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WMG / Rhythm Heaven

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Baxter and Forthington from Air Rally are friends with Dora and Boots.
Well, have you ever thought these designs reminded you of the ones from Dora The Explorer?

The minigames from Heaven will come to the 3DS sequel.
Think about it, the games from Tengoku appeared in Fever. Let's hope for it.
  • Confirmed! Minigames from Heaven along with those from Tengoku and Fever will be in the 3DS version, Megamix; around 70 from all three games, to be exact.

The localized name of The Best+ will be Best of Rhythm Heaven
  • Jossed, it'll be called Rhythm Heaven Megamix.

The Night Walk game in Tengoku is the stairway to heaven.
The white stickfigure you control is the guy climbing the staircase. If he makes it through everything, he goes to heaven, but if he doesn't, he falls off and lands in hell.

All of the Remixes are set in Rhythm Heaven (the place).
The Remixes are parties, and you need to demonstrate good rhythm to get an invitation. (And naturally, you're expecting to show up dressed for the party's theme.)
  • Confirmed, Jossed, and Plausible all at once; in Megamix, after clearing the seven towers, Tibby brings you to Heaven World (which may or may not be the same as the place called Rhythm Heaven), albeit to help fix the problems that are going on there.

Ann Glerr is non-binary.
Feminine-sounding name aside, Ann Glerr has an androgynous appearance, and is never referred to with any direct pronouns. In fact, the reading material specifically uses the title "Master Fisherperson" rather than gendered terms like "Fisherman" or "Fisherwoman". Adding all of this up, it's possible Ann is neither female nor male.

What will the new mini-games' titles be changed to?
Speculate what the new mini-games from The Best+ will be translated into here!
  • Sumo Brothers: Sumo Opera
    • Jossed, it is still Sumo Brothers.
  • Heartbroken Bear: Binge-eating Bear
    • Jossed; Blue Bear.
  • Pajamas: Pillow Party
    • Close, but jossed; it's Pajama Party.
  • Karate Man's Father: Karate Dad
    • Jossed; Karate Man Senior.

The girl in Pajama Party is the daughter of the two partners at Love Lab.
Think about it. The vocals are the similar to that minigame. Brown hair like the boy, and it's short, similar to the girl.

  • And maybe the monkeys from Pajama Party are test subject chimps from the Love Lab. Yes, we don't see any monkeys there, but it IS a lab...

In relation to the theory above, the Boy from Double Date is the son of the Love Lab scientists and the Pajama Party girl's older brother.
He also has brown hair like the male scientist and the little girl, plus he's shown to be quite a romantic. He writes beautiful poetry expressing his feelings towards His Crush, and is an animal lover, enjoying a double date with a pair of weasels and even goes to a farm for his next date, maybe from being accustomed to his sister's monkey parties. Who else is willing to kick a ridiculous amount of balls away from a pair of weasels on a date?

Karate Joe is colorblind.
Exhibit A: In Megamix, the LED Light Bulbs rhythm item tells us that Karate Joe is most impressed by his father's "vision", citing in particular his ability to immediately distinguish between the blue and yellow lightbulbs in his minigame. However, in order to play said minigame, this ability is also expected of the player, so for most people, it isn't that impressive coming from someone who's been practicing.

Exhibit B: Karate Joe Jr. is always drawn as Deliberately Monochrome, whereas Karate Joe Sr. is drawn in full color. This could reflect on how the two martial artists see themselves. Karate Joe Sr. is drawn in full color because he has no problem seeing color. But not only can Junior not immediately distinguish blue from yellow, but he can't distinguish the color of his skin from the color of his uniform either. And although the inability to distinguish blue from yellow isn't common (blue is usually mixed with green, and yellow with red), it isn't unheard of either.

Exhibit C: The Training from Hell. It becomes apparent from all of the Karate Man minigames' rhythm items that Junior's training is strict, not even being allowed to move out of his father's house until he masters karate. At first this could be seen as his father simply having a great desire to pass his techniques down to the next generation, but there could be more reason than that: It could be that Karate Joe Sr. wants to help his son overcome his color blindness, hence the use of colored lightbulbs for his training.

And, misguided as it may be, it's actually working.

