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Arlo the Alligator Boy funny moments
Original film | I ♡ Arlo
Don't overload on sugar, kids.

  • Jeromio. Every time he's seen, he's got a blank expression, and is a rather floppy klutz of a toad.
  • Every single animal in the swamp's reactions to Arlo irritating them in some way, especially during the "More, More, More" song.
  • Prior to said song:
    Arlo: Do any of you care to join me in a so-o-ong?!!
    ("Song" echoes out; no answer aside from crows cawing)
    Arlo: Well, you're about to...! (Cue the song)
  • When Arlo gets called back by Edmée and realizes he didn't hustle up some grub for their stew, he is forced to gather up some random bugs, including a snail, which he absolutely hates. When Edmée sees the last of these, she forces Arlo to taste its underbelly to his displeasure.
  • The scene where Edmée is rummaging for Arlo's birthday gift, all while Arlo is sitting calmly at the table.
  • Edmée's birthday song to Arlo. Not just that, but at the end, she smashes the banjo, does a spit-take, and sets off fireworks outside.
    • This part takes the cake:
      Edmée: Happy little birthday, fifteen yeeeeaaaaars!!!
      Arlo: Forty-two!
      Edmée: ...And forty two days!
    • Prior to the birthday song, Edmée gets out Arlo's present, but he refuses to accept it unless today is his birthday, complete with a sly Eyebrow Waggle; this prompts Edmée to pull a Trust Password and launches into the birthday routine.
  • Upon realizing that his birth tag doesn't have his mom's name, Arlo notes how funny it is that he has a mom with no name. Edmée's Oh, Crap! expression is priceless, especially when she decides to Change the Uncomfortable Subject and get back to singing the b-day song.
  • Before Arlo leaves, Edmée tells him that she can't come along because the swamp is her home...also there's warrants out for her arrest and she doesn't want to get sent back to prison. Better yet, Arlo doesn't question this at all.
  • Jeromio suddenly speaking a single word ("yup") and spooking Edmée after Arlo leaves.
  • Arlo's bumbling in the town of Willow Button, which starts with him driving loops around the fountain in a "land boat" (a car), and getting sent into a candy store before dancing around to the tune of a faster-paced "More, More, More". All the while unintentionally terrorizing everybody.
    • The candy store scene. After eating more ice cream than any sane person would (by accident, but still), Arlo undergoes a brief Mushroom Samba like he just took forty pounds of hallucinogenic drugs. The owners give him a lollipop out of fear, and the expression he has with it in his mouth is giggle-worthy.
  • It's fairly blink-and-you'll-miss-it, but when Bertie launches into the air with Arlo to avoid Ruff and Stucky, she looks like she's going up an imaginary staircase in the sky.
  • Arlo meeting Bertie on the train is more soothing than funny, but a few moments take the cake:
    • While Bertie is sitting on the train car roof enjoying the ride, Arlo is humorously struggling and grunting behind her as he tries to climb up and join her. She doesn't even do anything about it.
    • Arlo saying Bertie's name with humorous emphasis when asking where she's from. He then proceeds to sing it over and over when the conversation ends, and she giggles at it.
    • When asked how many people he met, Arlo's reply is ten, eight just that day. note  While speaking, he tugs on his pants strap which flaps back onto his body and leaves him stunned a bit.
  • While searching through the stopped train, Ruff and Stucky find what seems to be the car containing Arlo and Bertie...only for it to actually be a non-anthropomorphic cow and cat making out.
    Ruff: My lord.
    Stucky: What are you guys doing?
  • Furlecia briefly freaking out when a rake is thrown into her hair before delivering a smack-down on the farmer who did it. Granted, she was just doing an act to fool the patrons, but it's so over the top.
    Furlecia: Oh that's nasty honey, we need to get you some petri oil 'cause your scalp looks like a block of parmesan cheese.
  • Alia's hilarious Oh, Crap! scream/expression upon heading for a collision course with a deer on the road (which screams in response with bulging glowing eyes), followed by her swerving to get out of the way so the deer knocks into the pursuing farmers like they were bowling pins.
  • Arlo casually telling Tony that he gave the money to the farmers, and they were still mad anyway, followed by Tony's miffed reaction.
  • While the others are admonishing Arlo and Bertie for losing the money, Alia joins in with this snarky line. The ridiculously fluid and expressive animation helps (then again, the animation in general is a major source of humor throughout the film).
    Alia: Hey, we're just trying to survive, lady! I'm a tiger, look at me! You think I can work at a coffee shop? No, no! I can't!
