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Playing With / Heteronormative Crusader

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Basic Trope: Someone who sees sexuality in black and white terms, based on heterosexuality with rigid gender roles for how the man and the woman should be.

  • Straight: Bob frowns upon homosexuality and other "deviant" activities.
  • Exaggerated:
    • The above-mentioned "deviant" activities include sex in positions that don't look like the woman submitting to the man, sex before marriage, and sex that's enjoyed for its own sake without an end-goal of reproduction. He not only protests a bill that would allow same-sex marriage, but argues that accepting same-sex relationships makes all opposite-sex relationships worthless.
    • This extends even to matters beyond sexuality, such as not allowing women to work outside the home.
    • Bob wants to get rid of homosexuals.
    • Bob doesn't even allow same-sex friends or siblings to express their relationships passionately enough to make their sexuality look too ambiguous, and forces them to act cold toward each other.
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified:
    • Bob has deep-seated issues, such as past sexual abuse, that cause him to think this way.
    • His past experiences with sexual minorities cause him to stereotype them very negatively.
    • Bob was raised in a homophobic environment and/or comes from a time of Values Dissonance
    • Bob was raised by a religious order which believes that heterosexuality is the only acceptable sexuality.
    • Bob is a member of a religion that states heterosexuality is the only acceptable sexuality but permits peaceful co-existence with people of alternate sexualities.
    • Bob is in charge of a group that's agreed to have as many children as possible (such as Space Colonies).
  • Inverted:
    • Bob believes that heterosexuality, reproductive sex between a married couple, and traditional gender roles are deviant and wrong.
    • Straw Feminist: May hate heterosexuals (instead of homosexuals). May still hate sadomasochists, however.
    • Ethical Slut: Being the opposite kind of character in the same kind of setting.
    • Depraved Homosexual / Bondage Is Bad: The "deviants" are the bad ones. People trying to stop them are merely morally upstanding concerned citizens, not necessarily heteronormative crusaders. And if they are, they are of the Noble Bigot or Strawman Has a Point kind.
    • Bob believes that failing to fight against/defy The Man and his 'constrictive sexual morality' — meaning doing anything that resembles heterosexual, reproductive sex — means you are on the side of The Man. He does not believe in taking a third option, and might even be rather against bisexuality.
    • Bob accuses anyone who is heterosexual, homosexual, asexual, a virgin, prefers monogamous relationships, or just isn't that into kinky sex of being a Sour Prude and may even be prejudice against them.
    • Real Women Don't Wear Dresses: Further than hating traditional gender roles, they may hate heterosexuality as well.
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted:
  • Parodied:
    Bob: No weird positions! No kinks! No items! Fox only! Final Destination!
  • Zig Zagged: Bob believes that homosexual activity is wrong, but sees harassing gays for simply having the temptations wrong as well.
  • Averted: Bob never discusses his views on sexuality.
  • Enforced: It's an Author Tract about sexuality.
  • Lampshaded: "Bob has some... issues about gay men. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?"
  • Invoked:
    • Bob learns in religion class that anything other than a married male-female couple having sex for reproductive purposes is wrong and that he need to fight to "protect" marriage, etc.
    • Alternatively, Alice give a little speech about the destructiveness of heteronormativity and discrimination, maybe accusing Bob of being a bigot while she's at it.
  • Exploited: Charlie and David deliberately kiss each other in front of Bob in order to provoke the latter to punch them in front of the crowd.
  • Defied: Bob makes an active effort to be open-minded about sexuality, gender roles, etc.
  • Discussed: "Bob, what's with hating the gays?" "It's a disease, Alice. Those filthy sodomites are diseased, and I'm trying to persuade them to seek a cure for their illness."
  • Conversed: "OK, so this character hates gays. And bisexuals. And bondage. And masturbation." "Is there any sexual contact he likes?" "Well, maybe the kind within religiously-recognized heterosexual marriage for the purpose of reproduction, but only if it's in the missionary position."
  • Deconstructed:
    • Bob may be feeling insecure about his own sexuality, and puts others down (or hurts them) to make himself feel better. This may stem from any number of things, including (but not limited to) his culture and his religion.
    • Alternatively, Bob has religious beliefs that make him believe homosexuality to be bad but also influence him to "hate the sin but love the sinner". He believes that there is a "gay agenda" that hurts people by corrupting them into gayness, but that it's best not to target the individuals, just the behavior, but to do it as ethically as possible. Unless he lives in a setting where there actually is an evil gay conspiracy, he's a Troubled Sympathetic Bigot.
    • And, of course, there's always the fact that such kind of people can instigate others to perform terrible deeds for the sake of their crusade, eventually leading to a lose-lose situation for everyone, as the LGBT community ends up as the target of all their atrocities, while the non-radical, genuinely nice religious people end up taking all the flak for their horrible deeds.
  • Reconstructed: At the end of the day, whether Bob accepts homosexuality or not, he just doesn't want to take part in it himself.
  • Played For Laughs:
  • Played For Drama:
  • Played For Horror: Bob is a Serial Killer who targets particularly queer people.

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