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The Rhodes Family

    Michael "Mikey" Rhodes

A normal 12-year old boy who was taken from his home to a fantasy realm known as Terrenos, where he was prophesied to destroy its tyrant God-King Lore. After spending many years training for their confrontation and battling his minions, he had managed to defeat him and returned to Earth so he could hunt down his five surviving followers who want to merge both worlds. Or so he tells his family when he returns — in reality, he sided with Lore and is working to destroy both worlds by killing the five mages who are keeping up the barriers between Earth and Terrenos.

  • Action Dad: Following the birth of his daughter with Rya.
  • Anti-Villain: He doesn't want to destroy Earth and he only allowed Lore to possess him so he could be reunited with his family. He is forced to obey Lore because he is possessed with his spirit. With the Nevermind removed, he doesn't have to serve him anymore.
  • Barbarian Hero: His looks are certainly evocative of this trope, with some characters calling him Conan in-universe.
  • BFS: His primary weapon, which also doubles as a Flaming Sword!!
  • Big Little Brother: Due to spending so many years in Terrenos, while only a year passes on Earth, he becomes so much older than Brennan.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: Mikey is outright superhuman, being able to beat up multiple people, shrug off mortal wounds that would debilitate normal humans, even when he is thoroughly weakened he can still pull up quite the fight. And all of this is the result of Rook's training in Terrenos, though Lore's possessing him could be another influence.
  • Child Soldiers: His warrior training began at 12, at it's very much an tragic depiction of this trope rather than being the Kid Hero, since it's show how he first learned to kill and was exposed to so much carnage until his adult years when he finally confronted Lore.
  • The Chosen One: Mikey is regarded as a chosen one due to his rare ability to walk between dimensions and he is supposedly fated to destroy God-King Lore. A Deconstructed Character Archetype, as the pressure of being separated for his loved ones for years and forced into a role he never asked for, as well as the many horrors witnessed in the war drove Mikey to rebel against his role and side with the monster he was supposed to kill, because he offered to relieve him from the burden and reunite him with his family. As it turns out, he never was one in the first place.
  • Enemy Within: His Nevermind, an extension of Lore's will grafted into his body to ensure his fealty. When forcibly extracted from his body, it looks like a twisted version of Mikey.
  • Fallen Hero: A champion of good destined to destroy the Evil Overlord, he faltered during the decisive moment and became his main enforcer. He is even mockingly called a "fallen hero" by Lore.
  • Interspecies Romance: With Rya (a Gideon).
  • Magic Knight: Mikey actually learned how to use magic himself in Terrenos, it's just that he hates it. He is forced to use it to successfully exorcise his brother.
  • One-Man Army: Mikey managed to fight his way through armed groups and FBI teams.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: He witnessed many horrors from war that was part of the reason he sided with Lore to return home.
  • The Unchosen One: After the Nevermind is safely extracted from his body, he is prodded by his loved ones to continue his quest to defeat Lore even though the entire prophecy was a lie.
  • Villain Protagonist: Though not without sympathetic motives, Mikey is still working for a being that wants to destroy both worlds so he qualifies. With the Nevermind out of his body, he doesn't have to serve Lore anymore. However, Mikey has fought for so long that he still wants to end the war by any means necessary - mainly by murdering Lore's family.

    Brennan Rhodes

Michael's older brother.

  • Action Survivor: He lacks his brother's strength and experience in combat, and is just a teenager who got caught up in his quest.
  • Came Back Strong: After being cured by a Diviner following being fatally shot, he merges with the spirit and develops his own magical powers.
  • Little Big Brother: Brennan is older than Michael, yet he ends up becoming younger as Mikey aged much faster in Terrenos.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Brennan killed a Diviner, one of the most fearsome things from Terrenos. Said Diviner ends up bonding to him as a Guardian Entity of sorts.
  • Distressed Dude: He is kidnapped by Kallista at the end of Issue #25 and kept as a hostage.
  • Kid Sidekick: To his brother.
  • Locked into Strangeness: His abuse of magic under Kalista's influence leads to a small part of his ginger hair going grey.
  • Morality Pet: For Michael.
  • Near-Death Experience: Brennan is accidentally shot by Becca and only saved by a Diviner spirit that heals him and apparently awakens his magical powers.
  • The Resenter: It's not apparent at first, but he developed resentment for being perceived as The Unfavorite by his parents, specially after Mikey's disappearance. These feelings come forward after Kallista pushes him to the dark side.
  • This Is Your Brain on Evil: Kallista pushes him to embrace his dark side and channeling foul magic. He becomes so corrupted that Body Horror takes hold of his body and he lets out all his frustration and resentment against his family for seemingly ignoring him.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Brennan is just a normal teenager when introduced in the story who takes several steps, first by banishing a freakin' Diviner (something that was more feared than any of Lore's monsters), and it culminates with him becoming a mage capable of kicking a Nevermind.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: He is frequently shocked at the things Mikey does such as killing people, as he is not aware of Mikey's true purpose on Earth.

