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Playing With / The Juggernaut

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Basic Trope: A character who's damn near unstoppable.

  • Straight: Hellraiser is an utterly unstoppable force, having Super-Strength and Super-Toughness that lets him shrug off even the strongest attacks. He's attempting to get to the headquarters of the Super Team, punching through everything in his way.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Hellraiser doesn't even notice the desperate attacks of an entire army trying to stop him. He defeats them all with an Offhand Backhand so casual, one wonders if he was just scratching his shoulder.
    • Hellraiser is so immoveable, not even the laws of physics can do anything to slow him down.
  • Downplayed: Hellraiser can't be permanently stopped, but there are ways to slow him down or Hold the Line against him.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Hellraiser is easily stopped by something as minor as a gust of wind.
  • Subverted: Hellraiser is initially unstoppable, but then the main characters find his Achilles' Heel and drive him to his knees.
  • Double Subverted: ...then Hellraiser Turns Red and the Achilles' Heel is no longer effective.
  • Parodied:
    • Maximilian Khan, stage name "Hellraiser", sits in the sidelines during a football game, requesting the coach to let him play. The coach refuses as he wants the match to be fair. When they begin to lose, the coach puts Max on the field who then turns the tide in their favor.
    • Once he gets inside of the super hero lair, Hellraiser starts to say something, and then suddenly realizes he forgot why he was coming. He then apologizes and walks through the walls outside.
  • Zig Zagged:
  • Averted: Hellraiser is a normal member of the Rogues Gallery who happens to have impressive, but not overwhelming, strength and durability.
  • Enforced:
    • "We need to create characters that far outclass the main cast to establish Power Levels."
    • "We need a Hopeless Boss Fight against a major villain to show how strong he is."
    • "We need a bad guy that the heroes chase through the duration of the plot to keep things interesting."
    • "We need a big threat to justify a Crisis Crossover."
  • Lampshaded:
    • "Your efforts are pathetic and futile. Nothing can stop me."
    • "Hellraiser just won't go down!"
  • Invoked: "I assure you, Hellraiser, this serum and armor will make you unstoppable."
  • Exploited: The Maker wants to test the heroes' resolve against overwhelming odds, so they grant Hellraiser unstoppable power.
  • Defied: After analyzing Hellraiser's fighting style and weaknesses, the team's Omnidisciplinary Scientist creates weapons and gear made to quickly incapacitate Hellraiser, and gives a couple to each member of the Super Team.
  • Discussed: "We have to stop Hellraiser!" "Stop him? STOP HIM!? What do you think we've been trying to do all this time?!"
  • Conversed: "The episode's almost over, and Hellraiser is still going. I'm sure they'll find some way to take him down soon..."
  • Deconstructed: Hellraiser the Uncontainable is literally uncontainable. He's so rampant that both the heroes and villains decide to form a temporary truce as he poses a threat to both of their goals. While they cannot harm him, they easily overwhelm him.
  • Reconstructed: Hellraiser constantly deals with group fights, as he is well aware of his own power. He is skilled in the Conservation of Ninjutsu, and knows how to handle himself. Their efforts amount to a rain of arrows clanking on a tank roller.
  • Played for Laughs: Hellraiser charges at a police checkpoint, and Raccoon Kid gets ready to stop him. Despite his best efforts, he fails to even get Hellraiser to notice him.
  • Played for Drama: The main characters feel completely worthless after their failure to stop Hellraiser. It gets so bad that they have to accept help from a lowly Tarantu-Dude villain Electro-Man just because Electro-Man has both the brawns AND the extra lightning powers to match Hellraiser!
  • Played for Horror: Any fight against the Hellraiser plays out like a Mook Horror Show.

Nobody can stop you from returning to The Juggernaut.
