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Fanfic / The Avatar's Guardian

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The Avatar's Guardian by DragonLord0 is a crossover fic between Godzilla and The Legend of Korra.

The synopsis of the story as it is: Before the Avatar there were the Titans, the original rulers of the Earth and protectors of everything that ever lived. And now the King of the Titans has returned to bring balance back to all, starting by protecting the next Avatar, Korra, from the greatest threat the Titans faced and others.


  • 0% Approval Rating: Raiko gets this after the revelation that the position of President of Titan City was merely an experiment by the Titans to prove that man cannot lead itself without their leaders being corrupt bastards.
  • Adaptational Badass: Korra, who already was quite badass in canon, gets this due to her training with Sean Kruger a. k. a. Godzilla, being able to summon water serpents, use magmabending and metalbending at a much earlier rate, and even fly with airbending. It comes in handy for fighting against Titan-level threats such as the Skullcrawlers.
    • All the previous Avatars have stated that Godzilla mentored them in the past
    • In Avatar: The Last Airbender, the last of the lion turtles taught Aang energybending. Here, it is Godzilla who taught Aang energybending.
    • In canon, flight with airbending required complete detachment from the world. Here, it is a power derived from aerial Titans that can be attained by focusing on what one loves.
  • Adaptational Heroism: Longtime Godzilla foes King Ghidorah, Destroyah, Orga, Gigan, and Megalon are included among the Titans protecting the world from the hostile Kaiju.
    • Godzilla Earth also receives this as King Godzilla, being an Original Titan who created the current generation of Titans to protect the world
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Due to the positive influence Sean has on Korra as her mentor during her childhood, she is noticeably more well-adjusted and friendly by the time she arrives at Republic City than in canon.
  • Adaptational Backstory Change: A few appear
    • Republic City is actually built on the same spot that Titan City was created in the past instead of being an intermediate zone between all nations
    • Raava and Vaatu were created by King Godzilla to maintain the spiritual balance of the world instead of just being there like canon
  • Adaptational Villainy: The White Lotus get hit with this in the story. Justified in that they have gone through a noticeable case of Motive Decay after the days when Iroh led the organization.
  • Aliens Are Bastards: The Kaiju are enemies of the Titans, and it's implied that they're extraterrestials.
  • All for Nothing: Zaheer's quest to bring the world back to its golden age by separating Godzilla from Sean is rendered completely moot when the unsealed Godzilla chews him out for his shortsighted idiocy and reveals to him how pointless his whole endeavor was before leaving him to be debended by Korra.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Lin loses all of her limbs at the hands of an enraged Godzilla(who cohabits Sean's body) after using a magical stone to display Sean's worst memory. If it wasn't for Reznov, she would have died from blood loss
    • Kuvira loses her arm in Chapter 45 to Sean's dorsal plate sword
  • Arch-Enemy: It is implied that Vaatu also sees Godzilla as this alongside Raava in his conversation with Unalaq.
  • The Atoner: Sean himself is this for his supposed part in releasing the Kaiju 30,000 years ago.
    • Hiroshi and Zaheer eventually regret their past mistakes and redeem themselves in the events of Chapter 46
  • Babies Ever After: Everyone gets married and have kids at the end of the story.
  • Badass Decay: Mentioned in-universe by just about everyone when it comes to the White Lotus.
  • Back from the Dead: Vaatu revives dead Titans that Godzilla fought against in preparation for the coming war against the heroes, and they have not lost any of their combat ability even when they were dead.
    • Monster X uses the Mechagodzilla built by Kuvira and Bataar Jr. with his disembodied skull to return to life in a sense in an attempt to avenge his previous defeat by Godzilla.
  • Behemoth Battle: The war against Unalaq and Vaatu definitely has these between the benevolent Titans and the resurrected malevolent Titans.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Just when the heroes are seemingly outnumbered by Cykor, the MUTO pair, and the Kaiju they brought into the world as reinforcements, the other Godzillas arrive to turn the tide. Even Spacegodzilla pitches in!
    • Happens again when King Godzilla arrives through the portal into the Spirit World to singlehandedly separate Vaatu from Unalaq before erasing Vaatu.
  • Canon Immigrant: In addition to creatures from the classic Godzilla movies and the Monsterverse, there are also monsters from Godzilla: The Series, War of the Monsters, and even freaking Yu-Gi-Oh!!
  • Cruel Mercy: Godzilla and the rest of the Titans decide to leave Hiroshi alive to forever stew in his insanity after defeating him and the Mechagodzilla he piloted.
  • Combining Mecha: Raviel, Hammon, and Uria combine into the beast Armityle in an attempt to defeat Godzilla and company. They get killed via Beam Spam for their troubles.
  • Corrupt Politician: Raiko, as per canon
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: When the Crimson Lotus first appear to kidnap and kill Korra, Sean(who went by Ghost at that point in time) easily defeats them, resulting in their imprisonment.