  • Alia's, ahem, "driving", in general. Almost every scene in the van has her swerving the vehicle in every direction while somehow not hitting anything or anyone.
  • Tony and Bertie's recurring banter, with the former constantly trying to get her into working for him. It culminates in the third act with him calling her Berts, much to her flustered bewilderment. Is this your idea of flirting, Tony?
  • During an interrogation by Ruff and Stucky, the unlucky farmer manages to break free, but it doesn't last.
    Farmer: Haha! No one interrogates me but my-
    (The Beast breathes down his neck)
    Farmer: Mommy?
  • Before rescuing Marcellus, Arlo is given a clown mask by Tony that, predictably, wasn't made to fit gator heads.
  • Not long after Marcellus is freed, Arlo asks him what it was like in the aquarium (despite Furlecia and Tony's panicked expressions upon realizing what he's about to bring up), causing the celebration to abruptly stop and Marcellus to freeze like he's experiencing a war flashback. Cue the group at a campfire while the poor fish-man recounts his days there like it was a Hellhole Prison full of kids who would mostly just stare and eat. All the while, everyone reacts in horror. "STICKY HANDS!"
    Marcellus: Children are monsters, ALL OF THEM.
    Arlo: I came from the swamp!
    Marcellus: That's right, kid. We all... came from the swamp...
  • Tony's idea of sleeping is just flopping face-first onto the beach and dozing off. Likewise, Marcellus sleeps with his eyes open like, well, a fish. Arlo is appropriately perplexed by this.
    Arlo: Are you staying up late, Marcellus?
    Marcellus: (stammers) What do you need, kid?! Can't you see I was sleeping?!
    Arlo: With your eyes open?
    Marcellus: I'm a fish; it's what we do.
  • The emotional "Follow Me Home" ends with the whole group getting jumped by a large wave that sends them back to the shore. Marcellus immediately leaves, claiming he barely knows Bertie while everyone else just laughs.
  • The Running Gag of the New Yorkers constantly shouting "I'm walkin' here!". Even a baby does it!
  • Not long after leaving the van, Alia wonders if she parked it right. The moment she turns away, it gets towed. She doesn't seem too bothered by it, all things considered.
  • Almost the entire montage of the group separately exploring New York. Highlights include:
    • Bertie saying, with reluctance, "I'm walking here!" to blend in with the others.
    • Tony indulging in pizza that's twice his size.
    • Alia breaking into a cat lady's apartment to get some free cat food (knocking a poor cat away in the process), only to be driven out by the lady's water squirter.
    • Marcellus rising from the fountain near the Washington Square Arch to menace the children with maniacal glee.
    • Furlecia visiting a hair salon for a blowout. The hairdresser quietly pushes away his current customer, and we cut to the outside of the salon as mounds of pink hair burst out of the door to the sound of Furlecia's ecstatic praise.
      • Even better? Said hairdresser is Jonathan Van Ness, Furlecia's voice actor! Small wonder he was so willing to take her request.
    • Finally, Arlo seeming to find his dad...only for it to be the shadow of a bongo player with a funny haircut, causing him to start crying. Said bongo player then invites him to dance as he plays to cheer him up.
    • Later, Ruff and Stucky are seen looking at the night sky on top of their car...which is currently blocking a whole line of traffic on the bridge.
  • While in Times Square, Marcellus brings up how he managed to get twenty-seven dollars in change. Tony admonishes him for looting the fountains, saying he's better than that.
    Marcellus (with a close-up of his evil smile): No, I'm not.
  • The main screen in Times Square has a Freeze-Frame Bonus that shows Marcellus' public alias...Fish Flops.
  • While being interviewed at Seaside by the Seashore, Ansel states how he grew up in the place...before he and the reporter are distracted by a thief who falls off a dilapidated building and gets endlessly drenched by warm sewage water flushed down by a raccoon. Later in the film, he's still there, and he says it's still warm.
  • Tony using the payphone, complete with Coin-on-a-String Trick. The lackey he calls even gets this sentence out.
    Tony: Hey, it's Tony.
    Lackey: Hey, hey! It's Tony! How's your Ma?
    • Before Tony uses the phone:
      Random Male Citizen: Hey, I'm walkin' here!
      Tony: HEY! I'M WALKIN' HERE!!!
  • Ansel's penthouse is uptown, way uptown, and is accessed by taking a subway that literally leads uptown, way uptown.
  • While everyone is entering the subway:
    Arlo: (singing) Gonna find my dad, gonna make him proud! Gonna hug him good, gonna talk real lo-o-o-oud!
