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Recap / Chowder S 3 E 3 The Spookiest House In Marzipan

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Chowder has to make a delivery to an old haunted house across the street.


  • Amazon Chaser: Chowder interrupts Gazpacho flirting with a giant woman.
    Gazpacho: Chowder! Can't you see I'm trying to get my flirt on with a laday?
    Chowder: That's a lady?
  • Ambiguous Ending: It's unclear if Gazpacho has actually been his mother throughout the whole series or if it was just a part of the story.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: When Gazpacho thinks Gorgonzola is dead, he says that they hadn't really gotten a chance to know his character in the show yet.
  • Cannot Keep a Secret: Whenever Chowder wants him to do something, he reveals another of Gazpacho's embarrassing secrets like that he wears underwear in the shower or that he's hairless from the neck down so he glues carpet on himself.
    • Chowder does the same thing to Gorgonzola later.
  • Eat the Camera: The episode ends with this as Chowder screams.
  • Exact Words: When he sees and hears the phone ringing, Chowder says that he'll get it. And he did get it... by bringing the whole thing over to Truffles instead of answering it immediately.
  • Faux Horrific:
    Gazpacho: Rumor has it, that a crazy old lady lives there who plays bingo and eats hard candy and has plastic wrapped all around her furniture!
    Chowder: No, not plastic! That's so 70s-looking!
  • Fear of Thunder: Chowder has this and, more surprisingly, Shnitzel does too.
  • Foreshadowing: There are hints that Gazpacho is the old lady living in the haunted house. For example:
    • When Truffles answers the phone, the lady's voice on the line sounds similar to Gazpacho's.
    • Whenever Gorgonzola or Panini are at the front door of the house, Gazpacho runs off seemingly in fear just as the lady arrives at the door. That's because Gazpacho is actually running to put his disguise on.
  • Grossout Fakeout: During a thunderstorm, Chowder tells Mung he's scared and a puddle of liquid forms around his feet. In a Bait-and-Switch however, it ends up being from the broken water bottle he had in his pocket. This becomes a Running Gag throughout the episode.
    Mung: [to Shnitzel] You broke your water bottle too? Well, shame on you both for being scared!
  • Hand Gagging: Gorgonzola clamps Chowder's mouth shut when he's yelling about Gorgonzola wearing girl's underwear because he can't find any others in his size.
  • Haunted House: Chowder has to deliver an order to an incredibly creepy face-shaped house across the street from the restaurant.
  • Horror Host: An Art Shifted puppet Gazpacho who speaks with Vampire Vords.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Mung berates Chowder and Schnitzel for being scared, even though he gets easily frightened himself.
  • I Resemble That Remark!: When Truffles calls the boys babies, the camera cuts over to them in Goo-Goo Getups.
    Mung: (baby talk) You're the big baby.
  • Last-Second Word Swap: The creep who calls to make an order at Mung's restaurant does this.
    Caller: You...will...di...liver me a shmegg salad sandwich.
  • Medium Awareness: Mung pulls the screen towards himself to make Chowder move closer to the scary house against his will.
  • Mistaken for Undead: Truffles scares the rest of the group with her morning Nightmare Face.
    Mung: This horribly grotesque creature isn't a's much worse! See? It's Truffles with morning face!
  • Running Gag:
    • Characters breaking glass water bottles in their pockets and making it look like they wet their pants.
    • Chowder telling everyone's embarrassing secrets to get them to help him.
  • Screams Like a Little Girl: Gorgonzola does this when the creepy old lady opens the door and says "I could just eat you up!"
    Gorgonzola: Eat Chowder! There's more of him!
  • Shamu Fu: Chowder hits a groggy Truffles with a fish and he still does it after Mung reveals the truth.
  • Shout-Out: The ending is a parody of the 1960 horror film Psycho.
  • Talking to Themself: Gazpacho speaks as both himself and his mother when he's dressed as her.
  • Visual Pun: When Chowder's telling Gazpacho about how scared he is to make his delivery, he's shown as a giant chicken. However, this actually ends up not being Chowder, just a real giant chicken that is dressed like him and talks like him.
    Chicken Chowder: Gazpacho, I need your help making this delivery to a really scary haunted house because I'm a big chicken!
    Gazpacho: Not now, Mr. Chicken! Can't you see I'm talking to Chowder?
  • When Trees Attack: The haunted house is surrounded by monstrous trees that attack Gorgonzola and tell him to "Leave this place!". However, he's more terrified of their bad pun.
