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Nightmare Fuel / Juujika no Rokunin

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From sexual assault to outright Cold-Blooded Torture and gruesome murders, this has to be one of THE darkest Shōnen mangas that has ever been written, and for good reason. Needless to say, there is A LOT OF GORE and Nightmare Faces involved in this manga. Read at your own risk, if you dare..


The Main Story

  • The entire premise of the manga and the first chapter no less. Poor 12-year-old Uruma Shun gets repeatedly picked on by his peers, until he can take no more of it when they kill a stray kitten he had been secretly looking after. He transfer schools as a result, yet he doesn’t name-check any of them. But not long after his transfer, the ringleader of the bullies, Kyou Shigoku, does the unthinkable. He decides to shove his friend, Madoka Hiro, onto the middle of the street so that Uruma's parents and little brother, who are driving at the time, would crash into him. Quickly thinking, the parents immediately steered to the right to avoid hitting the young boy ONLY to crash at some point. Worse, when Uruma's younger brother, Kakeru, who survived the ordeal, gets beaten bloody by Kyou with a rock and REPEATEDLY KNOCK HIM UNCONSCIOUS. Then Kyou sets the car wreck on fire, as Madoka awes at the sight while Kyou licks his lips in satisfaction. Yet somehow Kakeru managed to survive all that, only to end up in a coma. As a result, Uruma vows to have all of his bullies killed as he trains under his grandfather, who was an ex-militia member, for 4 years. Eventually, this would be followed up by a lot of torture, brawls, and blood.
  • The beginning of Chapter 2. As Chizuru was walking by herself one day, suddenly, a perverted disgusting looking man jumps out of nowhere and attempts to sexually assault her, only for Uruma to show up in time and protect her. Uruma tells her to leave and that he’ll handle things with the police. Except he doesn’t, he guts the would be rapist like a fish, satisfied that he does have the ability to kill, while glaring upwards at the screen.
  • Senkouji's signaling for Chizuru to hold Uruma as he knocks him down. The face that he makes is enough for the audience to deduce that he is indeed faking his kind personality towards Uruma instead of genuinely trying to make amends with his former friend. And boy were they right in the next chapter...
    • Senkouji's reveal of this true intentions after kidnapping Uruma and Chizuru. From strangling a white cat, shooting at it’s corpse with a nail gun and then firing warning shots at Uruma and Chizuru, and his attempt murder of Uruma, this part of the scene shows the audience how MESSED UP of a person Senkouji is. How much so? He has secretly bombed the place and threatens to pull the trigger should his captives try to escape, until Uruma gains the upper hand and exacts his first vengeance against Senkouji.
      • Senkouji's torture and ultimate demise from Uruma himself. From peeling off some of Senkouji's skin to touching the parts of his body that was skinned off to cause him even the most amount of pain from the slightest touch, then shoots him with the exact BB gun model that his former tormenter used on him. He eventually dies from extreme shock and pain. It just shows us that Uruma WILL NOT be lenient on the monsters who made his life a living hell.
  • Ushiro Yuuga putting a lighter under a prostitute's tongue after biting it during their “make-out” definitely counts. Not only does he show his cruel facial demeanor, but he also claims that she is necessary for his job. It would be even worse if he burned off her tongue...
  • How about when Ushiro sexually assaults Karen, who’s chained up in a room.
  • When Ushiro attempts to kill Azuma Chizuru with a knife after confirming that she witnessed his rape of Karen the previous night... He even has a creepy-looking face. Had it not been for the timely arrival of another man, Ushiro would have killed Azuma and have left her for dead. However, he does give her a creepy message...
  • Ganno's attempted sexual assault on Azuma. When the man attempts to attack Chizuru, there was nothing the girl could do but to get as far away from him as possible in the same room that she is in before Uruma intervenes and saves her. Had that not been the case, he would already have had his way with her, maybe even killed her if she kept resisting.
  • Ushiro's torture and death. When Uruma places a form of opening device called the pear of anguish in his urethra, he immediately activates it, causing the device to open up like a petal as it starts stretching the insides of his urethra, causing him A LOT of pain. Then Uruma lets Karen finishes the job with a mini version of the pear of anguish and then shoves it inside his manhood. He eventually dies from severe blood loss.
  • The outcome of Karen's abuse at the hands of Ushiro Yuuga. After being mistreated by Ushiro for a long time, she becomes insane to the point that she immediately commits suicide because she believed she can never go back to a normal life after all the hell that Yuuga put her through.
