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Trivia / Delta Goodrem

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  • Attention Deficit Creator Disorder: She tends to make promises she can't keep. Lets keep it to that.
  • Career Resurrection: Both Delta and Child of the Universe were both a form of these due to the heavy Development Hell she wrapped both projects in (see more below).
    • The former even moreso since it's seen as a continuation of her IE sound.
  • Creator Backlash: Disowns each previous era before starting a new one: Examples: She disowned "I Don't Care" because she wasn't really good at being a "Pop star", She disowned Innocent Eyes cuz she went through her Creator Breakdown and made Mistaken Identity, which was way too dark and personal so she disowned that for Delta era's kind of disassociation between what she actually felt and what she was singing about and sometimes not even that. Then she broke up with the guy she wrote that album with and had to disown and obfuscate various parts of certain songs to get to this latest era were she seems to have kind of accepted both sides of herself, the spreading positivity and happiness thing and the being honest and connecting with her audience through dark moments thing.
    • Now appears to have abandonned promotion of Child Of The Universe because it didn't go to #1, first week of release...
  • Creator Breakdown: Mistaken Identity came from her bout with cancer and sudden awareness of her own mortality at the age of 19.
    • Child of The Universe comes from her mourning the loss of one of her closest friends, ending a long term dysfunctional relationship, losing 5 or 6 key friends and parts of her entourage, ending a shorter term relationship with a younger fella which had the Moral Guardians and media up in arms, and various Executive Meddling issues within the album itself. It has a theme of willing to just "SURVIVE" and "Taking control back".
  • Creator Couple: With Brian Mcfadden and later Nick Jonas.
  • Development Hell: Delta's third album spent three years in development (04-07). Child Of The Universe took five years to happen.
  • Executive Meddling: Her first single, "I Don't Care" was a pop thing she didn't quite pull off, 7 years later she releases a pop-rock-dance Genre Roulette Self-Titled Album where she abandoned her original style of singing for a CĂ©line Dion-style, which had many people questioning her sincerity on most of the songs and turned off people. THEN 5 years later, the album which her recording company had been sitting on for maybe a year is finally being discussed at being released late 2012. Unlucky artist is unlucky.
  • Troubled Production: Child of the Universe had 5 years of development and at least 3 different rewrites, before it came out and has still be utilized to it's ultimate power promotionally and tour wise.
    • also during Delta 07, Delta had some very heavy writers block before she had a team of songwriters picked for her, by her boyfriend of the time, for her to collaborate with.
  • Working Title: Her third album was going to be called Condition Of A Heart, but due to most of the songs picked for the albums having Heart in their titles she decided to change it.