    Aaron Rhodes

Michael and Brennan's father.

  • Action Survivor: Aaron manages to keep up despite the supernatural crap happening all around him and the fact all his blood relatives are magic-users.
  • Agent Mulder: It doesn't take much to convince Aaron that the bearded man claiming to be Mikey is really his son.
  • Calling the Old Man Out:
    • After finally reuniting with his father Sameal, he punches him and chews him out for leaving him and not doing anything to save to save his own grandson when he disappeared.
    • Inverted in Issue #25 when he calls out his own son Mikey after realizing he had been working for Lore all the time and brought misery to his home.
  • The Chew Toy: Played quite dramatically. His own father abandoned him when he was young, his marriage disintegrated following his own son's disappearance, he gets arrested and manipulated by Kylen... nothing ever goes right for him.
  • From Bad to Worse: Having his youngest child going missing under his watch, being accused of murdering him and then watch his family slowly crumble around him... Aaron's ordeal is pure, realistic Nightmare Fuel.
  • Must Make Amends: Aaron is so desperate to make amends for his family that he does some pretty desperate things as enabling his son to become a wanted fugitive from the law.
  • Muggle Born of Mages: His own father Samael and his son Brennan are mages, Aaron himself is a normal human.
  • Supernaturally Young Parent: He looks around the same age as his son Mikey due to the latter's accelerated aging. And just like his wife, he too shocked to learn he will become a grandfather when he sees Rya pregnant with Mikey's child. After his granddaughter's birth, he starts getting used with the idea.
  • When You Coming Home, Dad?: It's revealed that Samael regularly left for Aaron to embark in one of his "trips" (voyages into Terrenos).

    Wendy Rhodes

Michael and Brennan's mother.

  • Action Survivor: Just like her ex-husband and son, she also doesn't have special powers, but also gets paired up with a experienced warrior and manages to make the best out of the situation. She even scores her own kill.
  • Agent Scully: She is initially skeptical that the hulking warrior claiming to be her son is actually Mikey. She comes around that when she sees his sketchbook detailing his life in Terrenos, being convinced of his identity.
  • Supernaturally Young Parent: As a result of her son's accelerated aging in Terrenos, she looks about his age. She also expresses shock at seeing Rya pregnant with Mikey's baby, making her a grandma.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: The Girly Girl to Rya's Tomboy.
  • Women Are Wiser: When Aaron and Brennan flee with Mikey in his quest to hunt down the mages, she laments that she always been the "killjoy" in their family where the boys would always go get into trouble, and she would be the one to get sick worried.


Michael's love interest, she is a Gideon charged with protecting him during his training in Terrenos. The two became lovers during his stay in that world. However, she is left behind when Mikey returns to Earth and she follows him... while carrying their child.

  • Action Girl: Rya is a brave warrior that was kicking ass ever since she was a little girl, and still has it while carrying a child.
  • Battle Couple: With Mikey.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: Although she might look human, Rya is most definitely not one, as Mastema points out, if she was taken to a hospital nobody would be prepared to help her with such alien biology.
  • Interspecies Romance: With Mikey. What makes this notable is that its the first recorded one between a human and a Terrenos denizen.
  • Little Miss Badass: When she is introduced in the story, she is roughly the same age as Mikey's and an experienced fighter all together.
  • Pregnant Badass: Rya manages to kick ass while carrying Mikey's child. This trope is played with its realistic hang ups however, as the action strain causes her to have serious contractions.
  • Winged Humanoid: Rya is from an human-like race with angelic wings known as Gideon. She loses her wings as a sacrifice to take the Nevermind out of Mike's body without killing him.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Rya chews out Mastema for abandoning Terrenos to Lore's hands while she would care only about making money with her powers.

The Five Mages

    In General

These five fugitives from Terrenos are claimed by Mikey to be war criminals and servants of Lore who have fled their world and are plotting to merge it with Earth. In reality, they are actually heroes of their world who opposed Lore long before Mikey's arrival and tried to liberate it, until they realized it was a lost cause and abandoned Terrenos to its fate. They moved to Earth and vowed to protect it from Lore by setting up a barrier between the two words. Now, Lore sends Mikey to hunt down and kill the mages so he can merge Earth with Terrenos.

