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The Unfair Sex / Western Animation

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  • In Season 1 of Archer, Lana was upset when she found out that Cyril had cheated on her twice. However, she also cheated on him twice, once during a threesome with Skorpio and Archer and another when she had pity sex with Pam. In addition, it's heavily implied that she still had feelings for Archer.
  • Bojack Horseman:
    • Played for Drama. When Bojack goes to New Mexico and spends time with Charlotte and her family, her 17-year-oldnote  daughter Penny ends up falling for him. He does the right thing and rejects her advances, but after Charlotte rejects him he's too depressed to continue resisting and allows Penny to have her way with him, only for Charlotte to catch them in the act. From that point on, Penny's treated as another one of Bojack's victims even though he quite literally did nothing to her (personally) and she was old enough to have responsibility in the matter.
    • And then there's Diane, who was jealous of her ex-husband's new relationship and sabotaged it by seducing him while he was struggling to move on from her and under the impression they'd get back together. Despite having actively taken advantage of someone's vulnerability, Diane looked down on Bojack for the Penny incident where he passively did something similar, and wrote in dialogue alluding to it in the show they were working on together to spite him. Diane is never called out on this hypocrisy by anyone, and is still allowed to go on believing she's a good person unlike Bojack who is constantly crushed by the weight of his sins.
    • This also affects Bojack's relationship with Todd, as Todd grew to resent him for sleeping with his Childhood Friend Emily while he was still trying to sort out his (lack of a) sexuality but he places absolutely no blame on Emily, who initiated it. Bojack even lampshades her part in it to a small child he mistook for Todd while he was high. Although to be fair to Todd, this was more of the last straw in an already long list of grievances against Bojack. He practically had no choice but to jump to conclusions when Bojack tried to apologize for something which was, ultimately, not his fault for once.
  • The Boondocks: In the episode "Tom, Sarah, and Usher", Sarah has a fangirl moment over meeting Usher, which Tom objects to (while somewhat jealous, he is also embarrassed by her behavior and her treatment of him during their anniversary dinner). In the car, when he brings this up, she becomes furious with him and asks to be let out of the car. Played for laughs with his daughter Jasmine, who actively encourages her father to stay away from home so Usher can be her new daddy.
  • The Cleveland Show:
    • In episode "Frapp Attack", Donna becomes jealous of Cleveland being friends with Tori, a female coworker. Later, after the music producer who is interested in the resulting "Frapp Attack" video begins flirting with Donna in Cleveland's absence, Cleveland tries to warn her only to have it dismissed it as harmless, falsely equivocating it with his relationship with Tori.
    • Reversed concerning his divorce with Loretta. Loretta is treated as a repulsive Jerkass for cheating on him with Quagmire, with him and the entire cast despising her. This is only punctuated by them having nonchalant conversations with Quagmire in nearly every episode concerning her, his actions being completely forgiven.note 
  • Danny Phantom: Danny follows his friend Sam around on a date with the new guy in town and eventually sees what he thinks is a passionate make out. When he brings this up to Sam, she blows up at him for following her on her date. Danny must make amends. However, earlier Sam had followed Danny around on a date with her rival, Valerie. They both had good reasons since Danny was dating someone who wanted his ghost half's head on a spike, and Danny thought the new guy Sam was dating was a government agent, but only Sam's actions are treated as justified in the show. What makes this even worse is that this sort of thing happened before (Danny's sister, Jazz, got into a relationship with a ghost who was trying to have his girlfriend possess her). None of that matters to Sam, though.
  • Daria often inverts this — Jane is ticked at both her boyfriend Tom and her best friend Daria when they kiss, but forgives Tom fairly quickly, accepting his apology and the fact that their relationship was on the rocks anyway. She is considerably more hurt by Daria's betrayal, though, which takes most of a TV movie to repair. Jane had spent some time afraid about some Unresolved Sexual Tension going on between Daria and Tom and had been acting rather neurotic about it. The episode where Daria and Tom kissed started off with Jane forcing Daria to help her dye her hair and then blew up when it turned into a disaster, yelling that Daria did it on purpose to steal Tom even though Daria repeatedly stated she wasn't any good at dying hair. After apologizing about her paranoia and moving past her suspicions, Jane got thrown through a loop when Daria admitted she kissed Tom after she stated she had no intentions of going after him. Jane's hurt came from fearing Daria was planning to steal Tom, assured she wasn't, and then told to her face that Daria made out with him the very day after they settled the matter.
