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Video Game / Scribble Hub RPG

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A Role-Playing Game developed with Wolf RPG Editor. Involving people on the Scribble Hub site. The story began as two of the writers on said site is teleported to another world and has to deal whatever they come across with their new companion to get to normalcy. Either that or trying to get something out of it.

The game itself have some small homages to either Role-Playing Games of the past or the stories up on the Scribble Hub website.

The game can be found here.

Tropes appearing in the game:

  • All for Nothing: Within the first part of the game the heroes are supposed to defeat the Demon Lord before finally returning home, with Sue in particular discussing this trope briefly.
  • Beef Gate: In the massive area near the end of Asokusa's storyline there are two chest containing a powerful weapon and several revive items, however they're guarded by two Shadow Saber, who are the strongest boss in the entire game save The Abyssal Eye/Abyssal Goddess.
  • Bragging Rights Reward: All Optional Bosses drop strong equipment upon their defeat, with Lavos dropping Frozen Flame Sword and The Abyssal Eye/Abyssal Goddess dropping the Ameno Habakiri being close to this trope due to them being bigger challanges than everything else in the game.
    • Completing the gauntlet the first time around, which have you fight multiple waves of enemies solo, grants the party a manual to learn Realm King Force, which is an extremely powerful self-buff skill. To say that by the time you can manage it you can trivialize the whole game is an understatement.
  • Can't Drop the Hero: Sushi, edible, and Sue initially cannot be drop from the party.
  • Crossover: As the title suggest there are elements of some stories on Scribble Hub. Mainly of the stories made by the game's creator Deku, who also wrote stories on the site. As of this writing Deku, Zeeksi and edible/Iamchangingthissoon's stories are explicitly referenced, as well as A Reincarnated Demon’s Life of Wonder.
  • Damage-Sponge Boss: One thing that made the bosses much harder is this. With each new bosses almost doubling in health pool compared to the previous, which when combined with dramatically higher stats make it impossible to kill them in a few turns. With only edible able to do any noticable damage.
  • Developer's Foresight: Machina Labryx can be fought right in the game's first world (which is essentially the prologue) and due to its status as that world's Optional Boss you can skip it entirely. Reaching the point where you can get new party members and fighting it then will give it extra dialouge for newer party members if Sue is not present, or freaking out if Maggar or Neturn is present.
  • Easy Levels, Hard Bosses: While the enemies in the first few area do take a few hits to take down the later ones don't scale well with the party's increasing strength at all, not to mention all Random Encounter allowing you to escape with no chance of failing, all the while the maps themselves having very little roadblock. The bosses meanwhile scale much better to the previous. This is subverted in any area littered with roaming Beef Gate (Which is a direct Shout-Out to F.O.E.s), which are as strong as if not stronger than the bosses and have a high chance in failing to escape.
  • Excuse Plot: While there are a bit of justification at first since Sue is hell-bent on defeating the Demon Lord before helping the initial duo get back home the plot after the death of the Demon Lord completely fall apart, with no reason for anything to continue outside of "Everything ended too eruptly, so let's try something else".
  • Guest-Star Party Member: In the yellow forest the party encounters Vanix and Deku seperately, and each time the team along with them fought in impossibly powerful enemy, and both times the guest is immensely more powerful than both the party members and the boss.
  • Hero of Another Story: While the game revolved around the two authors helping Sue out due to being forcibly summoned to help her. It turns out Sue have no need to go through all that trouble as the actual heroes already invaded and kill the Demon Lord by the time everyone gets there. The conflict she thinks she has a part in involved way more than just her.
  • Hopeless Boss Fight: Subverted with Special Basilisk and Skull Anti-Proto, as while both of them severely outclassed the main party, they also have insanely overpowered individuals on their tail who completely decimated them without any effort and save the heroes the trouble.
  • Improbably Female Cast: Played With. Most of the main and playable characters are femalesnote  or have unclear/undisclosed gender but look femininenote . Vanix is the only exception to this.
  • Just Toying with Them: Vermilla will bided her time every other turn during the battle with her, as a sort of mercy due to her being way more powerful than the preceding battle, however she’ll drop this behavior if her health gets too low.
  • Kidnapped by the Call: How the game started, as both Sushi and edible got summoned to another world via Sue.
  • The Main Characters Do Everything: Subverted in the first world Sue summoned you into as there are already another party set out and succeed in killing the Demon Lord and Asokusa where Mirai and Neturn will assist you independently before joining the cast proper.
  • Optional Boss:
    • Hero Spirit is a particularly nasty case of Early-Bird Boss. He can be fought before you fight the first story boss of the game. He has stats way above you by that point with a few in the hundreds, and three actions per turn.
    • Machina Labryx can be fought right after the first boss, and while certainly no pushover by that point is a lot weaker than Hero Spirit despite higher raw stats.note 
    • Lavos in its entirety can be fought from the bucket in the hub world with its stats being ripped straight from its battle in the Ocean Palace.
    • The Abyssal Eye/Abyssal Goddess in particular you need to go out of your way to unlock its battle.note  Its battle is by far the hardest in the game with 5 phases in total.
  • Optional Party Member: After the fall of the Demon Lord not by the protagonist's hands Deku will present these to the party, with the number increasing as the story moves along or doing side quests.
  • Original Generation: While the game does sometimes shows the character of the novels referenced in this game, they're side-lined and never even interact with the party, which consist of real life authors writing on the site or characters first introduced in this game specifically.
  • Out of Focus: Alluding to the Original Generation tropes above, the main characters of the novel the party travels to aren't interacted with at all or doesn't even appear. The only one who somewhat avert this is Vermilla who acts as a Hopeless Boss Fight and come from the game's creator own novel.
  • Required Party Member: It's impossible to move on from the first map without recruiting Sue first.
    • Later a simillar thing happened with Sayray, with you unable to continue the story without having her in the party.
    • Ylen and Zeeksi are mandatory in their sidequest and must be present until their sidequest is over.
  • Schmuck Bait: Two in Terra Sol.
    • If you were to enter the warzone on the 7th floor you will be noticed and face seven consecutive battles. All of them having at least one Boss in Mook's Clothing.
    • Deku will warn the party when teleporting them out of Terra Sol that they will probably get bombarded with more dangerous enemies like the boss they fought if they were to stay in that area. If you dare to go back there you will face seven of said boss all at once.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Time Travel: Due to hopping through worlds later on in the story, this inevitably come up with the Gretel kingdom which can be visited at two time period that are 200 years apart.
  • Whole-Plot Reference: Asokusa storyline is more or less a recreation of Fate/stay night, pulling some elements from the end game of Unlimited Blade Works and Heaven's Feel, with confronting the Big Bad which is now a mass of flesh at the local temple and guarded by Shadow/Darkened Servants. It also took elements of Shadow Servants roaming around the ruined city from Singularity F. While also blatantly using their terms as well.
