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Characters / The Bridge Jerkishand Villainous Equestrians

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     Famous Villains Grogar and his students 
  • Ancient Evil: All of them are at the very least a thousand years old. Grogar is far older than that.
  • Dragon Ascendant: Sombra, Chrysalis, Discord, and Tirek were Grogar's disciples and went on to be Big Bad level threats in their own right.
  • Physical God: All of them , especially Grogar, are leagues stronger than your average Equestrian to the point the only ones who could face them in an upfront fight at powerful alicorns or high tier kaiju. Each of them have shown the capacity to bring kingdoms to their knees on their own.
  • Seven Deadly Sins: Each draw power from one of them to fuel their dark magic. Sombra is wrath, Chrysalis is lust note , Discord is gluttony note ; and Sendak along with his successor Tirek are greed. Grogar, as the inventor of Dark Magic, represents all of them, but Pride is a big one.

King Nuestro Odio Sombra

  • Adaptational Relationship Overhaul: In the comics, he is shown to be much younger than Princess Amore and looks up to her as a mentor figure (at least, until he discovers his true origin). In The Bridge, he is around Amore's age and was obsessed with making her his mate.
  • Adaptational Species Change: An umbrum in the body of a unicorn in the comics, a powerful unicorn using dark magic in the show, a former crystal unicorn archmage mutated and twisted into...something else through self-experimentation with dark magic in this story.
  • Adaptational Villainy: His cruelty and wicked deeds outclass both his comic and show incarnations, marking him as an especially vindictive and irredeemably depraved individual who isn't above forcing himself onto those he deems desirable or rooting out those he declares as weak and useless.
  • Age Lift: As old as Princess Amore instead of being a colt when he first crossed paths with her.
  • Back from the Dead: After Gigan and Megalon retrieve his severed horn from the snow, Bagan brings him back to life. After Cadance and Xenilla kill him again, Bagan comments that he can bring him back to life whenever he feels like it. He eventually does.
  • Crazy-Prepared:
    • He knows of all the Crystal Empire's hidden passages and weapons. He manages to ambush Princess Cadance in her chambers and retrieves his scythe during the fight with Xenilla.
    • He made a backup of the tome Gogar gave him.
  • Death Amnesia: When he's brought back, the last thing he remembers is his death.
  • The Dreaded: Like his canon counterpart, he's feared throughout the Crystal Empire. Key Ring nearly has a panic attack when Xenilla and Blade Dancer uncover evidence that he's returned.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Xenilla of all people. They both have power over crystal and want to take over a kingdom. Xenilla is polite, knows a bit about Pragmatic Villainy, and is implied to be a bit noble deep down. Sombra is extremely egotistical and constantly expresses how much he enjoys making others suffer and die. While Xenilla's crystals can heal and empower others, Sombra's crystals are toxic.
  • Evil Gloating: He just won't shut up about his superiority. Xenilla chooses to attack him while he is talking several times.
  • Expy: As usual, he is shaped in the image of Sauron, fittingly so as he is revealed to be one of the most formidable apprentices taught by Grogar, Equestria's Morgoth.
  • Fantastic Racism: He thinks Unicorns are the best, and hates the Crystal Empire's past ruler Princess Amore Diamante for being a noble Unicorn who chose a Pegasus as a husband. He also repeatedly calls Xenilla a mongrel or beast because he can tell he isn't really a Unicorn. He also refers to King Caesar as a mongrel dog.
    • Chrysalis muses about this in Chapter 56 Part 1 while the two of them are scrying the continent, looking for Tirek's whereabouts, internally questioning his motivation to give up a prosperous and highly respected lifestyle all because of petty bigotry:
    He had run away from what should have been a prosperous life as the court magus. Ran upon beating hooves away from what could have been a happy life in a just empire. All because he thought a station admired by so many wasn't enough and that there had been those of lesser quality and breeding being put well above their place. Whereas his cohorts largely saw all equines as the same race, Sombra's obsession with dividing himself from others had resulted in him clinging to past hatreds and fixating on the most minor of inconsequential details.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: He was an ordinary Unicorn until he acquired dark magic.
