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Recap / Everybody Edits Flash Basic Campaigns

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This page features the Basic difficulty campaigns in Everybody Edits Flash, which includes Tutorials and Ancient Ruins.

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New to the game? Play this to learn all about how it works.

The tutorial campaign of Everybody Edits Flash, designed to teach players how the game works. It has four worlds by Ravatroll and the Everybody Edits Staff at the time.


    Tutorial #1 
  • Cobweb of Disuse: There are several cobwebs scattered throughout the castle and caverns, further suggesting they've been abandoned.
  • Easter Egg: A Secret Room can be accessed by going through the portal the wrong way and going through a discrete hole in the wall. Going further through the portal, the player can reach the top of the wall, where a sign that simply reads "Prickly Pickles!" stands.
  • Mythology Gag: Having a "Wrong way!" message found to the left of the beginning is a trait shared with the game's original tutorial.
  • Secret Room: There's a small tunnel above a portal near the end, leading to a Secret Room in the castle with a treasure chest and a crown.
  • Water-Geyser Volley: At the end of the cave segment, there's a line of upward gravity arrows and a large splash of blue blocks, forming a geyser that passing smileys must go through.

    Tutorial #2 

    Tutorial #3 

    Tutorial #4 

Ancient Ruins:

Discover the artifacts in these desolated tunnels. It's too quiet here...

A campaign featuring ruins-themed levels.

Contains the following:

  1. Ruins by Killeratz
  2. Desolate Caverns by Commanderkitten
  3. Buuwuu's Stronghold by Ravatroll, Lictor, and Nou
  4. Mount Uonegatscil by Lictor and Stagecrew



    Desolate Caverns

    Buuwuu's Stronghold

  • Ability Required to Proceed: The Jump and Fly effects are required to reach some ascend through some areas in the level, although the Jump effect is soon taken away after it is first needed in the level.
  • And Your Reward Is Clothes: A hidden area has a cake block, which gives the player's avatar a party hat. There's also a hologram block reachable if you get all blue coins, which turns it into a hologram.
  • Backtracking: The player must backtrack with the Fly effect to continue at a certain point.
  • Easter Egg: There's a secret portal that takes you to an unreachable area. There's one in that area that takes you to yet another area.
  • Emoticon: A hidden sign uses a crying :'( emoticon.
  • Leap of Faith: Falling downward into a distant hole is required to reach the second half of the level. Part the ground on both sides of a hole are covered in spikes, though fortunately the Level-Map Display helps in this regard.
  • Sequence Breaking:
    • You can reach the upper left of the stronghold early, skipping a step of the intended puzzle.
    • After the third coin, it's possible to get two coins out of order using precise jumps.
  • Tree Cover: A character is seen hiding behind a tree, with dialogue that suggests a fixation towards one of Buuwuu's coins.
  • Unknown Character: Buuwuu isn't stated to be seen in the level, although there's an unidentified character who may or may not be Buuwuu who appears as a face nearly covered in shrubbery.
  • What the Hell, Player?: There's a sign in a bonus area expressing disappointment at the player for stealing coins:
    You stole all of Buuwuu's coins :'(

    Mount Uonegatscil

  • Easter Egg:
    • The world's title backwards references its three creators' usernames.
    • In the top left corner, blocks spell out the text SECRET.
  • Sdrawkcab Name: The name spelled backwards is Licstagenou, referencing the usernames of its three creators (Lictor, Stagecrew, and Nou).