  • Madoka Hiro's insanity also counts as he is shown to be pretty much mentally insane throughout his life. It's no wonder why a child got scared from his bullying and of his creepy smile upon bumping into him. When Kyou orders him to back off, Madoka decides to randomly poison a teen boy solely because he resembled the same kid who got scared from him.
  • Uruma's confrontation with Madoka. Had Kaname not intervened, things would get very crazy for Uruma as he could have gotten more innocent people involved in the crossfire...
  • Madoka's masturbation at home. The moment he thinks of Kaname, he ends up getting so attracted to the point that he even wants to assault her. Sadly, this did become true... Not to mention his horrific facial features as he’s mad as hell for Uruma for being on good terms with Kaname and vows to kill him.
    • Fast forward to Madoka pleasuring himself AFTER he attacked Kaname. He even thinks that the experience was so satisfying, that he plans to break into her home and assault her again! Showing just how twisted he is as a character.
  • Madoka Hiro's attempted food poisoning of the cast members of Romeo and Juliet with a random box of coffee can be said about this. His plan is that once Uruma is poisoned, vomiting on stage and messes up his acting more than it already is, (which all of his thoughts are presented as comedic, yet ironically horrifying and serious), his former victim would exit the building as he would stab the already poisoned young man. He just didn’t take into account that some of the students took a little sip of the contaminated drink, spit it out, and warned everyone else not to drink it before Uruma takes the coffee. Unfortunately, when Kaname confronts him, this leads to...
  • Madoka's torture and eventual death.
    • His thumbs are gruesomely crushed by a medieval torture device.
    • When Uruma suddenly leaves, Madoka manages to break free from his restraints and tries to run out. Then he collapse from the pain of his feet, then Uruma comes back and reveals why. Both of Madoka's biggest toes are cut off to prevent him from escaping.
  • Kuga Daichi as a character. Asides from being the vilest character in the entire manga, he is also shown to be even more twisted than Madoka Hiro, and is far more aggressive than the other bullies as shown when he physically attacks both his male and female peers while also sexually assaulting his female counterparts.
  • Kuga and Uruma's first fight as Kuga starts gaining the upper hand when fighting Uruma, even showing a creepy smile and tone as he attempts to finish Uruma off with his fists. Eventually, Uruma gains the upper hand and defeats Kuga by throwing him down from a distance, seemingly dislocating all his limbs and breaking off several of his teeth!
  • Uruma's murder of Anzai Zenichi in Chapter 58. When Anzai offers a hand to him to signify a friendship to help the teenager redeem himself and turn himself in for Kuga’s murder, the teenager decides to choke him instead. What makes this scene very horrifying is how Uruma has a terrifying face upon killing Anzai. What doesn't help is the fact that there is a panel in which the scene is shown from Anzai's perspective, making the scene looks as if the AUDIENCE MEMBERS ARE BEING CHOKED BY URUMA HIMSELF. Overlaps with TearJerker.
  • Uruma's shocked state when Oota asks him if he had seen Anzai Zenichi. Had she immediately found out about the ordeal between Uruma and Anzai, she would have arrested him!
  • The sex scene in Chapter 62. When Kaname begs Uruma to have sex with her, he does so, but not without doing so in an aggressive way. When the next panel shows his face, he looks AS IF he’s assaulting her instead of actually participating in a consensual sexual activity! By all accounts, Kaname actually seemed to enjoy it! Notice that she never told him to stop but passionately calls out his name as she hugs him and then grips onto the sheets with one hand as she clings onto him with the other. It’s a good thing she kept her eyes closed and his hair covering most of his face, otherwise she would have definitely freaked out if she saw his facial expression.
  • Chapter 63
    • Jun's interrogation of Kaname as he is very frantic and paranoid over what Uruma did to her. He looks as if he's about to lash out at Kaname (when in reality, he only wants to make sure Uruma didn't do anything bad to her ever since she got assaulted by Hiro). Unfortunately, Kaname shoves him away from her as she tells him to leave her alone. Might overlap with TearJerker.
    • The moment Jun leaves the house, as he starts lamenting about his actions towards Kaname, he starts thinking that Uruma did something very bad to her, eventually showing him calling Uruma by his last name properly for the first time, but not without his angry expression and tone.
    • Kyou's appearance at the end of the chapter. The moment Kyou and Jun meet for the first time, Kyou appears to be recruiting Jun to have him join his gang of "researchers", who are actually a bad group of people dedicated to destroying people's lives!