  • Gemstone Assault: He can create and control constructs of black crystal called Aerenth. Aerenth is apparently toxic to those who don't practice dark magic because it is loaded with negative emotions like hate.
  • Healing Factor: His healing is sped up the more he concentrates on anger and hate.
  • Home Field Advantage: Since he's memorized the layout of the Crystal Empire and knows where all the passages and hidden weapons are, he has quite an advantage over others who don't.
  • If I Can't Have You…: Heavily hinted he murdered Princess Amore for choosing another stallion as a husband instead of him.
  • I Know What You Fear: He can cause others to hallucinate their greatest fears.
  • Large and in Charge: He's a king who's roughly the same size as Xenilla's pony form, and Xenilla is huge.
  • Living Shadow: Can transform into one to sneak around or evade attacks.
  • Meaningful Name: His full name roughly translates to "Our Hated Shadow". His original name, Saros, is a term for a time frame used to predict eclipses, and eclipses make shadows.
  • Meaningful Rename: He used to be called Archmage Saros, but changed it to symbolize his commitment to the power of darkness and hate.
  • Never Found the Body: There seems to not be a trace of him left after Princess Cadance and Xenilla blast him simultaneously. Xenilla notes that they should probably check for his remains anyway, especially since he came back before. Bagan confirmed he is dead again, not that it matters.
  • The Power of Hate: His dark magic runs on negative emotions like hatred and fear. Chrysalis lists Wrath as what he represented among Grogar's students.
  • Pride: His ego cannot take anybody being able to best him or being unimpressed by him.
  • Professor Guinea Pig: He experimented on himself to increase his strength, durability, and magical ability.
  • Properly Paranoid: He berates Chrysalis for making a deal with Bagan, saying the being cannot be trusted. Given Bagan's true nature, he is entirely correct.
  • Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: He muses that he would like to assert his superiority to Princess Cadance by raping her, but since he's short on patience, he'll settle for killing her.
  • Sinister Scythe: Wields one against Xenilla.
  • The Social Darwinist: While plotting to do away with Cadance, he muses that he will purge the Crystal Empire of the weak and useless.
  • The Starscream: Is resurrected by Bagan again to help Chrysalis release the seal on Tambelon, but like her is doing so for Grogar in hopes the Nexus of Dark Magic will kill Bagan after being released.
  • Super-Strength: He can stomp the ground hard enough to crack it and trade blows with Xenilla.
  • Super-Toughness: He can take direct hits from Xenilla's Corona Ray without getting vaporized, only suffering Clothing Damage and singed fur. He can also shrug off Xenilla and Cadance's super strong punches.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: It is mentioned his strength and durability is roughly equal to Xenilla's pony form, but he treated physical combat as beneath him and preferred to just use his magic, so he has less combat experience. He is however, quite handy with a scythe.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Bagan brought him back to life knowing he would try to take back the Crystal Empire, and was patiently waiting for him to do so as this serves his own purposes. Sombra was unaware of him until he was brought back a second time.
  • The Usurper: He gained control of the Crystal Empire a 1000 years ago by murdering Princess Amore.
  • Villain Cred: Queen Chrysalis cites some of his accomplishments with pride and says he would be a good partner if he were still around.
  • Villainous Breakdown: When he sees Princess Cadance in full armor and mistakes her for Princess Amore, he starts screaming that it's impossible because he killed her himself. After realizing his error, he then starts ranting about his hatred of Amore, then attacks. He goes berserk again when Cadance gives him a bloody nose.
  • Villainous Legacy: A young Starlight Glimmer found his spellbook and turned to dark magic as a result.
  • Would Hit a Girl: He killed Princess Amore and wants to kill Princess Cadance.
  • Would Hurt a Child: While spying on Cadance, when he sees her playing with a colt in a wheelchair, he is disgusted and says weaklings like him will be the first to die once he reclaims the Crystal Empire.


