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WMG / Juujika no Rokunin

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Juujika No Rokunin would end either bittersweet or badly...or just a Big-Lipped Alligator Moment:

1. Uruma Shun would killed Kyou...however, due to being in an island, would decide to use said cult to expose Kyou's crimes...albeit with the whole world not getting his message and following his path, or arresting him again...while his friends would be forced to leave him to his fate.

  • Or worst Kyou managed to record everything, turning the world against Uruma at worst.

2. Kyou would offed himself before Uruma could have the chance to off him, leading to a massive(and violent) Heroic BSoD, leaving him in a vegetive state per say...thus the ending is revealed to be from his last days.

  • Although it could lead to a Vinland Saga-like Deconstruction of healing per say...but knowing what kind of world Uruma lives in...he would like be stuck in that state.
  • Or if you really want to go full on Downer Ending, it was all just a dream to begin with, with Uruma still in jail.

3. A Real doozy...but just when he's about to off was revealed to be All Just a Dream...a dream that turns into a nightmare when it's revealed that the bullies were dead to begin with...

This universe shares the same world and ideas as Pumpkin Night
1. Both do have children out for revenge against a group of bullies after all...