Unlike red-green color blindness, blue-yellow color blindness isn't always inherited, and can sometimes be acquired during one's lifetime. In such cases, it's actually possible to reverse it. Thus, through his training, Karate Joe is slowly but surely overcoming his disability. Up until Fever, all of the lightbulbs in his minigames were white. But in Megamix, blue and yellow lightbulbs appear in Karate Man Kicks! and Karate Man Combos!, which are remakes of the Karate Man minigames from Heaven and Fever respectively. With just a little more training, he'll be able to flawlessly distinguish between the two colored lightbulbs, just like his old man.

Wrestler is related to the Karate Joes, possibly as a cousin (Karate Joe Sr's nephew).
Karate Joe Senior is somewhat tan, so maybe Wrestler shares in that trait, and is more tan either from sun exposure or having a darker-skinned parent. He also is very strong and able to hold his own in a fight, maybe even did some Karate Man training in his youth. He wears a mask so he can be famous by his own talents and not via connection to the Karate Joe name. It's even possible that Wrestler confirms this himself when he answers the reporter asking about it.

Rhythm Heaven and WarioWare are actually set in the same universe.
They've crossed over before, and both games have the same developers, so why not?
  • Forthington (the Air Rally cat) is Spitz's dad. They're both yellow cats who spend a lot of time in vehicles, and both have a canine companion.
  • Munchy Monk is Young Cricket's dad. Both "train" by eating dumplings, and in Megamix, not only does Master Mantis take over for Munchy Monk in a "Rhythmware" course, but the original Munchy Monk has a baby on his back at one point, and his growing mustache indicates him getting older. (Which brings up the question of who his wife must be...)
  • Eglantine and Ashley both study the same kind of magic, which explains why they both frequently whiplash from cute to scary.
  • Young Cricket's character trailer pretty much confirms this, as the boy in Kung Fu Ball is actually revealed to be a younger Young Cricket

The Wandering Samurai is also fighting against Aku.
The demons that this warrior fights in all 3 games, all seem to want nothing more than to terrorize wherever they invade. and both Jack and the Samurai destroy every last thing that gets in the line of fire. Although the Wandering Samurai seems to get the less dangerous type of scenarios, if Aku is sending his minions out to steal toy pinwheels and plush rabbits.

There will be DLC for Megamix.
This DLC will take the form of more stages, both from past games (I'm also predicting "DJ School" will be come up somewhere) and new original stages, and possibly even harder versions of existing stages too. They'll be placed in the Museum.
  • I think that, if they did, they'd release a stage pack with some of the sequel games from the pre-existing games that have returned (Munchy Monk 2, Night Walk 2, Samurai Slice 2, etc.)
  • Sadly Jossed, as there was no extra content.

Megamix will be the very last game in the entire Rhythm Heaven series.
Think about it; most of the games from Tengoku, Heaven and Fever returned in glorious HD, and even a medley of all four games' title screens played in Final Remix. Still, it would qualify for an awesome Grand Finale for an underrated series.

Paprika is a sadomasochist.
How else would you explain his impossible challenges?

Megamix started out as a 3DS port of Fever.
What else would explain the disproportionate number of Fever games and the fact that the audio for Remix 10 is in the game's files?

A possible reason Megamix has so many Fever games compared to others.
Simply put, it's because it's the only Rhythm Heaven Game not on a portable system. It was likely done so players have a way to play the games from it on the go. Compared to the "Tengoku" and Rhythm Heaven DS which was already for a portable system.

The Ringside epilogue screens are actually prologue screens.
They're showing clips from the match that took place before the interview. And how well he did in the match corresponds with how well he looks in the interview. Doing poorly against his opponent shakes his confidence, which shows in front of the press afterwards. Whereas winning results in a more confident appearance in front of the press afterwards.

Mr. Upbeat is secretly Mr. Game & Watch.
Completely black, 2D, keyframes only, exist in a white void, have Mr. at the start of their name. This describes both Mr. Game and Watch and Mr. Upbeat.

The people in Love Lab are aliens who cannot feel love by themselves.
That's why they're creating it in the lab!