  • Bystander Syndrome: Since he doesn't really care about anypony besides Fluttershy, he is mostly indifferent to the swarm of Destroyah babies overrunning Ponyville and leaves as soon as it's tea time. After the conflict is over, Fluttershy has to shame him into repairing the town with his powers.
  • Complete Immortality: One of the Destroyah babies blows his head apart. His body just calmly snaps his fingers and he has a new head.
  • Fourth-Wall Observer: He references Toho's website and even TV Tropes itself while trying to figure out the Kaiju. Exaggerated for the April Fool's Day special.
  • Literal Genie: Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie ask him to make the Destroyah babies stop eating all the food. Similar to Twilight's blunder against the Parasprites, he makes them start eating everything else, though in his case he simply doesn't care.
  • Reality Warper: He can summon a Kindle-Fire that links to the real world's Internet, alter a creature's metabolism, you name it.
  • Villainous Glutton: His Dark Magic is apparently powered by Gluttony, but in the larger sense of excess and hedonism, which fits him quite well. He represented this sin among Grogar's students.

Queen Chrysalis

  • Authority Equals Asskicking: Queen of the Changelings and so powerful only incredibly skilled soldiers or Physical God tier beings can hope to fight her one on one.
  • Big Bad: Of The Bridge: The Eclipse Times, which takes place during her original attack a thousand years ago.
  • The Chessmaster: In addition to her plan from canon, there's also her attack a thousand years ago: where her fellow villains and disciples of Grogar all launched direct assaults on Equestria or the Empire, Chrysalis waited, biding her time until the opportunity struck. That opportunity came when Celestia banished Luna and went into a Heroic BSoD, at which point she began her invasion aiming at important targets rather than going straight for Celestia and the other Equestrian rulers of the time as most of the other villains had.
  • Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?: Intends to do this to Bagan when offered a Villain Team-Up, intending to exploit it to restore Grogar to his full power, fully expecting them to fight and having her money on Grogar to win. So far, she's successfully doing so.
  • The Dreaded: Most of the ponies fear her return ever since the Canterlot Wedding incident. During her rampage a 1000 years ago, she also had this reputation, to the point trained soldiers were afraid to even fight her head on.
  • Evil Counterpart: She's one to Princess Celestia, Princess Cadance.
  • Evil Doppelgänger: To her Mirror World counterpart Duchess Chrysalis.
  • Expy: Seems to be one of Thuringwethil: A vampiric entity whose appearances within the story always revolve around deception, trickery and subterfuge, serving the most powerful evil being (who himself resembles Thuringwethil's master) in the world. However, in contrast with her literal inspiration, Chrysalis herself is far more fleshed out as a character.
  • The Ghost: She is mentioned often but doesn't appear in the story until Chapter 31.
  • Insect Queen: The largest and most powerful member of the Changelings, holding absolute command over her hive.
  • Knight of Cerebus: The story wasn't exactly light hearted, but the moment she's introduced in The Eclipse Times, things get serious fast.
  • Lust: Says her dark magic is powered by it. Lust for power, lust for pleasures, lust for revenge, etc. Focusing on her feelings of lust can increase her power as well.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Was smart enough to fall back and hide after her fellow Grogar disciples Discord and Tirek were defeated a thousand years ago and bide her time.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: If she and the Changelings are left unchecked, they're very capable of destroying entire cities. And have. Timbuctu was reduced to a scorched ruin with no survivors in short order when it fell to Chrysalis. Word of God points out her style of attack trumps the majority of kaiju in terms of fatality ratio, with the first two Godzillas, the Ghidorahs, and Bagan himself being the only exceptions. In terms of personal power, her beams can melt metal and solid rock and she has enough sheer physical power to causally shatter solid stone with her bare hooves.
  • Power Perversion Potential: Hints that she seduced King Sombra in the past by shape shifting into Princess Amore, whom he had desired.
  • Rape, Pillage, and Burn: Minus the first part, this was what she did to Timbucktu and presumably other places, though 'pillage' in this case refers more to love than to possessions. By the time Commander Hurricane and the others arrived, the city was a smoldering ruin with the entire population drained of love and slaughtered.
  • Revenge: Her main goal is to get revenge on Celestia, Twilight Sparkle, and the others who previously defeated her.
  • The Starscream: Joins Bagan's Villain Team-Up, but has her own agenda to use the team up to restore her teacher, Grogar, knowing full well he and Bagan will duke it out once that happens. Her money is on Grogar.
  • Super-Strength: Is physically powerful enough to shatter a huge stone pillar being dropped on her with an Offhand Backhand.
  • Telepathy: She apparently has the ability to command any Changeling, no matter how far away they are.
  • Villain Team-Up: Legion visits her and convinces her to form an alliance with Bagan. However, she instantly decides to use the team up to restore her teacher, the Nexus of Dark Magic Grogar as part of her own agenda. She ends up teaming up with a resurrected Sombra to do this.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: As a Changeling, she has the ability to alter her form.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Her attack on Timbucktu left no survivors. It's made quite clear that included children.

