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Deconstruction Fic / The Loud House

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Many fanfiction writers have made Deconstruction Fics that deconstructed both The Loud House and its characters.

  • Lincoln's status as the family Butt-Monkey gets nastily shredded in A Dark House Inadequate: the abuse, both intentional and unintentional, has literally punished Lincoln to emotional deadness, Self-Harm and ultimately a suicide attempt. A scene where an irritated Lincoln snaps at Lola is Played for Drama as the unfairness of Lincoln being essentially scolded for being in pain and forced to apologize to Lola is palpable, there are several scenes where Lincoln outright states in his head that he feels nothing from gestures of affection or anything that normally would be enjoyable, any sign of Lincoln's turmoil goes completely over the girls' heads, the parents are horrified when Lincoln admits to feeling worthless and having felt that way for two whole months and when Luna and Luan find the evidence of Lincoln's Self-Harm, they utterly Freak Out. Lincoln coming to after his failed suicide and his sisters' reaction to the attempt is heartbreaking, especially since they've had to come to terms with how much their actions have hurt their brother and how close they came to losing him.
    • Lincoln's Everyman/Master of None status gets examined too. Him not excelling at anything compared with his sisters serves to make him think he doesn't belong, which becomes one of the causing factors of his depression because it makes him think he's worthless. The fic even starts with Lincoln looking at the Loud family's trophies and focusing on the makeshift one he "won."
  • It's more optimistic in tone than most fics on this page or in this section but Fool Me Thrice deconstructs the idea that one of the Louds meeting extremely painful Laser-Guided Karma would be met with pleasure on the part of the rest of the family, even in the aftermath of something like "Fool Me Twice"; Luan having gotten attacked by a dog and some thugs is met with horror by the rest of the family and at her confusion that they care and aren't going to laugh at her, her father says that while they don't like her April Fool's Day antics, they're family and that means they love her.
  • Gal Pals shows how Lincoln's Butt-Monkey status and tumultuous family have turned him into a depressed and meek wreck of a person. Once others gain insight into Lincoln's unenviable situation, they immediately intervene and try and pull him away from his dysfunctional family.
  • Long Lost Loud takes apart the idea of Lincoln returning to his family after running away or giving karma to them during a "No Such Luck" fic. Rather than being glad his sisters really care for him or despising them forever, Lincoln (now Luke) makes clear he only has apathy for them when talking to Lori, and both sides don't really need each other.
  • My Sister Leni deals with Leni's Dumb Blond, Literal-Minded, and Cloudcuckoolander traits. It's explained that the reason why she's that way and has such a strong fixation on fashion, in general, is because Leni is on the autism spectrum; her different way of thinking and her social issues have resulted in several difficulties throughout her life. As she gets older, Leni starts to feel like a burden to her family because she isn't like her other siblings.
  • No Such Luck, No Such Love calls to attention Lincoln's treatment as The Scapegoat and a Butt-Monkey. In the series, despite getting the short end of the stick most of the time, he is shown to be unaffected by this. Here? Not so much. The fic deals with Lincoln coming to resent his sisters (except for Lily) for acting out of control and getting away with it, his parents for always taking his sisters' side, and his whole family for expecting him to sacrifice his personal life to help them out and support them without paying him back in return.
  • The Only Good Sister serves to both deconstruct Lily's fanon status as the only good sister and NSL Revenge Fics. Rather than Lily be okay with the family suffering and living happy with Lincoln, Lily wanted the family to reconcile with Lincoln, only for them to be systematically murdered sometime after Lucy commited suicide. After connecting the dots, she eventually avenge them by slowly poisoning Lincoln with Polonium, pointing out in his final moments they didn't deserve to die since they were guilty and had their lives ruined by themselves.
  • Reacting to The Loud House:
    • The fanfiction serves as this to the series proper. While in the series everyone gets away with their action scot-free, Meta Guy Joe, makes it clear that even if they can get away with it, the universe will eventually give everyone their well-deserved karma. In addition, once everyone see what the Loud Sisters did to Lincoln, they immediately voiced their disappointment and anger for hurting their one and only brother. Even Lincoln, The Pollyanna, breaks his usual demeanor and shows actual resentment to his sisters.
    • In a similar vein to What is a Person Worth, the Reset Button and Negative Continuity are deconstructed. Indeed, thanks to it, the show can put Lincoln in embarrassing situations but doesn't have to deal with the long-term consequences of it as all will be null and void in the next episode. This fanfiction makes it clear that every episode happened and that there are consequences for the events. On the bright side, however, this lets the reactors reflect on past incidents.
  • Really Isn't Your Fault serves to take apart the Idiot Ball from It's (Not) Your Fault. Rusty's attempt at sabotaging Lincoln and Stella's relationship fails due to the involved ones seeing how fake it is, and while some people initially believed, they heard the victims' side of the story and calmed down, with Lisa finally proving it is faked. There are students who still believe it but a lot just act like mocking jerks.
  • A Second Chance deconstruct the Loud Family itself by dropping all pretense and shows exactly how the rampant dysfunctionality within the Loud family, the sisters’ selfish, entitled, and inconsiderate behavior, and the parent’s lax attitudes towards disciplining their children and asserting their authority is slowly but steadily destroying the family. And unlike many other fics, Lincoln isn’t the one who arbitrarily suffers the brunt of the dysfunctionality, with the sisters treating each other just as badly (if not more so), and logically, the family members who are affected the most by the dysfunctionality are Lynn Sr. and Rita, who have been burdened with the thankless job of taking care of 10 misbehaved and ungrateful children and their lot in life is slowly driving them to the brink.