Love Lab is a video shot for PR reasons.
Behind the scenes, there are much darker things going on. Love Lab is just a video shot for public image reasons to throw people off the scent. Where do you think they got that Funny Animal?
  • Supporting this is the fact that the two main characters of the minigame are constantly facing forward for seemingly no reason. You'd think it'd be much easier to catch and throw the potions while not looking away from them.

Megamix was going to have every rhythm game, but it was scrapped due to time constraints.
With a title like Megamix, and with other games like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, you'd expect this game to have every game, right? Unfortunately, the deadline for getting the game out proved to be a huge problem, and they had to cut some of the games.

Built to Scale and Screwbot Factory are part of a longer factory line.
The widgets built seem useless, they're just two squares connected by a cylinder. Unless you think of them as part of a larger machine, perhaps... a robot, like the ones made in Screwbot Factory. Furthermore, both Built to Scale and Screwbot Factory have blackouts, so it can be safe to assume that the factory that contains Built to Scale and Screwbot Factory has a problem with blackouts. Furthermore...

The robots built in Screwbot Factory and Fillbots are different models.
Since the factory in Screwbot Factory has a blackout problem, and Fillbots has a blackout section, it can be safe to assume that the Screwbots and Fillbots come from the same brand.

Poly-Rhythm and Built to Scale Wii happen before Built to Scale DS.
The company that makes the widgets realized that bouncing around the pegs isn't very accurate, so they flung them instead.

Monkeys are a symbol of good luck in the Rhythm Heaven universe.
Why else do they pop up everywhere?

On the production line of what I made in the past few WMGs, Hopping Road comes before Poly-Rhythm.
Since bouncing still seems viable to the company that makes the robots, Hopping Road could just be a part before the balls get formed into cylinders.

Hopping Road replaced Working Dough on the production line
The company used some sentient dough to move their balls around before they realized they could cut them out and replace them with automatic bouncers, with only two people needed rather than four.

The Screwbots of Screwbot Factory are fuelled by the Power of Love, made in the Love Lab.
Notice when you screw them correctly, a little pink heart flashes on. That is their power cell, and it's the same pink as the correctly mixed love from Love Lab.
  • This method of power also makes the Screwbots feel the genuine love and devotion needed to protect the citizens of the city they're built for.

Big Rock Finish is only showing the last bits of each song in a particularly larger concert.
Remix 7 of Heaven plays a "full" version of Big Rock Finish A, which may hint that, at least in-universe, all parts of Big Rock Finish from A to H have full versions. At the concert, the tiny ghosts are playing the full songs, but from our perspective, we're cutting straight to the end of each song when the "big rock finish" occurs to help Boo-boo pull off that ending with his bandmates.
  • There are a few bits of text in the games that suggest this is not the case, and the songs are just actually that short.
    • The description of the game on the stage select screen states that the songs have to be kept on the short side because bedtime's approaching.
    • The original Japanese name for the stage is Short Live.
    • One of the epilogue screens for the stage states the band's time in the spotlight was "brief".

The Captain from Blue Birds is a Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
Despite his short temper he does actually care about his Trainees despite the hard work in doing so but canonically being a member of the Rhythm League means that music is Serious Business to him and thus made him put a more boot camp like spin on it.

DJ School and Love Lab will never return in any future Rhythm Heaven game.
These two minigames are fan favorites of Heaven, but were strangely absent from Megamix despite it being a "best of" compilation for series. The reason is that their core gameplay mechanic involves holding down one type of input (tap) and releasing them as an entirely different input (flick) after a certain time. Love Lab also adds in a third type of input (swipe) that must be performed while the first type of input is still held. Needless to say, this is physically impossible to accurately transition into button controls in a way that's still fun and functions correctly for a rhythm game. So unless this type of control scheme returns for another gamenote  it's likely these minigames will never return in any future Rhythm Heaven title.

The Rhythm Heaven series takes place in the same world as Cave Story.
The setting of Cave Story is a floating island far up in the sky with a few structures built atop it. Rhythm Heaven (the location) is explicitly shown in Fever to be the same way. Additionally, both series have magic, Plant People, Funny Animals, and Animate Inanimate Objects all coexisting with regular humans. The real kicker though is the fact that MC Adore looks exactly like Curly Brace. The only difference is that Curly is shorter, but being a robot, it wouldn't be strange for her to get an "upgrade" that would result in a change in her height.
