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Characters / Super Robot Wars PC

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    Imperial Alliance 

William "Liam" Tinmall

A meek scientist from the Gundam Seed universe, he was thrown into the battlefields of the Paradox Cascade with no real military experience. Worried more about how to reverse the Universe Imploding event than scoring kills in a fight, Liam is slowly growing into more of a field leader with the flowing of time.He is the pilot of the Gundam Zer∅, a unit that he built himself, but due to heavy battle damage it was reconfigured into the Gundam Zer∅ Repair.


  • The Woobie: Liam always seem to be getting a bad hand in many of the situation he encounters: when he gets a new job, it comes with the caveat that he now needs to become a Humongous Mecha pilot; he is a assigned a simple mission, but it ends up being the start of the Paradox Cascade.
  • Badass Bookworm: Having a PH.D. in Particle Physics, Liam is one of the few pilots that both built and took care of his machine in between missions. When piloting, he takes advantage of all the features that he implemented into the Zer∅ for great results, but he never took a human life.
  • Love Interest: Implied in the form of Adeptus Mechanicus Initiate Naira. Liam said multiple times that she is "The only person that kept him same in this crazy World", but he doesn't see her in a romantic way. Yet.
  • Didn't Think This Through: his greatest regret is listening to the Big Bad of the series, that offered him a way out but forced him to fight the Japanese Imperials instead.

    UN Most Wanted 

Gabriel Lightsworn


  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: This dude looks like he was a protagonist from a High School Musical movie before being brought into Paradox Cascade.
  • Badass Adorable: Despite the pretty face and looks, Gabriel pilots a 45 meter tall giant mecha to charge into battle and destroy his opponents.
  • Combat Medic: The mecha mentioned above can also repair allied robots and vehicles.
  • Knight in Shining Armor: Or at least that's what he thinks of himself.
  • Nice Guy: Always genuinely concerned about the rest of his group's well being when he isn't threatening people with a nuke.
  • The Engineer: A mixture of Combat Engineer and The Mechanic. Gabriel was rigorously trained underneath the Erebonian Empire before going rogue, and with such skills, he seems to know his way through almost any mundane vehicles, mechas and weapons.
  • Mr Fix It: In addition to conducting repairs of mundane machinery, Gabriel has also worked on repairing a sentient cybertronian for a questionably positive outcome despite having never dealt with them before.
  • Red Pill, Blue Pill: After ditching the Erebonian Empire, Gabriel worked as an ordinary mechanic for a resonably stable living. He was introduced to the chaos of Paradox Cascade when he was approached by Sideways, whom needed help breaking their unfairly accused allies out of a prison. Although refusal to help with such a thing was an option, Gabriel decided to help anyways, which ultimately placed him on the UN's most wanted list.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Subverted. The aforementioned nuke incident. After the UN's most wanted group was cornered by mercenaries hoping to cash their bounties in, Gabriel threatened the mercenaries with a nuke that could kill himself, the rest of the group, the mercenaries and millions of civilian lives if it exploded, all while he went on a mad lunatic sperg as a part of his bluff.



