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Nightmare Fuel / Forum Fantasy

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Forum Fantasy may be a silly game in its own right, but there are times where the game can be unsettling.

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  • Tricking the Local Idiot into blowing up the Deranged Village can be hilarious in execution, but seeing the end results of the massacre can be pretty unnerving. The Background Music and Prelich's reaction to the devastation pretty much sell it.
    Magnum: Holy mother of God... that Arschloch meant business...
    Vlarix: I TOLD you what would happen if that sword was removed!
    Tambot: This place... is... just......... eww.
    Prelich: O_O
    • There are also consequences for this. Not only are the villagers are dead, but also the two shopkeepers as well. Talk to them in the cave in the Civitatem in Hell and they mention that their stock got destroyed in the explosion. And mixing this with Tear Jerker, the explosion can result in the death of Psychotic Nekomata's brother Isaac if you blow the village up the before challenging him, robbing the player of two user stones. All thanks to Prelich convincing the local idiot there is a sword in the Deranged Village. And judging by Prelich's reaction, it's safe to say that he deeply regrets being indirectly involved in the deaths of several civilians and possibly the region Admin's brother.
  • Lower Botlantis. All of it, down to some of these factors: the dark atmosphere, creepy music selection (even in the random encounters), more instant death traps (not all of them as predictable as throughout the rest of the game, including Mimic chests that will eat you when opened and an ambush by the Slender Man), the much more macabre bot advertisements that directly address and maliciously mock (and not in a funny way) the main characters, and the ominous messages replacing the names of floors starting with the sixth floor, named "...". And once you've gotten to the lowest floor, you'll feel like you're in a deeper place than Hell. All in all, this is rather disturbing in an otherwise light-hearted parody of message boards and JRPGs.
    • Even the random encounters themselves can be terrifying. Aside from the battle music being "Induction" from the Steam version of Eversion, the enemies (despite being from several other sources) are absurdly powerful, have a lot of HP, usually have a higher speed stat than you and are almost impossible to escape from. Even their death animations are unsettling: rather than simply fade into nothing when defeated, they dissipate in a blood-red explosion accompanied with a surreal sound effect, similar to the minor bosses encountered earlier in the game.
    • However, special mention goes to the playrooms (named "COME PLAY WITH US"). Aside from the BGM being the Playrooms theme from Shadow Man, you must collect the scattered remains of a child who was dismembered (and cannot pass onto the afterlife because of it) by a creepy little girl in the same area (and she will do the same to you should you decide to play with her) and then cremate the remains so you can go even further into the depths.
    • On the same floor of Botlantis is said little girl. Agree to play with her and she will gut you and use your intestines as a jump rope (indictated by the screen fading to black followed by the sound of Prelich screaming). It gets worse if you refuse to play with her and then apologize for making her cry. Prelich tries to justify his refusal, but then the little girl tells him "You will play with me whether you like it or not!". The screen then turns blood red (accompanied by the usual battle music for Lower Botlantis), she turns into a demon before the screen fades to black, followed by the same Sound-Only Death. The fact this room is also a reference to certain scene from The Shining doesn't make it any better. And the name of said floor?
    • Going too deep into Botlantis without killing the Goat of Chaos results in you going to the lowest floor, Oblivion, and fighting the Goat anyway... Except all you can see is his red eyes and demonic aura. You cannot hit him at all, and every time a turn passes, he makes a small comment to one of the party's members that mocks them (the Goat calls Tambot out on her sociopathy and calls Prelich out on his idiocy) and/or tempts them (Tells Vlarix that he has so much untapped power and tells Magnum he could be made even stronger if he accepted the Goat's offer of dark power.) while Betrayal (Pyramid Head's theme) plays. The worst part? On the start of the fourth turn, after the Goat taunts Prelich, the game flat out tells you that, in the darkness of Oblivion, the party, powerless to even so much as glimpse at the Goat of Chaos, gets corrupted much like Camelslayer was. The game then gives you a Game Over... except "Betrayal" continues playing.
  • Felix Falora was designed to have nightmare fuel in mind as he calls himself the Lord of Nightmares. His text is purple, a minor call out to Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, despite the fact it was white text on a purple background. To choose the bad ending with him shows off a portrait of Giygas and, during the fight with him, his attacks reference the NES Godzilla Creepypasta, horrorterrors from Homestuck, and shock imagery in general. He also summons a frozen Pikachu from the Pokemon Creepypasta, Snow on Mt. Silver, as well as "Pinkamena" from the infamous My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Creepypasta, Cupcakes (Sergeant Sprinkles). He is also incredibly difficult and is basically there for you to beat him just so you can say you beat him.
  • The Updated Re-release gives the player the opportunity to visit the Bad Future after asking what would happen when Prelich and his party fail to stop Camelslayer. Mood Whiplash immediately kicks in when you step foot in the future Chaos Ruins, as the music is a slower version of the theme that plays in the regular Chaos Ruins. In this dark future, Camelslayer and the Goat of Chaos merged with each other to become Chaos. Out of desperation, the Admins gave Psychotic Nekomata his marbles back, turning him back into Felix Falora. As a result, Chaos and Felix Falora fought each other for many years prior to arriving in the destroyed Chaos Ruins. Why are they fighting each other? Because it's the only thing they could do.
    Tambot: At this point you're literally fighting over nothing. The world is in ruins. Why bother?
    Chaos: It's not about winning. It's about sending a message.
    Felix Falora: My dear Prelich... you are far too easily manipulated, to the point that I myself almost feel bad for doing so. Even more baffling that your companions went along with it without protest.
    Magnum: What do you want us to do when there's two ultimate evils on either side of us?
    Felix Falora: From your perspective... point taken. It must be intimidating to be in between such powerful beings.
    • The environment is unsettling as well. The ocean has turned blood-red, and the entire forum has become completely desolate. It certainly gives the impression that stopping Camelslayer is much more urgent than you thought.
