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Recap / Lucifer (2016) S06E10 "Partners 'Til the End"

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Lucifer and Chloe race to rescue Rory from Vincent, even though it may lead Lucifer to his doom. However, in what is their final mission as partners, things may not turn out they way they think it will.

Tropes present in the episode include:

  • Actor Allusion: This isn't the first time that a character played by Rob Benedict is defeated thanks to Lucifer's offspring.
  • Back for the Finale:
    • Reese Getty returns as one of the Hell Loop patients that Lucifer is treating.
    • The real Charlotte Richards appears in the epilogue, making her first appearance since "Once Upon a Time".
  • Badass Family: Lucifer, Chloe, and Rory work together to take down Vincent and his goons.
  • Book Ends:
    • The first season finale has Lucifer and Chloe setting out to rescue Chloe's daughter from a dangerous criminal who knows Lucifer's true nature and how to kill him. The same thing happens here, only this time, rather than Trixie, they need to save Rory, their Kid from the Future.
    • The first episode ended with Lucifer entering Linda's office as the "In Session" light turns on. In the last scene, Lucifer and Chloe kiss as his office door closes, the "In Session" light turning on.
  • Brick Joke: The food that Dan is served in Heaven? Pudding.
  • Call-Back:
    • As in the season 1 finale, Chloe fatally shoots a criminal who is about to endanger Lucifer while rescuing one of her daughters.
    • In the ending, Lucifer plays the same piano piece that he did when he first met Chloe in the pilot, with the two recalling the words that they said to each other. Then the two play a duet of "Heart and Soul".
  • Cerebus Retcon: Lucifer once said that his angelic power is based on desire because desire is the ultimate expression of free will. In this episode Lucifer says that you can't truly torture someone without knowing what they desire.
  • Deadly Distant Finale: The epilogue is set decades later, as an old, dying Chloe is on her deathbed, with Rory by her side. When she dies, she is welcomed to Heaven, but chooses to descend to Hell and help Lucifer with his new job.
  • Disappears into Light: Rory is sent back to the future by a swirl of light.
  • Funny Background Event: When little Charlie's wings finally pop, Amenadiel gets a huge smile on his face and gives a triumphant fist-pump. Linda, meanwhile, is in total shock.
  • Game Face: After breaking out of her restraints to save Lucifer, Rory grabs Vincent by the throat and tries to murder him, the act of which causes her to self actualize her own Devil Face. Fortunately Lucifer is able to talk her down before she goes through with killing him and her face disappears.
  • Grand Finale: The very last episode of the series.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Chloe theorizes that human-angel hybrids like Rory have the same powers as an angel, but the weakness of a human. This means that she is not Nigh-Invulnerable and can be killed like any mortal.
  • Happily Ever After: After many years, Lucifer eventually reunites with Chloe in Hell and is to live with her for eternity, with Rory evidently on her way to join them.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Vincent Le Mec dies after falling onto the sharpened wing tips that he cut off Rory to use against her parents. He probably shouldn't have stored them with the points facing upwards.
  • Internal Reveal: Lucifer and Chloe learn that Dan was able to let go of his guilt and go to Heaven after meeting up with Trixie in the previous episode.
  • Karmic Reform Hell: Hell becomes this in the end; Lucifer personally helping reform damned souls so that they can enter Heaven.
  • Mama Bear: Chloe and Lucifer charge in taking down Vincent’s goons to save Rory.
  • Mortal Wound Reveal: Played with. While Chloe doesn't die, her being unable to fight on is signaled when Lucifer sees her getting stabbed by one of Rory's metal wing feathers. She ultimately soldiers on, anyway, by killing Vincent.
  • Razor Wings: Vincent cuts off Rory's sharpened wing tips so his goons can use them against Lucifer and Chloe.
  • The Reveal:
    • The reason that Lee Garner and Dan were able to finally let go of their guilt is because of Lucifer's guidance which leads him to realize that his own true calling is to return to Hell and serve as its healer and therapist, guiding other lost souls so they can eventually go to Heaven.
    • Turns out Charlie is an angel, after all. Or more specifically, a human-angel hybrid who has all of the angelic powers (including wings, and potentially a distinct power) but human weakness.
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Rory thinks that she is the cause of Lucifer being killed and disappearing from her life, as Vincent fashions her wing feathers into blades that can kill him, which would also explain why Chloe never explained what happened, though luckily this isn't the case.
  • Stable Time Loop: The reason Lucifer has to abandon Chloe and leave Rory without a father for her entire life is because she made him promise, so she would come back in time and set events in motion that would lead to him realising his true calling. Lucifer and Chloe are reluctant to do this, but Rory makes them promise to do so.
  • Together in Death:
    • Dan reunites with Charlotte in Heaven.
    • While he doesn't die, Lucifer is reunited with Chloe, after her death, in Hell.
  • We Help the Helpless: Lucifer realizes that his father's statement of Hell no longer requiring a warden is because he wants his son to help its inmates to relieve their guilt, not torture them.
  • "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue: Mixed with Deadly Distant Finale:
    • Upon reinstatement, Chloe becomes a lieutenant and starts to reform the LAPD, as evidenced by Harris accepting a promotion to detective, meaning she is no longer worried about being sidelined.
    • Ella has accepted Lucifer's offer to head a STEM foundation with Carol.
    • Maze and Eve continue being bounty hunters as a married couple.
    • Amenadiel is now God, but chooses to regard his angelic siblings as partners instead of soldiers, and divides his time between Heaven and caring for Charlie, who is revealed to be a winged human-angel hybrid like Rory.
    • Trixie becomes an astronaut, which is likely why she wasn't at Chloe's deathbed decades later.
    • Dan is reunited with Charlotte in Heaven, and is last seen having a fancy lunch with her.
  • White Void Room: Chloe's afterlife, before she descends to meet Lucifer in Hell, is depicted this way.
  • Worst Aid: Anyone trained in emergency first aid, as police officers such as Chloe would be, knows that if there's an object embedded in a deep stab wound, you leave it in place until doctors can remove it in a controlled setting, as it may be plugging a major bleeder. Chloe should have known better than to pull out the sharpened wing feather that she was stabbed with. As it was, pulling out the feather probably should have killed her from blood-loss, at the same time it's justified since Chloe knew she would live thanks to a Stable Time Loop and she probably really did not want to have her own daughter's blade-like feathers sticking out of her chest.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: Ultimately, Lucifer does leave Chloe for good for the rest of her mortal life, meaning that she will have to raise Rory on her own. But upon death, she is reunited with him.