  • Chapter 65. From Bad to Worse doesn’t begin to describe this chapter, let’s start off with…
    • The Revolution Club. What is very shocking is that Kyou has amassed a large group of followers who are unaware of his true intentions. Worse, those people could have been brainwashed by Kyou into destroying people's lives and enjoying every second of it, just like Kyou’s original four underlings!
    • The introduction of the four researchers. Andou Midori, Momoki Sana, Nogi Takashi, and Miguel all have creepy faces enough for the audience to deduce that not only are they sociopathic like Kyou and his late friends, but that they can be just as cruel as the ringleader of the bullies himself!
      • Worse, those "researchers" might be even related to the late bullies in terms of appearance or personalities!
      • Andou Midori->Kuga Daichi: While Andou has the appearance of a bookworm, his creepy and unexpressive face, as well as his tendency to attack people first, shows us that he might be similar to Kuga in terms of personality.
      • Miguel->Senkouji Katsumi: Ironically, while Miguel shares Kuga's strength, he also shares Senkouji's charisma and "pretty boy" face while being just as cruel as the rest of the other bullies.
      • Momoki Sana->Ushiro Yuuga: Although Momoki might look more like Kyou in terms of their face, the fact that she looks like someone who is mentally insane, yet with an attractive appearance gives us the fact that she is using her appearance to seduce other people into following her, only for her to either kill or kidnap them once she's through with them!
      • Nogi Takashi->Madoka Hiro: Nogi shares a lot of traits with Madoka due to not only being the shortest of the entire gangs, but also being mentally instable! Nogi looks as if he's about to attack someone at this moment...
    • The moment Kyou sends his researchers, along with Jun, to deal with Uruma.
  • The moment Uruma and Kyou meet again in Chapter 66. The moment this happens, Kyou attempts to choke Uruma with the latter having flashbacks of the times the former tormented him, only for Kyou to simply pull back his arm and leave. The chapter ends with Uruma being shocked at the incident.
  • Kakeru screaming as he still has not gotten over the trauma that he went through in Chapter 67. As Uruma comforts him, he also makes an angry face as he vows to kill Kyou for hurting his brother. Overlaps with TearJerker.
  • The ending of Chapter 67 in which the researchers are standing around a building as they stare at Uruma in the distance, looking as if they are ready to attack him. Subverted for the most part, as they didn't do so until the events happening between Chapters 69 and 70 in which they simply kidnapped Kakeru and dragged him to Uruma and Kyou's former elementary school to lure Uruma into a trap.
  • The man who Oota is dating in Chapter 68. While he appears to be a laid-back, charismatic, and funny man, it wasn't until he mentioned the Revolution Club did he reveal that he was a member of it, all while expressing a creepy demeanor! He even tries to recruit her into the club! Thankfully, the man left after they were done meeting as no harm was done to Oota.
  • The researchers' torture of a Revolution Club member. The moment that they drowned the man's head inside a tub of water, they keep doing so until the man becomes insane!
  • Andou's announcement of going to Uruma to deal with him by the end of Chapter 69. It looks as if they were going to kill him. Until it was revealed that they were simply going to have him play a deadly game with Kyou later on.
  • Kakeru's kidnapping in Chapter 70 definitely counts. The moment Uruma visits his brother's room at the hospital to check up on him, he noticed that neither his brother nor his grandfather are there! Instead, he found a dead cat in a pool of blood covered under a blanket on Kakeru's hospital bed, shocking the nurses around him. Worse, one of the researchers, Momoki, shows up out of nowhere and asks Uruma to follow her to where Kyou is, implying a very violent showdown that is to come in the next few chapters!
  • The moment Uruma meets his brother in Chapter 71. As soon as he sees his brother who is being held hostage by Nogi, Uruma tries to rush over to rescue his brother only to be restrained by Miguel and asked by Momoki to have a seat, in which the terrified teenager does so with the female researcher kissing his cheek in return. Eventually, the ending of the chapter reveals that Kyou intends for Jun to be Uruma's opponent, as Jun approaches Uruma and calls him by his name with a creepy demeanor, looking as if he was about to beat the living crap out of Uruma! Until that was averted in Chapter 72 in which they are to fight by simply playing a game of "Rock, Paper, Scissors".
  • The "Rock, Paper, Scissors" match can be said about this.
    • When Uruma lost in his first round to Jun, in which the latter threw something out as the former didn't, Uruma was forced to watch Andou saw off his younger brother's right leg as he is being restrained by Miguel and could not do anything about it! (Though this scene was censored for various reasons.)