  • Anti-Hero: A Type IV variant. They are very brutal in pursuing their objectives, but still do it for the greater good.
  • Barrier Maiden: They have created a shield around Earth preventing Lore from crossing over from Terrenos and it will remain up for as long as they can live.
  • Despair Event Horizon: All of them crossed it before the events of the series, after spending so many years fighting against Lore and noticing they were not making any progress, they all agreed that Terrenos was beyond saving and placed a barrier around this dimension to prevent Lore from conquering all others. Mastema is apparently hit harder than most as she decides Earth too can't be saved and with the barriers becoming increasingly unstable, she hopes both worlds can be destroyed so that a new one can be raised anew.
  • Dwindling Party: Over the course of the series, they die one by one starting with Ward. By Issue #40, they are all dead.
  • Game Face: All of them possess a combat form they enter whenever they are in a fight.
  • Hero Antagonist: Their goal is essentially to protect the human world from Lore and our Villain Protagonist has to hunt them down so his master can finally claim the world.
  • Knight Templar: Even though their goal to defend Earth is noble enough, their sheer brutality and willingness to do anything to destroy the danger makes them dangerous. Mastema is revealed to be the most extremist one out of them all.
  • Precursor Heroes: They were regarded as legendary heroes on Terrenos for standing up against Lore, until their mysterious disappearance.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: A group composed of five magic users that don't really get along with each other with their hatred for Lore being the one thing they have in common. Except for Enoch and Sameal, they could hardly consider each other friends.
  • The Unfettered: There is no tactic considered too underhanded if it helps complete their goals: Summoning a cleansing spirit that destroys everything in its wake, targeting innocents that just happen to be related to their enemy or straight up murdering policemen in order to frame Mikey.

The first of the five mages encountered in the story, he masquerades as an old man living a solitary life.


The only female among the five mages, she is disguised on Earth as Leslie Mast, one of the richest women on the planet who used her magical powers to build fortune.

  • Creating Life: Her specialty is to create extremely living constructs and golems. Mastema used them mostly to make an army of monsters to serve her, she has used at least once to create a fully functional human-like with real emotions, feelings, personality and failings.
  • Daddy's Little Villain: She was initially groomed to be Lore's heir until she decided to rebel against him, despite her father loving and caring her in his own way. But even after she becomes evil herself, she is still opposed to Lore.
  • Fallen Hero: While her compatriots were heavily flawed individuals, they still had altruistic intents for defending Earth. Mastema outright becomes a villain for plotting the destruction of Earth and Terrenos.
  • Fatal Flaw: Her stubborness and inability to move on from Lore's influence dooms her since she won't change her mind about destroying both Earth and Terrenos and forces Samael to put her down.
  • Hidden Depths: Initially presented as a ruthless Knight Templar with no reservations about unleashing a Diviner on Earth and claiming to have left Earth just to have money, she is privately revealed to be kind towards Wendy and Rya, protects them when she has no reason to and ultimately reveals that she is the estranged daughter of Lore.
  • Hope Spot: Just when it seems Mastema is willing to abandon her Omnicidal Maniac plans when an option is presented to at least protect Earth from Lore's invasion, she chooses to persist on it because she won't change her mind and attacks the heroes instead, forcing Samael to put her down.
  • Not So Similar: Mastema appears to be just as deluded as her father about the nobility of her goals, but the heroes say that she is actually worse since she wants to have entire worlds destroyed rather than conquered.
  • In Their Own Image: When she is finally located by Mike and his allies, they discover her end goal is to allow both worlds to be destroyed so a new one can be made in her image.
  • Only in It for the Money: One of the many reasons she left Terrenos was so she could become rich on Earth, since her homeworld had nothing to offer.
  • Pet the Dog: Money-grubbing notwithstanding, she does offers sanctuary to Wendy and Rya and keeps them safe when when Kylen asks Mastema if she knows where they are, lying to him saying she hasn't seen either of them because she knows that they would have been in severe danger in his hands.
  • Never My Fault: When Kallista rightfully calls her out for her current condition, Mastema's shrugs it off saying that she is ungrateful.
  • Put Them All Out of My Misery: Believing that Lore's victory is imminent, no one can defeat him and that both Earth and Terrenos are prone to violence and war, she reasons that it's all for the better if the state was wiped clean and she could make a new, better world than before.
  • Rebellious Princess: Her father was none other than God-King Lore himself, and she decided to rebel against him and join the resistance. Her backstory is detailed in Issue #31, when she showed lash out towards her father's attempts to train her as his heir and rejected being his princess.
  • Smurfette Principle: The only woman among the five.
  • Troubling Unchildlike Behavior: As a little girl, she used her magical powers to incinerate her magical instructors because she didn't want to be Lore's heir.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Her flashback reveals that Mastema chose to set Kallista free as an sign of kindness after incinerating her kind. Unfortunately because of her inexperience with magic, she misused the spells and cursed Kallista with hearing the souls of the dead for all time.

