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Nightmare Fuel / The Legend of Spyro

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"Cynder, horrific, ferocious, a black dragon that fills the skies with terror, an unstoppable force of nature..."
  • Everything about Malefor.
  • Dragons capable of Poison, Fear and Shadow breaths exist but are not natural and are the result of a "dark magic".
  • What the apes could have possibly done to Cynder to make her into an Ax-Crazy monster. What's worse is that she killed numerous other dragons during and after the war before she was 12.
  • The console game menu of The Eternal Night. While the console game menu of A New Beginning has a light and hopeful theme, The Eternal Night has a dark and menacing theme. The scary Ominous Latin Chanting while the Mountain of Malefor sits in the background makes the scenario feel like one is about to enter the gates of hell. And then right when the chant ends, Malefor's silhouette appears during a brief moment during a thunder strike!
  • The Golem from Dawn of the Dragon is pretty horrific, especially when Spyro and Cynder are escaping the catacombs and encounter it during several quick time sequences. If you fail to press the correct button, you're treated to a scene of Spyro and Cynder either getting crushed to a pulp or devoured whole, complete with chomping sound effects.
  • What Malefor did to the Apes for their disloyalty sometime after his resurrection, using his dark magic strip them of their flesh and turn them into living skeletons that now survive by attacking stragglers from the shadows.
  • In the Nintendo DS version of Dawn of the Dragon, after you bested Malefor in the first phase of the final battle, he somehow initiates the world's destruction, and through some power, he transforms into a massive, dark and horrifying monstrous version of himself that towers over both Spyro and Cynder. It doesn't help that the fiery inferno around them is making Malefor look like a frightening shadow.
  • The Hermit in Dawn of the Dragon is downright unsettling; speaking in a reedy, gurgling voice, delivering sinister warnings whilst ominous music and drumbeats play in the background.