  • Dexter's Laboratory: One running gag the show has is that Dee Dee often breaks into her brother’s lab and wrecks his machines and equipment there for fun. In a brother and sister example of this trope, the morality of this is explored in "The Old Switcherooms" where Dee Dee and Dexter get punished by their father by being sent to the opposite rooms so they would be taught a lesson in respecting other people’s property after they accidentally wreck a bowling trophy that was recently won in a tournament despite the fact that Dee Dee started this by stealing Dexter's Major Glory action figure. This results in Dexter becoming very paranoid that Dee Dee would wreck his lab like she usually does and in that fear he takes revenge on her by wrecking her room. When the punishment is done, Dee Dee gets devastated and mad at her brother and Dexter gets a more severe punishment by being forced to stay the night at a doghouse. What this episode implies is that it is okay and funny for Dee Dee to wreck her brother's things, but when Dexter wrecked his sister's belongings, he is shown to be morally wrong in doing so.
  • Futurama:
    • Parodied in "Why Must I Be A Crustacean In Love" where Fry helps Zoidberg woo a female of his own species. She ends up falling for Fry, after Leela accidentally tells her that Fry was behind Zoidberg's romantic gestures, and throws herself at him, even though Fry finds her repulsive because she's a lobster alien. When Zoidberg walks in on them he challenges Fry to a duel to the death, only for her to ditch both of them for the King.
    • This is played with in terms of the relationship between Lrrr and Ndnd, the rulers of Omicron Persei 8. They are shown to have a very rocky relationship with their marriage constantly on the fritz but the show blames everything wrong with their marriage as Lrrr’s fault. This is especially shown in the episode "Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences" as in it, Ndnd behaves like a spoiled diva and makes Lrrr invade planets but when he botched an invasion on Earth, she domestically abused Lrrr by hitting him on the head with a frying pan and kicks him out of the house for it. While the episode chooses to depict Lrrr as the one in the wrong for this snag in their marriage, Ndnd is never punished for her behavior and domestic abuse in the episode
  • Very simply and frequently played in Heathcliff & the Catillac Cats, usually in shorts involving Riff Raff and Cleo. If Riff Raff was cheating on Cleo, Cleo would beat the sauce out of him until he saw the error of his ways. If Cleo were cheating on Riff Raff, Riff Raff would beat up 'the other man' to win her back.
  • High Guardian Spice: When Snapdragon tries to confide with Sage about her friendship with Rosemary, Sage bluntly tells Snap (who hasn't transitioned yet) that she would never understand because girls have a deeper connection with each other than boys do.
  • Invincible (2021): Mark's relationship with his first Love Interest Amber is heavily strained by his secret identity and her complete inability to empathize with him, but everyone in his life such as his Camp Gay best friend Will and second Love Interest Eve acts like he's the bad guy for keeping secrets when it was Eve's idea in the first place to not tell her. In fact, Mark tried more than once to tell her but she angrily refused to hear him out and when he finally manages to spit it out she says she knew all along and faults him for not doing it sooner, despite the fact it could potentially cost him everything and they only dated a couple of months. And then she dumps him for keeping it a secret from her despite the fact that she had kept secrets from him, too, specifically that she'd figured out his secret identity.
  • King of the Hill:
    • Played for Laughs when Bobby and Luanne (who are cousins) end up believing they're caught in an Accidental Marriage. After they both freak out for a couple of seconds, the first thing Luanne does is lay down some rules:
      "I get to date whoever I want, whenever I want. You can see Connie if you want, but not in public. No, wait. On second thought, you can't see Connie. Ever."
    • Played with in "I Remember Mono", Peggy finds out that Hank missed their first date not because he pulled some tendons in his back but because he had mono. She didn't care that Hank lied about kissing another woman. Instead, Peggy was angry because she no longer had a story to brag to her friends about. So for weeks, Peggy just stops taking care of herself and ends up looking like a homeless bum. Finally, Hank decides to give her what she wants and ends up repeating various movie type scenarios, like putting his coat over a puddle. One such antic causes him to throw his back out with Peggy leaving him there to wallow in his own stupidity. She later tells her friends and after seeing them sigh at how romantic that was she realizes she has something to brag about again.
    • In "Goodbye Normal Jeans", Bobby starts helping out around the house more using skills he picked up in Home Ec and bonds with Hank over it. Peggy, who normally encourages this kind of behavior, does a complete 180 and thinks she's being replaced before acting like a Jealous Parent towards Bobby. It culminates in her running away with the Thanksgiving turkey he cooked like a madwoman, and Hank's treated as the bad guy for not showing her enough attention.
  • The Proud Family: Oscar showing the slightest interest in another woman (even so far as being tongue-tied around Mariah Carey) is perfectly justified grounds for his wife to abuse him (sometimes physically, sometimes emotionally, sometimes taking his things, sometimes depriving him of things ranging from dinner to entrance into his own house), but said wife is allowed to run off with any handsome man she sees and expects Oscar to go along with it without question (to the point of when, in one of the few occasions he was able to get out an objection, she threw him across the room and basically said she was going to cheat on him with this random guy).
  • Regular Show: In the episode "Fries Night" Benson's girlfriend from the previous season, Pam, dumps him because she can't stand being in a long-distance relationship, even though, as Benson points out, he didn't know he was going to be sent into space, and Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost's significant others are much more understanding and are willing to wait for them. However, in the Grand Finale, it's shown that she waited for him after all, and they get married.
  • The Simpsons:
    • Inverted For Laughs in the episode "Dangerous Curves". When Homer and Marge learn that they both nearly had affairs on the same night five years ago, Marge gets mad at Homer for nearly cheating on her. He proceeds to call her out on her hypocrisy and claims she's actually worse than he is because she did the same thing despite starting out better.
    • In recent seasons, Lisa has developed Straw Feminist tendencies that lead into this trope. Twice Bart has gotten into relationships where the girl was just as bad or even worse than him but the show and Lisa in particular always pointed out how Bart was in the wrong.
    • In "Beware My Cheating Bart," Jimbo’s girlfriend Shauna forces a physical relationship with Bart before he was ready both traumatizing and intriguing him. Behind Jimbo’s back, she decides to date Bart and all throughout the episode complains about why they can’t go out more despite the danger Bart is in. In the end, Lisa convinces her to break up with both of them and Bart is the only one who gets punished despite the fact that all of it was Shauna’s fault.
    • "Love is a Many-Splintered Thing" was even worse. Essentially the premise of the episode is a gamer boyfriend meme transposed into the context of someone young enough for it to be understandable. Bart's heartstrings are pulled once again when Mary Spuckler returns to Springfield, but his failure to pay her enough attention strains their relationship. However, both Bart and Mary did the same thing. When Mary played her song Bart got bored and found something else to do. And when Bart invited her over to play video games she expressed complete disinterest and complains the whole time. Yet all the time it is Bart who is told he needs to treat her better with Lisa even pressuring him with "you'll never find someone better".
    • In "The War of Art", after all the men Luann dated, cheated on, and got engaged to while she and Kurt were separated she had the gall to get mad at him when she finds out he dated one woman.
    • In the episode "Brake My Wife, Please", Marge ends up having to do all the driving for the family when Homer loses his license, leading to her getting stressed while Homer comes to enjoy walking. Then, around the halfway point of the episode, Marge (deliberately) hits Homer with the car, breaking his pelvis, and causes him further harm by dropping hot soup in his lap and kicking his walking stick out from under him. This all stems from the stress of having to be the main driver, which led to her outright saying she hates Homer. And then suddenly, Homer is the one at fault for all this, for not appreciating Marge enough. So ultimately, he has to make amends with a grand romantic gesture, while Marge's domestic abuse is casually swept under the rug as if it never happened.
  • South Park deconstructs this trope in the Season 20 story arc. An internet troll going by skankhunt42 is going around has been harassing the South Park Elementary girls and other women around the world, and the girls threaten the boys to do something about it "or else". The boys assume that the troll is Cartman and break all his equipment despite his clams of innocence. His claims turn out to be true as skankhunt42 continues their harassment rampage. Unsatisfied with the boys' efforts, the girls then break up with every boy in the school. Butters, who was also dumped by his Canadian girlfriend when she heard what was going on, decides that they need to stand their ground to not be shamed anymore by holding a "wieners out" movement. The girls are offended and go to PC Principal to complain. In a surprising move, he refuses to take action and states that the boys have just as much of a right to protest as the girls do.
  • Star vs. the Forces of Evil: Played for Laughs when Queen Moon is able to get King River to do an unfair share of the work simply by flatly reminding him that she gave birth to their child. "Ha! I can't believe that still works." That being said, it's repeatedly made clear that Moon is the one doing most of the work in the relationship, in addition to her duties administering the kingdom. It's to the point that most of the people in the kingdom, her husband included, don't know what to do when she's not giving them instructions.
  • Total Drama World Tour: When Geoff was checking out another girl, his girlfriend Bridgette smacked him with a surfboard and forced him to apologize. However, a few episodes later she wound up kissing Alejandro.
