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Recap / One Hundred And One Dalmatian Street S 1 E 46 The De Vil Wears Puppies

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101 Dalmatian Street is under siege when Cruella De Vil arrives! Will they all become a fur coat? Or will they all unite to defeat their greatest enemy!?

This episode features examples of:

  • 2DVisuals,3DEffects: Cruella’s car is animated this way in some scenes.
  • Badass Bystander: Lucy, the vendor and animal activist who the Dalmatians pair Mr. Fuzzy with in "Dog's Best Friend," calls the police when she notices Cruella's car with Doug tied up in the back and Clarissa gripping on the bonnet of the trunk. This in turn helps lead to Cruella being arrested.
  • Bald of Evil: Cruella seems to have taken to wearing a wig.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Fergus, Sid, Big Fee, Clarissa, Pearl, and even some humans help in rescuing the Dalmatians from Cruella.
  • Big "NO!": Dolly yells one when Dylan drags her through the tunnel that Diesel dug, worrying about their parents.
    • Hunter yells one too, when he's thrown into the shipping container with the puppies.
    • And finally Dawkins, when Cruella shreds his Princess Positron doll.
  • Bonding Through Shared Earbuds: Da Vinci and D.J. can be seen doing this with D.J.'s headphones when everyone is on the bus.
  • Break the Cutie: Dawkins watching his Princess Positron doll get shredded. If you look closely at the next shot, he's silently shedding tears.
  • Call-Back: It's established in "The Walls are Alive" that the ventilation in the Dalmatians' house and Constantin's house are connected. The de Vils use this to their advantage by placing a heater in the vent at Constantin's to raise the Dalmatian's house temperature.
  • Cats Are Mean: Compared to Hunter, who tries to rectify himself, Cuddles is still on board with the puppy coat being made, and of his master being caged up with the Dalmatians.
  • Continuity Cavalcade: Practically everyone who has appeared in the series so far appears in the episode, with several of them using the 101 bus back into London at the end.
  • Continuity Nod: In "Power To The Puppies," when Diesel gets all the puppies to begin digging, Dolly gets concerned if this will cause them to hit the Tube note . Here while digging, Diesel actually hit the top of a Tube tunnel.
  • Crazy-Prepared: The de Vils seem to be one step ahead of every move the Dalmatians make, counteracting their S.O.S., cutting off their kibble order, and forcing them inside their house and overheating it. It really shows that Cruella's spent six decades planning her second attempt for a puppy coat.
  • Darker and Edgier: This is easily the darkest episode of the show thus far, with the Dalmatian family being at risk of death.
  • The Dog Bites Back: Or rather "barks" back. After taking so much abuse from his great aunt, Hunter defiantly barks at Cruella, causing her to trip and fall backwards into her own puppy skinning machine.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Clarissa may have issues with the Dalmatians, but even she feels no one should treat a dog the way Cruella does.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Hunter draws the line when he learns in order to get her coat, Cruella would need to kill the puppies.
  • Facial Horror: Cruella's face is shown to be visibly cracking beneath her make up and spray.
  • Flashback: One to the first film, when Delilah explains the family's history with Cruella.
  • Forced to Watch: Cruella has Doug and Delilah tied up to watch their children die in her machine, and plans to kill the two of them after for matching luggage. She also forces Dawkins to watch Princess Positron get destroyed in her fur machine.
  • Fountain of Youth: Cruella seems to have a spray which de-ages her; or, at least, briefly covers up her wrinkles.
  • Grand Finale: This became the final episode of the series and Cruella got arrested at the end of the episode.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Hunter realizing Cruella's abuse, and seeing the bond the Dalmatian family have, gets him to join the Dalmatians against Cruella.
  • Heel Realization: While Hunter was going to capture the Dalmatians to make a coat for Cruella, he didn't realize that also means killing them, until Cruella mentions "dumping the remains."
