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Fridge / The Legend of Spyro

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Fridge Brilliance

  • Why does Malefor not care about his own fate? At first it seems that he just doesn't care but then he yells that he's 'eternal' during the final battle. Seems he thinks of himself as immortal. Now, if he was, or at least believed he was, he'd have survived the end of the world and lived into the new one. Malefor is power mad and has awesome destructive power, and a chessmaster. Put all that together and it doesn't seem to be a stretch that it was all an Evil Plan to survive the end and be around when the world was recreated, allowing him to do whatever he wanted to (given it's Malefor, that would cress into Fridge Horror).
    • Malefor tried to wipe out all the Dragon eggs from the Year Of The Dragon to prevent Spyro's birth. While the other eggs were smashed, it's revealed later in the game that he needed a dragon (Cynder) to turn into a monster to free him from his prison in Convexity, part of his plan from the start. In the third game, it's revealed it was actually Spyro who he needed to free him, not Cynder. This makes complete sense when one takes into account that it was part of his plan to kidnap a dragon to begin with. It's completely possible he intended to take the Purple Dragon from the get go, but modified his plan when it was discovered the Purple Dragon's egg wasn't at the temple.
    • Why did Malefor need the Destroyer to destroy the world when Spyro did the exact opposite on his own? Malefor guided the fate of his era, which ended. Spyro guides the new era. So Malefor needed an outside force in order to carry out his plan because fate laid in Spyro's hands now. Thus his efforts to convince Spyro his destiny was what Malefor wanted, Spyro guided the fate of the era and if he was convinced it would happen it would.
    • It seems strange that Malefor would lose it over Cynder breaking free of his control thanks to The Power of Love, but think about it. Malefor is obsessed with power and has an never ending hunger for it. Thus why he enjoys being a perfect chessmaster and manipulating everyone to do his bidding, it gives him power over it. In this one instance, for the first and only time in the series, something happened he had no control over. Thus why such a minor thing caused him to have a short Villainous Breakdown.
  • In A New Beginning, Ignitus narrates the story as you go along, at least for the first half of the game. Of course, we don't think much of it. But skip to Dawn of the Dragon and Ignitus is killed by the fire left behind by the Destroyer. It is later revealed after the credits that he became the next Chronicler. Could it be possible that Ignitus was telling the story of A New Beginning as the Chronicler?
  • The Dragon Elders coming out of the world's core to defeat Malefor may seem like a Deus ex Machina that is never really explained, but soon afterwards it actually kind of is; by Ignitus himself. As he says, a dragon's spirit remains in the world to help the still living. What occurs then is that exact process happening; the Elders' Spirits helping to save their world from beyond the grave. It may have come out of nowhere but lore/setting wise, it does make sense for it to happen.

Fridge Horror

  • The real Cynder is pretty kind-hearted while Dark Cynder is an Ax-Crazy monster that has no qualms about murdering someone and the Guardians imply they were tortured while she held them captive. It's quite frightening to imagine just what Malefor's dark magic did to her to make her turn into that...
    • Also, she's the only dragon with real metal blades while others have bone weapons. A brief storybook flashback depicting her corruption reveal that Cynder used to have regular wing and tail spades. She was only given metal spades, her trademark black scales and markings as a result of her corruption. And from the looks of it, it was a painful process.
  • Ignitus is killed by the Belt of Fire that surrounds Malefor's domain. At first, it doesn't seem that bad...until you realize he burned to death, what a horrible way to die!
    • As a cold comfort, it's possible that Ignitus didn't so much burn to death as simply cease to be and essentially vanish into the aether (ala Obi-Wan).
  • There's a very good case for the claim that Spyro is suffering under dependent personality disorder in regards to Cynder thanks to the constant stresses of his childhood. Not only does the other seem to be the only thing that can pull them back when they're having an 'episode' (in this case, their dark forms) but a lot of the symptoms have been exhibited throughout DotD. Symptoms can include anything from extreme passivitynote , devastation or helplessness when relationships endnote , avoidance of responsibilitiesnote  and severe submission.note  If true, this puts a very creepy undertone to their relationship.
    • Fortunately, by the end of DotD, he seems to have moved past or at least brought it under control; before fixing the planet with Aether, he tells Cynder to flee in case something goes wrong, showing he is able to put his dependence on her as a Living Emotional Crutch aside to ensure she remains safe, with her staying by him of her own will. Also, whilst Ignitus' message from beyond the grave inspires him on what to do, he's never explicitly told on how to use his power to save the world; it's just a little extra push that leads to his own conclusion on what he must do.