Lord Tirek

  • Evil-Detecting Dog: Seems to set these off, as King Caesar, a Diamond Dog at the time was able to sense his sheer evil a good bit before he saw him.
  • Fusion Dance: Due to a dimensional mix up, he ends up fusing with Legendary Rodan and Singular Point Rodan to become Tiradon.
  • Genius Bruiser: Chrysalis notes that he has good wits and is an excellent schemer, but also very powerful. It's for this reason she considered him her go to for a Villain Team-Up before being incapable of finding him.
  • Greed: Is the source his Dark Magic.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: According to Word of God, at his strongest he's in the same tier as some of the stronger kaiju.
  • Villain of Another Story: Was the threat that King Caesar was called to Equus to help defeat, though we don't see much of it.


  • Adaptational Badass: The original Grogar was one of the strongest villains in G1 and a Hero Killer, but this one is even stronger. To the point that he's one of the three most powerful beings in both universes, matched only by Bagan and Harmony.
  • Ancient Evil: Is at least a thousand years old and as Tirek's predecessor was ancient by that point, it's implied he's much older than that. Given he's a Nexus of Magic, it's likely he is very old indeed.
  • Animalistic Abomination: Legion describes his presence as being comparable only to Bagan's and the Tome of Eldritch Lore he gave to Chrysalis is described as being hideous and evil in every description, right down to the sound of the words being read. Word of God even describes him as being less of a goat and more of a demonic monster in the shape of one.
  • Big Bad: Seems to be being built up as second one, both by Word of God comments and by the Bad Future Empress Flurry Heart is from, where he's listed as being one of the causes of it.
  • Creative Sterility: As a being of pure destruction, he can only corrupt what Harmony creates. He turned the windigoes from Harmony's servants to his own, and may have done the same to who knows how many other creatures.
  • The Corruptor: As stated above, he corrupted the windigoes into their current form.
  • Dark Is Evil: Is a master of Dark Magic, and while that isn't inherently evil (in fact Luna is a user of it), Grogar definitely is. In fact he's both the Greater-Scope Villain to Discord, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Sombra and the very nexus of Dark Magic itself, making him a more or less literal version of this trope.
  • Destroyer Deity: Empress Flurry Heart's record seems to refer to him as such, also referring to Harmony as Creation and Bagan as Extinction. It's eventually revealed he originally was the God of Destruction and played a positive role.
  • Evil Counterpart: Another to Harmony: he's another nexus of magic like Harmony and Bagan, but is the nexus of dark magic and the teacher of some of Equestria's worst evils.
  • Evil Mentor: Sombra cites him as his master in dark magic. Chrysalis reveals she, Tirek, and Discord also learned it from him and he's the 'nexus' of it.
  • Evil Versus Evil: Chrysalis outright expects this to the case between him and Bagan if she manages to fully restore him. She expects Grogar to win, and he's one of the few that would have any chance of doing so.
  • Expy: As the story progresses, he is gradually revealed to be Equestria's version of Morgoth: The most ancient of all its evils, originator of the dark arts and most other of its evil beings, a god believing himself to be unfailable because of his godhood and out of pride, destroyer of civilisations from ages long since past, as well as being a deity once aligned with the purpose of life and good now serving the cause of evil and death. In short, a devil that cannot create, only corrupt what good forces have made.
  • Fallen Hero: A few images and impressions Harmony sends Wysteria hint that Grogar was once a more noble being than he is today.
  • Female Angel, Male Demon: Like Bagan, the male demon to Harmony's female angel.
  • God Couple: It's implied that he and Harmony were in a relationship once in the images Harmony sends Wysteria.
  • God of Evil: Is the God of Dark Magic, and on the same tier as Harmony and Bagan. Empress Flurry Heart's report seems to refer to him as the God of Destruction. However, Word of God points out he's not this trope simply for being the Nexus of Dark Magic (which is shown by Luna using dark magic herself and Celestia's canon usage of it), rather like Bagan is this due to his choices and actions.
    • It's eventually revealed he and Harmony were a God Couple at one point and Grogar's original purpose was being the God of Destruction.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Was King Sombra's magic teacher. And Chrysalis', Tirek's, and Discord's as well. In fact, Chrysalis implies he's the reason a thousand years ago was such a busy time for monstrous evils. After Legion comes to her with an offer of a Villain Team-Up, Chrysalis decides to take the opportunity to try and restore him to his full power. He also created the Windigos, who fathered the Sirens, and thus is responsible for both.
  • Magic A Is Magic A: Dark Magic is notably different from the magic most Equestrians and even Terrans use and he was a master of it. He's revealed to be a 'nexus' of it, like Bagan and Harmony are of their respective types.
  • Monster Progenitor: Besides the Windigos, it's implied that he's created or rather corrupted numerous other monsters, like Chimeras and G1 Stratodons.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: Remember how Bagan caused a global mass extinction attack in a day? Grogar is capable of destruction on the same scale. He's eventually revealed to be God of Destruction, and his own rampage several millennia ago manages to be on an equal tier to Bagan's.
  • Physical God: Both the description of him being the 'Nexus' of Dark Magic like Bagan and Harmony are for their particular types and Legion's only comparison to what his power feels like being Bagan's own implies he's on the same tier as both of them are. Chrysalis later states the only one that's ever matched him was Harmony herself, who just barely won and sealed him away, confirming he is indeed on the same level as the other two. For perspective, this means that, like them, even Grand King Ghidorah would be no match at all for him. This is eventually revealed to be undoubtably the case, with his rampage that got him sealed being near indistinguishable from Bagan's in terms of scope.
  • The Power of Hate: Taught King Sombra dark magic running on this, implying he knows it as well. Later revelations show he invented it. His creations the Windigos also run on it.
  • Pride: Word of God notes while he technically represents all of the Seven Deadly Sins (as the creator of dark magic), he represents this one majorly. He ultimately came to believe that as he was a god, he is incapable of making mistakes and thus any choice he makes is inevitably the right one, and chose to wipe Equus clean and remake it as perfect in his mind.
  • Red Baron: The Shadow King (according to promo art).
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Is currently imprisoned in Tambelon by Harmony with the help of six heroic mortals, the entrance being beneath the Crystal Empire. Breaking his seal requires something of Harmony's magic and a spell split between the four tomes he gave his students.
  • Seven Deadly Sins: His students represent four of them: Discord was Gluttony (in the sense of hedonism), Chrysalis is Lust, King Sombra was Wrath, and Sendak was Greed until he died and passed it onto Lord Tirek. The Windigos, his creations, seem to also fit the sin of Wrath as well. According to Word of God, Grogar himself represents all of them.
  • Sizeshifter: According to Word of God, he's capable of doing this as is Harmony.
  • Tautological Templar: He eventually came to believe that, as a god, he was incapable of making mistakes, and that any course of action that he took was automatically right.