  • The Ace: Claims to be a master of all forms of military arts. Has yet to be proven otherwise.
  • Impossibly Graceful Giant: Played for horror. The way Sixshot moves and fights is physically impossible for something his size, even for the very loose standards set by his race and yet he can pull off, flips, rolls, somersaults and dives as if he were a master acrobat. Most who bare witness, let alone experience his beatdowns usually react in confused terror, their minds unable to entirely comprehend what they're seeing.
  • Master Swordsman: Somewhat downplayed as he is equally comfortable with shooting things to pieces and has yet to truly show his chops in melee combat.
  • Made of Iron: Has, in order; crashed into the Earth at reentry speeds inside his ship, electrocuted by a power surge from a necron monolith, battered, chewed on, dogpiled shot, blown up, blasted, reentered the atmosphere again, this time with no ship to get between him and the atmosphere's friction, punched through the chest, had his heart almost crushed and got stabbed on the heart by a demonically enchanted knife. Only the last two were anywhere near life-threatening and he walked it off after a bit of medical attention and surgery.
  • Mechanical Abomination: Downplayed. Sure he looks normal enough for a Cybertronian or a mech, but the far too organic and fluid way he moves, nigh-impossible for other mechs to realistically achieve and not to mention how insanely difficult he is to kill or his ability to change into 5 other forms or the fact that he has a Skeleton inside of him, not an internal frame, but a literal skeleton, complete with ribs and a spine.
  • One-Man Army: Readily demonstrates his title of One-Bot Army almost every time he fights, where very little could stop his advance. Invoked as not only was he built and modified to be one, but has experience in the matter as his old role in the Decepticons was taking/destroying planets on the brink of collapse or crack ones that the Decepticon's couldn't take even with entire fleets and armies.
  • Playing with Syringes: His unnatural power and insane capabilities seems to stem not from being born with them, but by being enhanced and modified. And according to Sixshot himself, at great pain and misery on his part.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: He is extremely immature, impulsive and hot-tempered for a 4 million year old intergalactic mercenary.
  • Super-Soldier: Naturally. He is by far much more flexible, agile and precise than a 15 meter tall mechanical life form has any right to be and is insanely tough to kill.

    Allied Robot Corps 

Franz Eberbach


Rob O'Sullivan


  • Old Soldier: Served In Korean War and later intelligence on the side and eventually became involved in the Purgatory Project.
  • Perilous Old Fool: Rob once tried to take on a dinosaur soldier in Hand to Hand combat. Didn't end too well.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Rob has quite the big trail of intel connections. Which is how he keeps track of the Allegiance.
  • Wall of Weapons: He has an armory in his living room for easy access in case he receives some unwanted dinosaur guests.

Xavier Greywood

Xavier Greywood was not always meant for the dirty business of war and slaughter, once he was the respected and beloved heir apparent of his tribe's Medicine Man; destined to take his grandfather's place when his time had come to provide spiritual guidance for his people, but alas; it was not meant to be as in a fit of madness, he had slain his own mentor and family by hacking him to bits with a hatchet before taking off into the night. Over the next three years, he slaughtered about 20 other people across the Southwestern United States, seemingly at random and through downright impossible means of access yet all through the same method he had used on his first murder: Extreme bodily Mutilation with a Hatchet. Eventually, his reign of terror ended when he was caught in the middle of his 21st kill: That of an Atlantic Federation senator in the ruined husk of his Limousine after Xavier had bumped it into the path of an oncoming train. During his court hearing, he professed that he never killed anyone; saying that his murders were simply putting the tortured souls of the living dead to rest and that the Senator was the one who started it all and was a Skinwalker who had targeted him and his grandfather to finish a blood feud started a thousand years ago. Needless to say, the Judge wanted him in a mental hospital as he needed serious help, not to be trapped in a small box for the rest of his life. But the public demanded justice as the Senator was a liberal reformer who was a champion of the poor and thus he was sentenced to life in a supermax prison off the coast of Mexico. It would have been the end of his life and story if not for a firebrand of a ship captain that came to his cell, looking for scum with special talents and mindsets...


Zane O'Sullivan


  • Accidental Pervert: The first time he decided to save someone, Zane noticed the damsel in distress' fortified suit and large cleavage.
  • Badass on Paper: A young adult who runs from being hunted by dinosaurs in a super robot hailing from another dimension. In practice, kind of a wuss who has to have his Grandpa and his allies carry him during battles as he literally has zero experience in piloting mechs or combat in general.
  • Extreme Doormat: Such a doormat, Jin Hayato abandons him in the middle of a warzone so that Zane can stop complaining about his training.

    Main Antagonists 

Kurt "Raven" Griebel


  • Technical Virgin: Although he never had sex using his male genitalia, he was raped in prison.
  • The Virus: Shortly after his capture, Raven was turned into an Oni Mook.
