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Dethroning Moment / The Amazing Atheist

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As controversial The Amazing Atheist may be, even his die-hard fans wouldn't dare defend these moments.

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  • Electrum Zephyr: The Amazing Atheist, from day one, has been a controversy magnet, if not an outright source thereof. I have been a fan of his for years, and even through the Don Exodus and Coughlan fiascoes, I stuck around for future videos, and ultimately, things more or less became water under the bridge for all parties involved. But cue February 8th, 2012, wherein his reddit page about "Men's Rights" had a feminist rape victim on it. Does TJ choose to pick his battles carefully? On the contrary; when she talks about her experience and how it triggers a PTSD episode, he just throws it right back in her face, and makes her relive the experience in graphic detail. After all's said and done, he made a video expressing his regret at what he did, regretting the fact that he argued with someone on the Internet, rather than what he was saying to her. An open bit of advice for TJ: 1) Pick your fucking battles; 2) If you want your views on anti-female-supremacy to be taken seriously by non-fantards, this was the worst possible move you could have made. Peace the fuck out. Even Encyclopedia Dramatica was extremely disgusted.
  • InTheGallbladder: Ain't I glad I jumped ship early! In the opening of "A Feminist", the closer to "Hate Week," he stated that he'd planned out a Grand Finale for the series, but had scrapped in in favor of another "chew out a radical" video upon encountering the radical in question.
  • Maths Angelic Version: His disrespect for the woman makes me sick. PTSD is a debilitating disorder, and the episodes of reliving the event are very painful. Yet he deliberately invokes one, all while saying he doesn't believe her and that if she's indeed telling the truth, she deserved it (presumably as punishment for being someone he disagrees with). Basically, three of the last things a rape victim needs. It's not hard to Google and find out that and why these things shouldn't be done, and it's easy to find sources that confirm that rape victims' pain is very real! Because of this moment, and this moment alone, I won't ever watch another of his videos, and am now ashamed to say that I've done it in the past and liked it. Seriously, fuck this guy.
  • Tari Silmarwen: What the hell was up with repeatedly calling Taylor Swift a bitch in the "Mine/Whip My Hair" review? There are plenty of legitimate criticisms one can make about Taylor's music but he only mentioned two pretty common ones ("Mine" sounding like all her other songs, and not having much emotional depth to it) and spent the rest of her segment calling her a phony and making cracks about the video. It was very jarring, it wasn't funny, and it soured the mood for the rest of the review.
  • Baronobeefdip: While I'm indifferent towards The Distressed Watcher and I do admit to find his videos to be Guilty Pleasures, I did find one DMOS in one of his earlier "Trailer Failure" videos. Long story short, during his talk about the movie Legion, he pretty much stops talking about the movie itself (IE: The actors, the plot, the effects, etc.) to rant about religion for five straight minutes just because Legion is a movie with a religious theme (IE: God sending angels to wipe out humanity). Look, I'm an Atheist myself, but I don't complain like a crazed loon whenever something contains any sort of religious reference. It's like someone complaining that there's robots in a Terminator movie. Just... really? Really?
  • Ipdf3. Speaking of the Distressed Watcher, I find that his material had been decreasing in quality but it didn't truly get bad until "Lolita Covers". You'd expect DW to handle something as controversial as Lolita with his trademark anger and provocative analytic style, but no, it's just a rather tepid "Hey look at these book covers. They're all different, isn't that mildly interesting?" It's just boring commentary about not very interesting things. Plus, his summary of Lolita made it sound like he'd never actually read the book but instead only read the first few lines off the back of the cover and then watched the movies. The book makes no attempt to condemn the actions of its protagonist? Maybe that's because the protagonist is also the narrator, of course he's not going to condemn himself. The opening of the book even makes it clear that Humbert Humbert has addressed his novel to the "ladies and gentleman of the jury." This kind of sloppy research and new commenting rather than reviewing style really doesn't work for DW and I hope he goes back to his old style soon.
  • stacey: His comment on how everyone who enjoyed Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen belongs in a death camp. Because that's really a sensible thing to say when there's Jewish people on a site you belong to and when the guy who got you on in the first place has it as a Guilty Pleasure. What an asshole.
  • emeriin: When he said in his The Phantom Menace review that he wanted Jake Lloyd to grow up to be a drug addict who has to blow people in order to get his next fix, as punishment for acting so badly in the film. I have no idea why anyone would want that, even if they meant it as a joke.
    • DevNameless: Seconded, especially because there's even more bad to this due to a bit of real life circumstances for me. It's bad enough to say a child's future life should be ruined entirely because he gave a performance you aren't pleased with. Then you add on the fact Jake Lloyd was repeatedly bullied and harassed in school over being in the movie, and it gets to a point where no amount of "it's a joke" arguments could convince me TAA wasn't being a terrible person in that moment.
  • Donna: That open letter to Kevin Smith about Cop Out being worse than the death of his father. How on Earth did he think that anyone would find that funny?
  • Jenx: While I generally don't watch most of DW's videos, I did watch his two part review of Dungeons & Dragons (2000) The Movie and my god was this bad. Not only did the first part consist of "Maaaan, does this seem racist to you? No, ooookaaaay" which was kinda funny the first time and then it just became annoying the several other times he did it after that, or the badly delivered "get it rod = dick!" jokes. Let's not even talk about the insistence to sticking to the tired old stereotype that people who play RPGs are socially awkward dorks, or the fact that he obviously has close to no actual understanding of Dungeons & Dragons. I was almost willing to leave all that slide, until the second part. What pissed me off probably more than it should have was his slimy, ripe with cheap sarcasm "apology" for all the jokes I listed from the first part. I cannot stand people who talk like that, regardless of what they are talking about. I've stopped watching all of his videos completely from that point onward.
  • Pannic: Also, someone who doesn't watch many of his videos. I did, however, watch his "Top ten movie speeches," and it ended with an outlandishly pompous rant about how the movies aren't as intellectual as they used to be. Also in that video, there was an annoying lack of research when he talked about the speech from Henry V, saying that aside from that, he wanted to keep it confined to speeches that were specifically from movies. The problem is that A Few Good Men was a play, too.
  • fluffything: His "History Of Vampires" had so much potential to inform viewers on how the vampire mythos has changed over the years throughout different forms of media. However, instead, the DW decides to just talk for several minutes on how "Vampires=Sex". It gets old and boring after a while. We get it, vampires are considered sexy. Now, tell us something else about the mythos, please.
  • Magister Flopsy: Listening to The Amazing Atheist completely ruined my late adolescence. I allowed my mind to be poisoned by his bullshit despite my brother's continued insistence that he's a moron, but when he introduced "The Daily Butt" that was when I fully understood that the man that influenced me to burn so many bridges was a complete and utter fool.
