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Recap / The Dragon Prince S 5 E 2 Old Wounds

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Requiring obscure knowledge on Startouch Elves, Callum and Rayla trek into Xadia, encountering a dangerous beast along the way.

Claudia pushes herself to save her father, unaware that Viren is undergoing his own trials within his mind.


  • All There in the Manual: Viren's interaction with young Soren in his dream makes more sense for those who have read the novelization of book 1: Soren had fallen deathly ill when he was a child, and Viren had to use dark magic to heal him.
  • Call a Rabbit a "Smeerp": Barius presents another new baked creation, Dougheo's. Familiar to us as Doughnuts.
  • Call-Back:
    • "Hot Brown Morning Potion" makes its return in time to perk up Rayla from her sleepy state, and to accompany its new lifelong partner "Dougheo's".
    • Rayla's amazement at all the mundane things in a Katolis Inn, is reminiscent of Callum's excitement when he first got to visit Xadia.
    • Once again Callum is caught off guard by Rayla making a romantic move on him while camped out under the stars. Only instead of a kiss, she leans against his shoulder, and instead of awkwardly stammering, they're far enough into their relationship that Callum just happily leans into her as well.
  • Casual Danger Dialogue: While fleeing for their lives from the corrupted Banther, Rayla and Callum have a brief exchange.
    Callum: Uh, can we stop lurching around? I'm trying to cast a spell here.
    Rayla: It's lurch or be lunch!
    Callum: Well, it's nighttime, so we'd more likely be dinner.
  • Deceptive Disciple: This is implied to be the case with Viren and his former mentor Kpp'Ar, the person whose soul-coin Rayla found in the previous episode. Viren tries to rationalize it as necessary, but his mentor accuses him of being power-hungry.
  • Double-Meaning Title: The episode's name refers to both the physical wounds left behind by Viren's actions, some of which are beginning to heal, and Callum and Rayla's mending relationship.
  • Fell Asleep Standing Up: After carrying her father for two days without sleep, Claudia is so exhausted that she falls asleep while walking.
  • Fever Dream Episode: A great part of this episode is showing Viren going on a Vision Quest in his subconscious.
  • Heh Heh, You Said "X": Soren can't stop laughing when Ezran mentions that he is sitting on his throne and being reminded of the immense pressure of his kingly duty. This was deliberately invoked by him since, before that, Soren voiced his worry that Ezran didn't giggle at all, and that it's unfair he's being forced to worry about grown-up stuff now, instead of getting to enjoy being a kid.
  • Hope Sprouts Eternal: As Callum and Rayla cross the border between the human realm and Xadia, a small plant is shown growing out of the otherwise dead lava ground, symbolizing the healing of the wound inflicted on the land by dark magic.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: " protect my family". Viren uses this line when defending his actions to his mentor in his fever dream.
  • Mythology Gag: Callum and Rayla's stargazing scene borrows some lines from a skit performed at SDCC 2019.
  • Not a Morning Person: In contrast with Callum's energy, Rayla is shown hating getting up so early for their journey. She suddenly wakes when Barius hands her a cup of "hot brown morning potion" which she drinks fervently.
  • Not So Above It All: Corvus can't help but point out that Ezran used the word deterrednote  in addition to duty, helping to lighten Ezran's mood.
  • Puppy-Dog Eyes: All together, Callum, Bait and Stella use this trick to convince Rayla to stay at a comfy Inn, instead of camping on the ground. Rayla is naturally unable to refuse their united front.
    Rayla: Oh, fine! Softies. (Stella sits on her shoulder chittering) Aww. Soft and cuddly.
  • Reduced to Dust: Viren's mind visualizes his fear of losing Soren to his illness as a child by having him crumble to dust in his helpless father's arms.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: The corrupted Banther attacking Rayla and Callum in the forest has glowing red eyes.
  • Rule of Symbolism: The plant Rayla and Callum pass in the breach is the stem of a white tulip, a flower that symbolises forgiveness and fresh starts in romantic relationships.
  • Sdrawkcab Speech: Aside from the usual with dark magic, this happens once in Viren's dream. It seems ominous, but a Rewind Gag is built in.
  • Ship Tease: Callum and Rayla spend the night together at a cozy inn, though the stay takes place entirely off-screen.
  • Sigh of Love: Rayla lets out a gentle sigh after Callum reciprocates her leaning onto him, before then telling him the Xadian name for the "South Star" is, "Leola's Last Wish".
  • Stargazing Scene: Together again in Xadia, Callum and Rayla share the different names Xadia and Katolis have for the stars, while enjoying each other's company.
  • Take the Third Option: Terry wants Claudia to rest for her own health, but she wants to keep moving for her father's. He comes up with a way to do both: craft a boat to travel along a river, allowing both humans to rest while remaining mobile.
  • Take the Wheel: While being chased by the wild beast in the forest, Rayla tells Callum to take the reins while she prepares to shoot the pursuer.
  • Trick Dialogue: Ezran seems to be holding an important speech until the camera zooms out to show him practicing that speech in front of Soren and Corvus.
  • Waking Non Sequitur: Callum let's out a panicked, "Garlath no!" when Rayla wakes him up to warn him about the sound she heard. Evidently hearing about the Annihilator before bedtime proved significant Nightmare Fuel for him.
  • We Meet Again: Viren utters this line when encountering the magic mirror in his fever dream.
  • Wham Line: During Viren's Vision Quest, he's seemingly reconciling with an image of Harrow who finally accepts him as his family, until he says, "Your soul is my treasure," and suddenly Viren is recoiling in fear as he is coined by Harrow.



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