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Tear Jerker / 101 Dalmatian Street

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  • "Girls Day Out" has Dolly being visibly angry and upset with Delilah when she scolds her for her disastrous Mother's Day gift and wishing she was more like Dylan.
  • Diesel getting arrested and his fear about being in prison in "The Nose Job," at least before he learns Snowball is in there with him.
  • "My Fair Dolly"
    • The pups worrying about Dolly being gone for good.
    • Dizzy and Dee Dee making Dorothy cry.
  • Deepak begging to be freed after getting infected in "Flea-Mageddon."
  • After Dylan and the Dimitris hurt Deepak's feelings, we get this scene from "The Wow Of Miaow."
    Deepak: Dylan, you know [tears start rolling down his face] bad things happen when good dogs do nothing. [begins to cry] And... And so with a nest full of thorns, this bird must fly!
    • After this, Deepak heads to live with Constantin. Now it's already been established pretty well Constantin doesn't like his neighbors because they're always too loud, but that's just annoyance. But seeing one of the younger ones being driven away by his own family? Now he really does have a legitimate reason to hate the Dalmatians. Really, the idea of a kid not feeling like he has a place in his own home anymore and running away is pretty tear jerky in itself.
  • "Doggy da Vinci" depicts Da Vinci being overwhelmed by the attention her T-shirt designs are getting and the fatigue of being made into a one-pup production line. What really seals it, however, is her mural, which is found by Dylan and Dolly. It depicts the two and Snowball demonically laughing while Da Vinci looks absolutely miserable and helpless beneath them.
  • "London, We Have a Problem"
    • Dolly's reaction to Dorothy being captured by Hunter's vacuum.
    • Dorothy crying before she's captured. Brings to mind how young children could take their home being invaded.
  • "Dawkins Strikes Back" has a very minor scene, but Dolly reacting in horror when Dorothy is about to be vacuumed up by the malfunctioning hoover shows that the events in "London, We Have a Problem" hadn't completely crossed their minds.
  • While Poodlewolf's 'funeral' in "Poodlefall" is mostly Played for Laughs, the imagery of Dawkins choking back sobs with tears in his eyes is sure to catch a first time viewer off guard. Also, the scene where Dylan just stares wordlessly at Dolly with tears rolling down his face and muzzle. It's enough to make Dolly feel sick with guilt.
  • Dante falling into a depression in Dante's Inferno because nobody takes his predictions seriously. The poor guy sounds like he's holding back tears as he tells Dylan and Dolly "Leave me alone, everybody thinks I'm a joke."
  • Dawkins losing his treasured Princess Positron doll in "The De Vil Wears Puppies."
    • Worse yet, if you look at the scene where a caged Hunter pleads with Cruella, Dawkins has a blank stare on his face as tears fall from his eyes to the floor of his cage. Clearly, Dawkins has been so effected by Positron's death that he's in a simultaneous state of shock and grief. By extension, the scene in "Puppy Dreams" where Dawkins hugs Princess Positron after having a nightmare becomes downright heartbreaking if you know what's going to happen to his doll.
    • At the end when everyone's on the bus, while the other Dalmatians are celebrating and running around happily, Dawkins just looks down forlorn on Princess Positron's eye goggle, the only part that made it out of the skinning machine intact.
  • Whenever Hunter breaks down into tears when his great aunt verbally abuses him. Her abuse and his cowering are played chillingly straight.
    • Cruella not rescuing Hunter from being trapped in the metal container for six months, causing his Sanity Slippage. He lets out a deflated little "oh" when she callously tells him that she didn't even notice he'd been missing.
    • The moment when he realizes she intends to kill the Dalmatians for their fur. The kid finally sees just how horrendous his great aunt truly is, and gives her one last teary look of betrayal before declaring her a monster.
    • Hunter crying after being thrown back into the container again, only this time with 97 angry puppies growling at him. He admits to the pups that he is all alone in the world, tearfully saying "I just want to belong to someone." Upon hearing this, the pups soften up and offer him what may very well be the first bit of affection he's ever been given. Their kindness causes his Heel–Face Turn.
  • Dylan and Dolly finding out about Cruella and what she plans to do with them in "The De Vil Wears Puppies." Whilst Dylan faints after hearing the news, all Dolly can do is let out a huge gulp and stare in complete horror.
