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Roleplay / Unbound Para-Servant

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Richard Cooper is your average everyday teenager. He wakes up, goes to school where he tries to avoid drawing attention from the gangs, bullies, and gangs of bullies that roam the halls while dealing with one particularly attentive bully, and then goes home only to repeat it all over again. This has been his life for years, and it would have continued if not for a lost ROB who took an interest in him. Thus his life is forever changed, and now Brockton Bay must watch out, for a new hero is on the rise.

Unbound Para-Servant is a Quest on Sufficient run by Yuki no Yue. The Quest starts in Worm, and follows Richard Cooper, who is empowered by a passing ROB, turning him into a Servant. The goal of the Quest: to make Richard the best hero he can be while also Saving the World from those that seek to destroy it. Simple, right?

Unbound Para-Servant provides examples of:
