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Characters / The Night Angel Trilogy

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This is the character sheet for Brent Weeks' The Night Angel Trilogy.

Azoth/Kylar Stern

  • Green-Eyed Monster: Gets considerably jealous over Elene getting proposed to by a man named Pol and when he sees a naked statue of Elene and mistakes her for one of lord Jadewin's mistresses.
  • I Will Fight No More Forever: Attempts to retire with Elene in Book 2, but he ends up getting dragged into the mess again.
  • Love Triangle: In Book 1, Kylar is caught in one with his best friend Logan, who's in love with his childhood friend Serah, who loves Logan but also has feelings for Kylar, who doesn't reciprocate. And then, Kylar gets into another love triangle with his own childhood friend Elene and his former enemy Vi.
  • Meaningful Name: All three of his names have meaning as explaiend by Wolf. "Azoth" is an old language meaning "quicksilver", formless and ever changing. "Kylar" is similiar to the word "cleave": it means both "to kill" and "one who is killed". And his alias as "Kagé", which means Shadow and also links him to the Sa'Kagé.
  • Punny Name: "Azoth" is an poetic word for mercury, coming from the Arabic. Azoth, as a wetboy, will be mercurial in his disguises.
  • Oblivious to Love: In particular, towards his own feelings for Elene until half way through Book 1.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Quite a bit. Kylar often watches Elene shopping from the Modaini Smoking Club, much to Momma K's disapproval.

Durzo Blint

  • Badass Creed: "Life is Empty. Life is Meaningless. When we take a life, we take nothing of value."
  • Brought Down to Normal: He was once the Night Angel, and wielder of the black ka'kari, which made him effectively immortal. However, he entered a relationship with a mortal woman Vonda. He tried to find another ka'kari to give to Vonda so that she would be immortal as well. However, Vonda was kidnapped by Khalidorians, and he was ordered to give them a ka'kari in return or she would die. He refused, and because he did so callously, indifferently and without remorse, the ka'kari, whose power comes from love and is thus diametrically opposed to indifference, abandoned him, turning him mortal.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: Both Blint's and Momma K's desire to bottle up their feelings for each other and not just tell teach other end up causing each one to assume the worst about the other and therefore ruin each other's lives.
  • Love Hurts: His deeply conflicted and restricted relationship with Momma K ends with a series of misunderstandings, which leads to Momma K betraying Durzo and Durzo's death.
  • Mage Marksman: At one point he uses his Talent to load arrows into his bow as soon as he fired the last one, effectively creating a rapid-fire bow.

Logan Gyre

  • My Girl Is Not a Slut: Defends Serah from the rumors of her sleeping with his best friend Prince Aleine — among others — but she really did get around.

Gwinvere 'Momma K' Kirena

  • Love Hurts: Her deeply conflicted and restricted relationship with Durzo ends with a series of misunderstandings, which leads to Momma K betraying Durzo and Durzo's death.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: She was the one who first engineered Aleine Gunder IX's ascension to the throne over the more intelligent (and therefore less inclined to overlook crime) Regnus Gyre. This allowed the Sa'Kage to flourish under Gunder's weak rule, but it also allowed the Khalidorians to infiltrate and manipulate the Sa'Kage into helping Khalidor conquer Cenaria.

Doll Girl/Elene Cromwyll

  • Rags to Riches: When Doll Girl gets adopted into the Cromwyll family.
  • Scars Are Forever: The scars on her face she received as a child from Rat — an X-mark on her cheek and lips, and a loop from the corner of her mouth to the outside of her eye. For Kylar, it's a reminder of his failure. For Elene, it's a reminder of Azoth/Kylar saving her.



  • Heartwarming Orphan: Sorta, given that both her parents are alive but have to keep secret from her.

Dorian Ursuul

  • The Corruption: The vir. Its one of many reasons he doesn't use it, preferring to rely on his Talent and other gifts. Its far more corrupting than he thought and is using it too much is probably the main factor behind his Face–Heel Turn.
  • Faith–Heel Turn: He'd been doing bad things up to this point already as God-King Wanhope, most notably murdering every single one of his brothers (young kids included, and even forcing pregnant concubines to have abortions) but he justified it by hoping and praying that God was on his side and that now all potential rivals (who would have been puppets of the Vurdmeisters) he could finally get round to being a good, reforming leader. But learning that Jenine's husband was alive immediately before his wedding pushed him off the deep end and he decided he couldn't take any more, forsook God, and started truly thinking of himself as a God-King.
  • Love Hurts: Dorian loves Jenine so much, but loses her to Logan in the end.
  • Mad Oracle: Parts of the trilogy, this IS Dorian. But at the end he really does become mad. Maybe. He smiles at Vi when she realizes he implanted Kylar and Elene's child in Jenine. He might not be so mad as people think.
  • Necessarily Evil: What Dorian first thinks of him becoming Godking Wanhope. He then realizes that he has to do despicable things to keep the people in line, and to save his wife, Jenine. Towards the end of it, though, between his behaviour and the vir and his returning madness that the vir is making worse, he becomes indifferent to Jenine's fate and starts thinking about how he "deserved" to be God-King, and it takes Solon to make Dorian realize that he'd started to forget the "necessarily" part and was becoming a full-blown villain.
  • Training from Hell: While being groomed as the Godking's heir in his childhood/teens, Dorian had to flay a woman alive and kill his mother, along with a host of other horrific behaviour. But what sickens Dorian the most is that, being a child and not knowing any different, he used to actually enjoy it and didn't think he was doing anything wrong.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He feels he has to act like a true Godking (ie. The Caligula) in the present to put the fear of... well, God... into his subjects since the culture of Khalidor is so corrupt that all of them would interpret kindness as weakness and try to kill him. His plan is to gradually introduce more and more reforms and eventually cut the insanity out of is kingdom for good, in other words for the Greater Good. However, by the end he sees that the Greater Good had become an excuse and he was becoming just as depraved as his father was for the sake of an imaginary future.