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Cruella gets thrown into the machine, which she was going to use to skin the Dalmatians.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: Dizzy and Dee Dee both seem to think that Cruella and Hunter are good or, at least, funny goofballs. Granted, they think differently when they realize they are going to be made into a coat, but they turn around when Hunter reveals "I Just Want To Be Loved" below, but stay mad at Cruella.
  • I Just Want to Be Loved: Hunter admits to being this. Feeling alone in the world, and wanting to find a place where he belonged.
  • Impeded Messenger: Doug and Delilah try to send an S.O.S. to Pearl on the World Wide Woof, but Hunter counteracts it with a dog whistle before Godfrey can send it out further.
  • Insult Backfire: When Hunter calls Cruella a monster, she seems to consider it a compliment.
  • Internal Reveal: Delilah reveals her family's past with Cruella to Dolly and Dylan.
  • It's Personal: As Delilah explains to Dolly and Dylan, Cruella wants revenge on Pongo and Perdita, and is going after the next generation of Dalmatians (specifically related to Pongo and Perdita) to do so.
  • Kick the Dog: Cruella uses Dawkins's doll, Princess Positron, as a test subject for the skinning machine.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Before Cruella shows up, the show, while having some dark moments, was lighthearted and silly. Here, she shows up, and it's literally a matter of life and death.
  • Mythology Gag: Hunter's ringtone is the "Cruella de Vil" song from the original movie.
  • Never Say "Die": VERY much averted. Delilah very clearly tells Dolly and Dylan that Cruella has come to kill them, skin them, and make them into a coat.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Diesel digs a tunnel to the park, which could be used as an escape tunnel. Unfortunately, Dizzy and Dee Dee sneak through first, and Hunter finds them. Their naive nature, as well as thinking Hunter as funny, has the two open the door for Cruella and Hunter.
  • Police Are Useless: Subverted, as a human notices Doug and Clarissa on the back of Cruella's car, and calls the police. The police arrive at the docks to arrest Cruella.
  • Previously on…: Like "A Summer To Remember," Dante addresses the audience and says "Previously on 101 Dalmatian Street!"
  • Retraux: The scenes during the flashback are recreations of the original movie's art style.
  • Save the Villain: When Cruella gets thrown into her skinning machine, Delilah and Doug stop it from killing her because, as they state, while they may be animals, they are not monsters like she is.
  • Series Continuity Error: Cruella is the most interested in Dorothy's fur because it's the softest, despite Dorothy being spotless. In the original movie, Cruella was disgusted with Pongo and Perdita's newborn puppies being spotless. Granted, considering this time It's Personal for her, she may not be as picky with spot numbers.
  • Shout-Out:
  • "Take That!" Kiss: Fergus to Cruella once she has him in her grasp.
  • The Siege: The Dalmatians are trapped in the house, with the de Vils cutting off their water, power, food, as well as pumping up the house temperature.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: While Cruella was already... well, cruel, in the original film, here she takes things further. In the original film she legally bought the puppies for her coat (well, most of them), and hired henchmen to kill and skin them for her coat, the puppies are relatively fine with Horace and Jasper, and for the most part intended to leave Pongo and Perdita out of it. Here, she tries to dehydrate, starve, and overheat the Dalmatians out of their home, takes the killing into her own hands with a brutal skinning machine, and intends to also kill Doug and Delilah to make matching luggage, after they're forced to watch their children meet the same fate. All of this, on top of being abusive to Hunter, her reckless driving is also amped up a notch, not only swerving in and out of oncoming traffic, but nearly mows down a couple on a bench while being chased by Pearl and the pups.
  • Wham Line:
    • When Hunter over hears what Cruella plans to dump, when in international waters.
      Hunter: The remains? You're gonna kill them?!
    • When Cruella is arrested.
      Dorothy: Bye, Bye! note 
  • You Monster!: Hunter has this response after learning that Cruella plans to kill the puppies. She takes that as a compliment.


Video Example(s):


Dorothy's First Word

Cruella gets a sendoff from a tiny voice.

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Main / BabysFirstWords

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