    • Godzilla dishes one out to Mark after he attempts to attack Sean and Korra with a Mechagodzilla he built using the Matrix given that it was vastly inferior to the version Hiroshi piloted.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Sean was responsible for accidentally creating a portal in which the Kaiju used to invade the world due to his past arrogance, resulting in the death of his fiance.
  • Due to the Dead: Amon receives a proper burial after the defusing of the Equalist revolt since he realized the errors of his ways before his death.
  • Easily Forgiven: Averted. Everyone is still understandably pissed at Sarah for her petty grudge and her hand in creating the Mechagodzilla that Hiroshi Sato piloted during the battle in Republic City even after her Jerkass Realization. It takes some time for her to reconcile with Sean and the others, especially Dawn and David.
  • Epic Fail: In an effort to stir up anti-Titan Sentiment, Raiko reveals Moguera and the Super X series as anti-Titan weapons. Titan City's citizens do not buy into his bullshit for a second and respond by pelting him with any object they got their hands on and booing him.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Mothra, as much as an All-Loving Hero she is, decides to sever her bond with Sarah when she refuses to cure her brother Sean of the Kaiju blood that is gradually killing him out of an unwarranted grudge to heal Sean herself.
  • Expy: Fawkes is an obvious one for the bird of the same name who is Dumbeldore's pet phoenix.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy: As explained by Sean, once Azula found out about the Kaiju, she thought she could control them after killing Aang to continue the Fire Nation's world war even though the Kaiju have destroyed the world before.
  • Facial Horror: Desna inadvertently gets half of his face burned when Godzilla fires his atomic breath at Unalaq's palace in the North as a warning after foiling his attempt to kidnap Korra, who was still a child. He later gets the rest of his face burned during the rescue of Sean and Korra's twin children.
  • Find the Cure!: When Sean is poisoned with Kaiju blood, everyone rushes to the northern reaches of the Air Nation to find Mothra, the only Titan who can cure Kaiju blood poisoning.
  • Good Is Not Soft: While Godzilla is a good guy, he still is the King of the Titans for a good reason. Just ask Unalaq, Lin Beifong, or the White Lotus member that tried to kill Korra.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: Sozin dies from a heart attack after realizing that his genocide of the Airbenders would inadvertently doom mankind to be destroyed by the Kaiju thanks to Sean and Godzilla revealing the consequences of his actions through a vision. Also Dies Differently in Adaptation
  • Good Parents: Korra and Sean are incredibly caring with their kids and are willing to do anything to protect them.
  • Hate at First Sight: Pretty much a given for Sean and Korra when they meet Earth Queen Houting and PrinceHan during their search for airbenders with their latent powers recently awakened by the Convergence.
  • Hate Sink: Unalaq and the White Lotus naturally qualify
    • Mark takes the cake here especially after he reveals himself to be the true culprit behind the Kaiju invasion 30,000 years ago and foisted the blame onto Sean.
  • Healing Factor: Reznov and Orga possess regeneration that comes in handy for patching up injuries and even regenerating lost limbs, as demonstrated with Lin Beifong
  • Heel–Face Door-Slam: After learning the truth about the Kaiju and the elemental barrier keeping them at bay, Amon attempts to call of his revolution only for Hiroshi Sato to murder him with a poisoned dagger.
  • Heel–Face Turn: The Kaiju surrender and pledge their allegiance to Godzilla after the defeat of Monster X
  • He-Man Woman Hater: Mark, a rival scientist to Sean during his time, fits the bill with his misogynistic attitude towards Korra when he decides to crash Sean and Korra's wedding.
  • Hobbes Was Right: The Titans have this view towards humanity in general, and given what people like Unalaq, Raiko, and Kuvira have did, they're not wrong in their assessment.
  • If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...: Sean warns Unalaq that if he ever has the gall to harm his family ever again, he will not only kill him but also recall Ebirah from the North and let the Kaiju wreck the place. Of course, Unalaq doesn't get the memo.
  • It's All My Fault: Sean has this view regarding his accidental release of the Kaiju and the start of the Kaiju War 30,000 years ago. Subverted with the revelation that Mark was the true culprit behind the whole Kaiju invasion.
  • Insane Troll Logic: In Zaheer's mind, the only way for the world to return to its golden age under the Titans is to forcibly separate them from their hosts despite the fact that they willingly sealed themselves into their hosts to recover from their wounds from the Kaiju War.
  • Jerkass: Sean's little sister Sarah is this due to her petty grudge over Sean accidentally releasing the Kaiju into the world 30,000 years ago despite his atonement. This causes Mothra to sever her bond with Sarah and leads to her Jerkass Realization.
