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Tear Jerker / Mortal Kombat 11 – Pre-Match Intros

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Not all of the intros in MK11 are awesome, funny, or both. As it turns out, there are somber ones in the bunch.

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WARNING: Spoilers are unmarked.

Intro Animations

  • Cassie's "texting" intro generally produces funny quotes, but one that can play when fighting Kabal can hit hard if you've already played The Krypt mode.
    KenshiJrnote : Ask K where my dad is!note 

Intro Dialogue

  • Scorpion revealing his most painful secret to Sub-Zero.
    Scorpion: (sadly) I still grieve my wife and son.
    Sub-Zero: I'm not so cold as to mock your pain.
    Scorpion: A wise choice, Sub-Zero.

  • Scorpion and Jade discuss what they've each lost with one another.
    Scorpion: I know what it is to lose one's people.
    Jade: You lost a clan, I lost a realm!
    Scorpion: The pain burns just as strongly.

  • Cassie partially, if not entirely, blames Raiden for causing the loss of her mother, and isn't ready to forgive him yet.
    Cassie: My trust in you cost me Mom.
    Raiden: How can I ever make amends?
    Cassie: (practically growling) I’ve got a few bad ideas.

  • Baraka and Jade talk about what happened to their future selves.
    Jade: In the future you're dead, I'm a Revenant.
    Baraka: I prefer my fate to yours.
    Jade: I must agree, Baraka.

  • Raiden and Shao Kahn has a darker intro, which also perfectly showcases the contrast between them:
    Shao Kahn: You burn with guilt, don't you?
    Raiden: For the pain I have caused others, yes.
    Shao Kahn: Compassion is for fools!

  • Frost and Sub-Zero have their own unique exchange, which highlights just how far Frost has fallen. Sub-Zero outright tells Frost he would have given her everything she’d asked for... if only she hadn’t tried to take it by force.

  • An interaction between Noob Saibot and Frost highlights just how desperate Frost craves recognition that she'll turn to Noob Saibot for approval, only to be rejected in a harsher manner than Sub-Zero had:
    Frost: You should have been Grandmaster.
    Noob Saibot: I would not allow female Lin Kuei.
    Frost: (visibly crushed) You're worse than Kuai Liang!

  • Noob Saibot has one with Scorpion, showcasing just how far gone the former Sub-Zero is.
    Noob Saibot: No true Lin Kuei could stomach you.
    Scorpion: Does that include your brother?
    Noob Saibot: What brother?

  • This one between D'Vorah and Sub-Zero, highlighting the respect Kuai had for Scorpion:
    Sub-Zero: This is for Hanzo.
    D'Vorah: Scorpion was your enemy.
    Sub-Zero: He was my equal.

  • One intro dialogue between Kitana and Liu Kang shows how difficult their relationship is in the face of Outworld's Fantastic Racism towards humans:
    Kitana: Kotal's right, we must end this.
    Liu Kang: But we have only just begun, Kitana.
    Kitana: Outworlders will never accept us.

  • This intro dialogue between Geras and Baraka hints at how sad Geras' life is:
    Geras: Your tribe is so populous.
    Baraka: How many are in yours?
    Geras: I am eternally alone.

  • One intro for a Mirror Match between two Liu Kangs reveals a surprisingly tragic reason for their fight.
    Liu Kang 1: Why come to this timeline?
    Liu Kang 2: (visibly saddened) My Kitana died... Yours still lives.
    Liu Kang 1: I pity you... But you should leave.

  • Terminator has one that is surprisingly sad with Nightwolf:
    Terminator: There are no Matokan on my earth.
    Nightwolf: We never existed?
    Terminator: You were destroyed and forgotten.

  • Skarlet might have been evil to the core, but that doesn't make her completely devoid of sympathy.
    Noob Saibot: You have no family?
    Skarlet: Yes, I am an orphan, Bi-Han.
    Noob Saibot: Then who will mourn you?

  • Noob, as barb-tongued and Made of Evil as can be, is also as much a victim of circumstance as characters such as Reptile or (original timeline) Sindel.
    • Just a painful reminder of the injustice that made Noob who he is now:
    Noob: I was killed unjustly.
    Raiden: For that, Scorpion lost my trust.
    • Remember how Noob hates the younger Sub-Zero using the mantle? There's a tragic reason for that.
    Noob: Still trading on my name?
    Sub-Zero: A name you forsook long ago!
    Noob: Not. Willingly.

  • Spawn and RoboCop commiserate over a backstory element they share: both were brought back from the dead to serve a corrupt power against their will.
    Spawn: So your ass got resurrected too.
    Robocop: For the company's benefit, not mine.
    Spawn: It's a special kind of hell, isn't it?

  • Mileena's interactions reveal Tanya is confirmed to have been Killed Offscreen in the interim between X and 11. Mileena is absolutely furious about this, considering how close they were, and she's out for more blood than usual in quite a few interactions. In fact, it's possible the reason Mileena's more bloodthirsty than ever in 11 is because she's just that pissed off about it.
    Mileena: Jade will die as Tanya did!
    Kotal Kahn: Return her to me, Mileena!
    Mileena: Never! You must feel my pain!

    Kano: Well color me gobsmacked. You and Tanya?
    Mileena: Name your price, Kano! I must avenge her!
    Kano: Because It's Personal, it's gonna cost extra.
    Rain: Direct your anger at Tanya, Mileena.
    Mileena: It was YOU who betrayed me, not her!
    Rain: Think, Mileena. Who introduced us?

  • Rambo's Shell-Shocked Veteran status means that he just wants the fighting to stop, whether he or his opponent bites it is not something he cares about anymore.
    Rambo: Which is why I'm fighting until it's over.
    Fujin: (genuinely horrified) Do not end it like this!
    • Even worse, he alludes to the hatred actual Vietnam veterans got by some of the American population. Even after all he's done, he just cannot make people stop hating him.
      Rambo: I hear coming home was rough for you, too.
      Jax: But I was lucky. Folks didn't question my honor.