    • In Chapter 73, when Kakeru got his leg cut off (censored once again), he not only failed to express any emotions, but also failed to express pain! This gives the audience a feeling that Kyou might have had Kakeru drugged prior to the match.
    • The moment Andou grabs Jun by the hair when the latter was about to withdraw from the match, acting as if he was about to execute Jun himself. Subverted, as he's telling Jun to basically get his act together before having him continue the match.
    • The moment Jun doesn't throw anything out in the match. As Jun felt remorseful for hurting Uruma's younger brother indirectly, he decides to make it up by simply not doing anything, so that Uruma could win the game and leave the school! While it may sound heartwarming at first, it isn't so as we hear the sound of something getting chopped in the background, showing that Jun has actually backfired on his plan as he is inadvertently hurting someone else in the process: HIS OWN TWIN SISTER, KANAME!
    • The shocked expressions on both Uruma and Jun's face when Kyou received a call telling him that someone died right after the second round as the pain that they experienced was too much for them, even referring to them as a "normal school girl". This makes both of them realize that they are also hurting another person on Jun's side as Uruma continues winning.
    • The ending of Chapter 74. The moment that Momoki wheels a lifeless Kaname (who is missing a right arm and a left leg as a result of Jun losing 2 of the rounds of "Rock, Paper, Scissors") to both Uruma and Jun, the two boys were shocked before saying Kaname's name. Again, the mutilated parts are censored for unknown reasons. Doubles as a Tear Jerker.
    • The moment Jun is forced to participate in another round of "Rock, Paper, Scissors" with Uruma after losing his sister as a result. After failing to attack Kyou due to Andou's intervention, he is tied up to a chair as Kyou draws a dotted line on the top of his forehead, stating that if he loses to Uruma again, they will kill him by slicing the top of his head off!
    • The ending of Chapter 75 in which both Uruma and Jun are forced to participate in another round of "Rock, Paper, Scissors", giving the audience the feeling that something bad is about to happen in the next chapter...
    • Chapter 76
      • As Uruma and Jun are starting their match with each other, both of them are so tense that when they both got scissors, they did reach a tie, causing both of them to survive the match. However, Jun did throw up as a result of being shocked at what is happening...
      • The moment Uruma lost to Jun the second time. When that happened, the researchers were going to cut off Kakeru's other leg as a result, causing Uruma to finally snap and elbow one of Miguel's hands grasping on his shoulder before gouging out the bigger man's left eye, causing his eyeball to LITERALLY DANGLE FROM HIS FACE! Unfortunately, this didn't work as the bigger man continued restraining Uruma before he had the chance to rescue his brother... Thankfully, Uruma's grandfather had arrive in time to rescue Kakeru before the researchers had a chance to hurt him! Had that not been the case, Kakeru would have been done for! Overlaps with Awesome.
  • Chapter 77
    • Uruma screaming for the researchers to stop attacking his younger brother as Gramps is tied up to a wall from the man's perspective of the events in Chapter 76. Had he not escaped, he would have failed to save Kakeru in time, which leads to...
    • Gramps sawing off his right leg. This is very disturbing, as he ends up having to stand up on his own!
  • Miguel attempting to choke Uruma had Gramps not disarm him and poked his vital point in time.
  • The backstory in which Gramps was a killer. Although overlapping with Tearjerker, it is pretty scary as we see a monstrous Gramps who would kill many people as a soldier of the Kitayama Corps... What doesn't help is how seeing his vengeful grandson (Shun) desiring vengeance on his bullies reminded him of his times as a soldier...
  • The opening scene of Chapter 81 in which we see Miguel's corpse on the ground after having his vein extracted by Gramps...He looks as if he is a zombie desiring to eat someone's brains at this moment...
  • Momoki snatching Kakeru before anyone could lay a hand on the young boy...This scene is pretty creepy as she is planning on killing the young child if Uruma comes closer to Kakeru...
  • Kyou laughing by himself before telling Uruma that he needed to become even more cruel than he already has. Gosh, the sociopath has the audacity to lure Uruma into the dark side just for his damn twisted entertainment!
  • The ending of Chapter 81 in which we fear the battle between Gramps and Andou...
  • Chapter 82
    • The moment Andou activates his chainsaw to fight Gramps.
    • The sadistic face Andou makes while admitting that he enjoys seeing other people suffer.
