into one of the most crime free places on the planet.
  • Clark manages to spook Stillwell over A-Train's manslaughter of an innocent civilian.
  • Superman helping to guide Maeve through how to save a crashing plane. Doing a classic superman thing of helping to catch a falling plane, and bringing hope and life for the people with his rescue.
  • This Lois Lane is not a Damsel in Distress. She manages to execute Mesmer and does so in a way that she can maintain deniability.
  • Superman, after a false-start against the supe-terrorists, manages to beat them all basically single-handedly. Showing everyone why he's still the superhero.
  • Despite it being a tragedy, Jonathan Kent actually becomes more emboldened against Homelander ranting against him. That his last moments were in defiance of the spoiled man child.
  • Clark's speech to The Seven about what it means to have restraint against others. That we're the only people who can stop ourselves, so we need to keep ourselves in check.
  • Stan Edgar gets one when he reveals he knows about Superman's extraterrestrial origins and subtly indicates he'll use that to keep him under his thumb.
  • Gruesome as it was, when Steve Trevor was lynched in the past, Wonder Woman beat his killers so bad that their bodies couldn't be identified afterwards.
  • Martha Kent's conversation with Billy Butcher about all the aspects of being part of a super family that Clark never knew about. Defending their family with force, and helping to keep crazies away from Clark. She even recounted a time where she and Jonathan managed to drive off cultists who wanted Clark to be their messiah.
  • The infiltration of Sage Grove actually goes pretty well. That is, until they woke up Kara Zor-El.
  • Deathstroke vs Black Noir. A battle of enhanced individuals with swords and guns flying everywhere. Ending in Erving sticking a sword in Deathstroke's eye.
    • Then, to show she was serious about her offer, Maeve saves Deathstroke's life by stopping Black Noir and promising to help scrub the room to protect their identities.
