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Characters / FilmCow

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Due to the many different shorts that FilmCow puts out, characters are listed according to the series that they appear in. For characters from Charlie the Unicorn, go here. For characters from Llamas with Hats, go here.

    The Magical Realm of Horse Man 


The titular bipedal star of The Magical World of Horseman. Horseman has a compulsion to be the center of attention and expresses this by having parties all the flippin time.


  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Despite seemingly having a decently large circle of friends, none of them save for maybe Angela actually like him.
  • It's All About Me: He'll go out of his way to ruin any event that would keep people from going to his parties.
  • Jerkass: Just look at how he abuses poor Angela.

    Vulo Lives! 

Vulo the Face Borrower
A void creature who's currently "borrowing" the face of a cute catgirl named Christine. They host a web series where they interview cartoon characters.

The One True Moon

Vulo's co-host, and apparently the actual moon (implying the one we have now is a fake).
  • Affably Evil: The One True Moon has all of the aesthetic of an evil Eldritch Abomination, but it only asks the show's guests perfectly amicable questions and is genuinely polite, even if it's a bit unsettling at times.
  • Ambiguously Evil: The One True Moon certainly seems ominous, gets angry when people worship what it sees as "false gods" and ultimately is an Eldritch Abomination, but it doesn't seem to capable of hurting people on its own, and never does so onscreen. In Episode 7, it's implied they even want to build "an ark" to save a portion of life from the inevitable Deadly Slime Wars.
  • Intelligible Unintelligible: When the Moon "speaks", it makes this ominous droning noise, but Vulo can understand them perfectly well.
  • Genius Loci: The One True Moon is a living moon with enough knowledge to form opinions about pop culture on Earth and openly admire iconic characters like Sonic The Hedgehog.
  • Non-Human Non-Binary: The One True Moon is referred to with neutral pronouns.