    • Andou's inability to experience pain the moment Gramps punches him in the face.
    • Andou's backstory in becoming the monster he is in the present. The moment Kyou reminds him how to receive the excitement of being one, he not only kills people for fun, but also enjoys torturing them just for his cruel amusement! God, isn't killing people already the worst thing he has ever done?!
    • The moment Andou looks as if he's about to kill Momoki, only for the latter to run away while the former makes his move on Kakeru...
    • The ending in which an already insane Andou is about to kill Kakeru with a chainsaw while Uruma rushes towards them to stop the attack...
  • Chapter 83
  • Chapter 84
    • Nogi laughing and kicking Uruma certain didn't help as Uruma is forced to stare at the corpses of his love ones as a result of the researchers' actions. Too bad it would lead to...
    • Uruma's retaliation on the researchers. As Nogi continues to bother Uruma while the latter stares at his loved ones' corpses, Uruma LITERALLY RIPS OFF NOGI'S FACE FROM HIS HEAD BEFORE PUNCHING (implicitly) THE RESEARCHER ON THE GROUND, EFFECTIVELY KILLING HIM!!!! This also turns Uruma into a monster as he not only lost everyone he loved, but he also wants revenge on Kyou and his gang for what they did to him!
    • Uruma's face at the end of the chapter as Kyou states that his victim has the face of a murderer. Overlaps with Tear Jerker due to the monster that Uruma is becoming...
  • Chapter 85
    • The moment in which Kyou insulted the memory of Uruma's remaining family members. This backfires as Uruma frees himself from Andou's grip, kicking the cultist before slashing Kyou across his eye before Andou punches him...
    • The ending in which Uruma shouts that he would kill Kyou and the remaining cultists as we're given a quick glimpse of Oota preparing to intervene in the situation...
  • Chapter 86
    • The beginning of the chapter in which it picks up directly from the ending of Chapter 86 in which Uruma shouts that he'll kill Kyou.
    • The corpses that are seen in the room, as well as Kakeru's severed leg.
    • The fact that Kyou and Andou have gotten away with their crimes is a huge downer in this chapter. Not only did Uruma fail to take his final revenge, but at the same time, he is sent to jail for his crimes.
  • Oota's death glare towards Uruma is especially very unnerving...She looks as if she's about to beat Uruma up for what he did to Anzai, although she simply leaves the room as she can't get any information out of Uruma during their interrogation...
  • A slight case in Chapter 88. Although Uruma is sentenced to prison for 5 years, he is still motivated to take his revenge on Kyou and his cult.
  • The ending of Chapter 89 in which one of Azuma's coworkers, Manami, states that there is someone she wanted to kill.
    • Turns out that the person she wanted to kill is their manager, who appears to be very charming and easy-going, only for this to all be an act as his true nature is that of a rapist who would not only inject stimulants into his female employees who are a lot younger than him, but at the same time, he would chain them to a chair and have his way with them! Worse, after Manami experiences this, she almost goes berserk from the entire incident, as the stimulant only hypes up her desire to have sex with the manager again! In addition, the manager even keeps photos of his female employees while holding the desire to have sex with all of them!
  • Chapter 91
    • A minor one, but there are several noises that Manami and Chizuru have heard while on their way to visit the boss of the Kitami Clinic for help!
    • The look in Kougo's eyes can be a bit unsettling, although he seems to be sincerely friendly and easy-going compared to the manager...
  • The moment the Manager stalks Azuma all the way from work to her house. Hell, he even made a creepy face upon barging in her home! In addition, before she had a chance to react, the man jumps on Chizuru and attempts to have his way with her! He even goes as far as stripping her and nearly injected a drug into her body! Had Juujika-san not arrived in time, who knows what he would have done to her by then?
  • The entire torture that the manager had to go through! Because it was more of a psychological one, the criminal had only THREE minutes to guess WHO reported him to "Juujika-san" before getting killed! No matter what his guesses were, he kept failing until he gets slashed by the throat by Uruma with a knife!
  • Chapter 95
    • A flashback in which Kitami executes a man with the results showing his head can be very gruesome.
    • The moment Kitami bumps into Uruma for the first time, he was even planning on murdering him to prevent any witnesses from ratting him out to the police! Ironically, this was prevented, not because Uruma was worried for his life, but rather, because he was just offering Kitami some helpful advice on properly getting rid of the corpses of those he murdered!
    • The amount of scars Uruma had on his chest! One wonders how he got those scars to begin with...