    • The twins’s Vitriolic Best Buds dynamic gets deconstructed here, as Lola, following a string of recent fights with Lana, does something unforgivable to her twin (rip her favorite hat in two out of spite), which puts a severe damper on their relationship, and both twins are currently on hostile terms, which prompted them to seek out Cool Big Sister figures in Lynn and Kathleen respectively.
    • The Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling Trope is deconstructed with Ryan and Renee. While at first glance they seem to be a classic example of this trope, with the sister being the responsible, studious type and the brother the callous and misbehaved rebel, as the story goes on, Ryan shows himself to be the more easy-going, sensible, and compassionate one while Renee is so fixated on being The Perfectionist to the point of being obsessive, anti-social, abusive and displaying a shocking Lack of Empathy.
    • Lola's status as a Tiny Tyrannical Girl. She still has the personality and attitude of one (as well as the expected misgivings, i.e. expecting people to just bow to her will), but she's still only a 5-year-old child, while Lincoln, despite being a wimpy dork, is twice her age, and once he realizes that rampant dysfunction is destroying his family, one of the first things he does is to stand up to Lola, which proves to be incredibly easy (for the former reasons) and the latter is instantly rendered a non-threat, as she's too young and inexperienced to cause him or anyone else any sort of real harm, other than being a very pesky nuisance. And her spiteful and selfish attitude has left her as a pariah in her family, with nobody caring much about her by the end of the first fic (with even Lana getting fed up and becoming roommates with Lynn). And when Lola acts the same way with people who aren't part of her family and thus have no reason to cut her any slack, like Ryan and Renee Taylor, she just ends up making enemies who are all too capable of hurting her, and grow more and more inclined towards it after she pushes their buttons one too many times.
  • Stupor Heroics: The story deconstructs the “Loud siblings gain superpowers” type of story. Having superpowers makes their dysfunctional family dynamics incredibly destructive. Lincoln, the one sibling with no powers, is in constant physical danger from it. Lori decided that cutting Lincoln out of her and her sisters' lives was the best way to keep him safe.
  • Syngenesophobia serves as a deconstruction of the show's usual gags, specifically of the episode "Brawl in the Family". Lincoln is known for being a total Butt-Monkey who is often the victim of his sisters' antics. And although it's starting to become rather rare, some episodes also has the sisters realize their mistakes and make it up to Lincoln. This isn't really the case here. Lincoln gets beaten up by his sisters, as per usual, but this time there are no Amusing Injuries and Lincoln actually gets so badly injured from the beating that he has to be hospitalized and develops the titular phobia of his sisters. The fanfic goes on to deconstruct the past behavior and actions of the entire family as they undergo therapy sessions, from Leni's intelligence to the danger of Luan's April Fool's Day pranks.
  • The Loud Sim Date: The fic itself isn't that big on deconstruction all the time, but the basic premise can be taken as a deconstruction of the typical "incest harem" fic.
    • The sisters change behavior because of mind-controlling helmets and chips.
    • Lincoln, instead of going along with it or accepting it, is instead worried for his sisters and tries his best to help them through their hardships.
    • Instead of going back to normal as if nothing had happened, the sisters are left scarred from the experience.
    • As said above, I Want My Beloved to Be Happy is deconstructed by Lori's decision to stay quiet about the chips. Yeah, her family is happy, but it only lasts up until the Aloha Beach Resort arc begins.
      • Lana's attempt to get Lucy out of Lynn's mind deconstruct I Can Change My Beloved. Basically, it ends with her being molested, and with Lynn still obsessed with Lucy.
      • Ronnie deconstructs I Gave My Word and Honor Before Reason with her promise to Cristina to help her get revenge. It deconstructs the former because she lets everything up to chapter 33 happen because of her promise, and the latter is deconstructed because her family pride prevents her from just calling it quits.
      • Lola winds up becoming a slight deconstruction of My Sister Is Off-Limits and the "overprotective sibling" kind of character. After Lana is molested by Lynn, she does whatever she can to make sure Lana never gets hurt again. Thing is, Lana winds up being more annoyed with it than thankful, and eventually this winds up causing a falling out between the two before Lola is tortured by Cristina.
      • Cristina deconstructs the Complexity Addiction and Batman Gambit-oriented plans that have specific requirements. Even if they do wind up working, when even one thing goes out of control (Agape and Ronnie betraying her, for instance) her whole plan falls apart.
  • What is a Person Worth?, by the author of Syngenesophobia, is a deconstruction of the episode "No Such Luck", making it clear how damaging being treated as nothing but a good luck charm would be and how dangerous being forced to wear a mascot's suit all the time would be. To wit, as for chapter 3, Lincoln has had to wash the squirrel suit with the hose to avoid it becoming contaminated, nearly been eaten by an alligator, nearly been on the receiving end of a No Holds Barred Beat Down by members of a rival sports team, nearly attacked by vicious dogs (one of which he killed, to his clear horror) and found out his belongings were thrown away instead of sold as his family claimed. Lynn's actions in the episode is also shown to be beyond hypocritical and when Lola blames Lincoln for her B on a test, she comes off as an outright bully. The fanfic also deconstructs the Negative Continuity of the show and Lincoln's Butt-Monkey status. Indeed, thanks to Negative Continuity, the show can put Lincoln in embarrassing situations, but he doesn't have to deal with the long-term consequences of it as all will be null and void in the next episode. What is a Person Worth? reminds us that in reality, there is no Reset Button and that being treated as a Butt-Monkey has long-term consequences. Long-term consequences as in depression and developing a strong resentment towards his family and his Fair Weather Friends.