    Marcellus: You don't have to sing everything that you're thinking, y'know?!
  • Apparently, the doors to Ansel's penthouse are really heavy, and when Ansel has to open them himself for Arlo, he's not too pleased about it.
    Ansel: Guys! Do I have to get my own door again?! Do you know how heavy this is?!
    • And then Arlo plows right into Ansel, causing the doors to slam shut.
  • During Arlo's first encounter with Ansel, the rather nervous father promptly takes Arlo off of him and puts him on the ground, before backing away a bit. Then Arlo walks closer, and Ansel backs away more.
  • The first thing Ansel does once Arlo shouts, "You'remydad!" is meekly claim he got the wrong address. Arlo was not fooled.
  • Ansel's song "Better Life" is totally a crack-up. But what really takes the cake is Spontaneous Choreography with his butlers and maids, Arlo getting changed into a rather loose-fitting suit that's too big for him, and Ansel's Hammerspace moment.
    • There's also the "Sherpa on Mt. Everest who spins yarn like a fool".
    • As well as the line "Got more diamonds than a rock mine, got more stakes than a tent!" During this, the Black maid is holding a plate full of jewels with a giant diamond on top, while the redheaded maid holds up a steak...for eating.
  • After Bertie finds Arlo washed up on the beach and fends off seagulls:
    Arlo: I...are this Heaven?
    Bertie: Uh, I think it's Brooklyn.
    Arlo: It''s really...trashy.
    Tony: Hey! Hey, hey, come on, kiddo, Come on! You get bonked on the head or somethin'?!
    Arlo: Teeny Tony... I'm so sorry...
    Tony: Aww, yeah, you DID get bonked, didn't ya? Poor little fella.
  • Marcellus being a Moment Killer on the beach. Twice. The first time, he barges out of a fridge near Arlo and Bertie and yells at them to get a room, before working back and apologizing. Then, after everyone agrees to go to the Met Gala, he says that he will join, but he'll bail if it has kids. The moment he asks if it's a "kids thing"...Smash Cut to a trio of dancing kids in front of an audience.
    Announcer: IT'S A KID'S THING!
    • At the Met Gala, he admits to feeling underdressed, despite having gone through the entire film in nothing but a speedo.
  • Ruff and Stucky make their debut at the Gala by smashing their car into a limo, and being rather perturbed at all the fancy stuff going on. While barging through a crowd, Stucky even gets distracted at people taking pictures.
    • In this scene, the Beast finally gets shown in full...and he's a werewolf-like CORGI of all breeds. Granted, he's still a bit intimidating, but it's hard not to want to pet him when he curiously sniffs at the cameras (before getting ticked off at the flashes).
  • At the Gala, the bartender is seen grating a fancy painting into shavings for a drink... which the patron promptly pours down on the floor without tasting it. Even more outrageous, Word of God states that the painting is based off of Vincent van Gogh's Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat.
    • Really, this film has no problem portraying the rich elite as spoiled clowns. The moment Ansel brings up responsibility in his speech, one lets out a Big "NO!" and flips the table (and the person next to her).
  • Ansel getting rather anxious before and during his speech. It's almost adorable how unprepared he is to talk in front of essentially some of New York's most important people.
    Ansel (sweating bullets and taking a deep breath): Just the most important moment of your life. No big deal.
  • The DJ throwing cash all over the place as Ansel says, "You. Are. My. PEOPLE!!!"
  • While waiting for Arlo and Ansel, the rest of the gang is forced to watch the trio of kids dance. Marcellus throws a cooked lobster at one of them, giving them a black eye.
  • This moment when Ansel reveals his true self:
    Ansel: That's right. I'm a bird-man.
    Random offscreen man: I love birds, man!
  • After Arlo embraces his friends as his Family of Choice, Ansel feels rather left out.
    Ansel (clearly trying to hide his dissapointment): Cool, cool. No, no, that's cool. Not like I'm desperately lonely or anything-(gets dragged into the hug by Furlecia)
  • During the ending montage of everyone repairing Seaside by the Seashore, Marcellus notices a Creepy Child with a pumpkin for a head who gives him a "shhhh" gesture before disappearing. His terrified expression is rather justified. Better be careful of that kid in the series, should he return...
    • Also during the montage, the sight of the Beast in a nice suit while panting like a happy dog and being held in the air by Ansel.
  • The mid-credits scene. Edmée scares off the mailman before noticing the postcard from Arlo, believing the poor man to be one of the Feds.