    • Mark is also this given his obsession with Sean's fiance Hitomi and his general unpleasant attitude, especially his He-Man Woman Hater tendencies
  • Jerkass Realization: After being told off by Turok for her actions, Sarah realizes that she was holding her brother responsible for nothing but an honest mistake and decides to make amends with the others.
  • Killed By The Adaptation: In this continuity, Azula was killed by Sean even after Aang debended her because she threatened to frame the benevolent Titans as mere monsters after having her plans to kill Aang and control the Kaiju that would come through the breach as living weapons foiled by both.
    • Vaatu is permanently erased by King Godzilla instead of being merely dispelled and weakened.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Unalaq gets his wish to be united with spirits fulfilled... by being subjected to a Fate Worse than Death involving a ravenous spirit bird eerily reminiscent of the punishment of Prometheus after his defeat at the hands of King Godzilla.
    • Wan Shi Tong is trapped within the ruins of his beloved library for eternity by Mothra after she destroys the place as punishment for helping Unalaq and Vaatu in their mad crusade to take over the world. Quite fitting, given that he was such a Horrible Judge of Character in canon despite being the spirit of knowledge.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Unalaq, as per canon. This time, the protagonists have wised up to his antics and are prepared to counter every trick he can pull on them.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: It is implied that Sean gave Mark this after Mark unsuccessfully tried to force Korra to go with him and have her unborn children be dissected in experiments.
  • No-Sell: Sean tanks Tarrlok's bloodbending before depowering him due to him building up an immunity to it after he fought Yakone 40 years ago alongside Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Toph.
  • Oh, Crap!: Vaatu, of all beings, has a particularly epic one when King Godzilla enters the battle through the portal to the Spirit World.
  • Papa Wolf: When Unalaq attempts to kidnap Sean and Korra's twin children and murder one of them to frame Varrick, Sean attacks Unalaq at his palace up north alongside his wife and his fellow Titan hosts to rescue their kids.
  • Plant Person: Biolante and her host Julia fit the bill
  • Really 700 Years Old: Sean is actually 30,000 years old due to being the host of Godzilla.
  • Redemption Equals Death: Zaheer sacrifices himself to revive Godzilla and rebind him with Sean to make up for his past crimes
    • Hiroshi sacrifices himself by using himself as bait with the ORCA to lure Monster X away in order for Godzilla to get enough time to power up and defeat Monster X
  • Ret-Gone: King Godzilla erases Vaatu from existence at the climax of the battle against him. He also erases Zorc and the malevolent Titans when they attack Titan City.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: The Kaiju are blocked by an interdimensional barrier utilizing all four elements used in bending, but thanks to Sozin's genocide of the airbenders, it has been considerably weakened.
  • Secret Test of Character: Mothra left Sarah in order to set into motion the events that would lead to Sean and Sarah reconciling with each other, and once both siblings forgive each other, she reestablishes her bond with Sarah once more.
    • The position of President of Titan City also counts as one to prove the Titans' point that mankind cannot lead itself without its leaders trying to do selfish and stupid decisions, which Raiko does.
  • Sibling Rivalry: Bumi, Kya, and Tenzin aren't on the best terms with each other given how their father Aang unintentionally ignored Bumi and Kya in favor of Tenzin for his airbending abilities. It takes Turok and Destroyah serving as the meditator between the siblings and also helping them find Ikki for them to reconcile.
  • Shout-Out: Chapters 18 and 46 are basically Godzilla (2014) and Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) in the setting of Avatar: The Last Airbender.
  • Stripped to the Bone: Turok, being the host of none other than Destoroyah, can utilize highly caustic micro-oxygen in his attacks to reduce enemies into skeletons.
  • Summon Bigger Fish: A heroic example with Sean utilizing the dorsal plate sword given to him by the spirit of Hitomi to summon [Dagon, Godzilla's younger sibling, to repel Kuvira and restore order among the Titans until Godzilla returns
  • Teacher/Student Romance: What the relationship between Sean and Korra initially started off as
  • Troll: David, the host of King Ghidorah, loves to mess with just about anyone as befitting of his nature as a prankster and comedian
  • The Only One Allowed To Kill You: Vaatu, Raava and Godzilla's Arch-Enemy, has this attitude towards Godzilla as revealed in his conversation with Unalaq.
  • Token Evil Teammate: According to Godzilla, while Titans like him and Orga support humanity due to their vast potential, others such as the MUTOs and Cykor simply view mankind as mere insects to toy around with.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Really, did the White Lotus it was a good idea to release Zaheer from his imprisonment and expect him not to kill them?
  • Toxic Phlebotinum: Hiroshi Sato coated the dagger he used to kill Amon and stab Sean with Kaiju blood just so he could give Sean a slow, agonizing death to satisfy his insane grudge against the Titans and Benders.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Unalaq and Raiko are willing to hurt Sean and Korra's twin children Hitomi and Sean Jr. if it means getting what they want.