The leader of the five mages, he masquerades as an federal agent ordered to hunt down Mikey.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: He was easily the most unlikable of all Five, but he dies understanding why Mikey wants him killed and warns him to not trust the Big Bad. His death also causes distress to nearly everyone since it means the barriers are weakening dramatically with another mage killed.
  • Anti-Villain: Cruel as he may be now, flashbacks reveal he was genuinely driven to release Terrenos from Lore's grasp and the most unwilling to abandon their world even though the war against him seemed hopeless.
  • Beard of Evil: He has a short, trimmed beard in his true form.
  • Cop Killer: Kylen incinerates a group of SWAT officers to frame Mikey for their murder and cover his own tracks.
  • Face Death with Dignity: When Mikey has him cornered and is ready to kill him, Kylen tells Mikey he is regretful of the many actions he took such as leaving Terrenos in the first place, since that meant he got dragged into their war without asking and completely understands if Mikey wants to kill the mages for this. Just before Mikey snaps his neck, he warns him that whatever Lore is offering is a lie and he must not be trusted.
  • Fatal Flaw: Wrath. Had he not flipped out in abject anger when the Nevermind told him Mastema was still loyal and gave her time to explain herself, Mikey wouldn't have freed himself and Kylen probably would have survived.
  • Horned Humanoid: In his real form, he has two polished horns.
  • Jerkass: Kylen is absolutely callous and unlikable to everyone he meets, though some flashbacks revealed he wasn't always like this.
  • Neck Snap: The manner of his death at Mikey's hands.
  • Pet the Dog: Back when Sameal proposed leaving Terrenos for Earth, Kylen proposed to gather as many innocents and refugees to abandon this world, but he was over-ruled by his companions because that would have attracted Lore's attention. Granted, this took place before he Took a Level in Jerkass.
  • Token Evil Teammate: The five mages are hardly considered paragons themselves, but Kylen is by far the most despicable of them all because of his dickish attitude and butchering innocents to get his way. Subverted when it turns out Mastema was the most malevolent and selfish of the group since she actively hoped to destroy both Earth and Terrenos while Kylen himself was a Well-Intentioned Extremist who died with some grace.
  • Unstoppable Rage: He goes absolutely berserk when he finds out Mastema has been hiding Wendy and Rya under his nose. It only escalates when Michael tricks him into believing Mastema wanted to rejoin Lore.

The most reclusive of the five mages, as well as the most deadly in combat. A silent assassin who would obliterate his enemies before they even knew he was there.
  • Big Damn Heroes: He rescues Aaron, Mikey and Brennan from a SWAT team in Issue 15.
  • Big Good: With three of the mages dead and Mastema going missing in action, Sameal is the only mage left whose sole existence keeps the barrier's stable and he is trying his best to find to stop Lore from conquering Earth. With his death, all hell breaks loose.
  • Collector of the Strange: His hideout contains many exotic magical artifacts and including a dragon in his cellar.
  • Daddy Had a Good Reason for Abandoning You: Zigzagged. He considers this to be the case, having abandoned his son to keep him safe from magic and the forces of Lore, and he might have a point. But Aaron sees this as just an excuse, and never forgives him for it.
  • Devious Daggers: He uses a pair of magical daggers known as "Blades of Forever" that can make anyone struck with it relive their most painful memories.
  • Disappeared Dad: To Aaron Rhodes.
  • Magic Knight: Sameal is more physically oriented than his companions, using mostly dual knives in combat along with his spells.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: He's revealed to be Aaron's father, and therefore Mikey and Brennan's grandfather.
  • Papa Wolf: Played for Drama when he ends up killing Enoch when he is threatening to murder his son Aaron, which causes the barrier between Earth and Terrenos to be weakened. He does it once more against Mastema to save his family, though he is taken out by her in the ensuing explosion.
  • Shoot the Dog: He is forced to do this a couple of times during the story to protect his family. The first with Enoch and the second with Mastema. He doesn't survive in the latter.
  • Taking You with Me: He stabs Mastema to prevent her from killing his family and her explosive death ends up consuming him too.
  • Token Human: Unlike other mages, who were native from Terrenos, Sameal is a human from Earth.

One of the five mages, Enoch is a native of Terrenos whose family was killed by Lore and joined the other mages to fight him. He was a very close friend to Sameal.


    God-King Lore

The ruler of Terrenos and the series' Big Bad. He is the reason why Mike was pulled to Terrenos as he was fated to destroy Lore and deliver this world from darkness, and after returning to Earth, he tells his family that he succeeded in his mission. In reality, Mike made a deal with Lore to return home in exchange of becoming his agent.

  • Big Bad: He is the biggest threat to both Earth and Terrenos and the one driving the plot.
  • Body Horror: Lore's true form is visceral to say the least. It's revealed that is this merely his Game Face, and his real form is more human and resembles a much older Mikey.
  • The Corrupter: He was able to subvert many warriors to serve him, including Kalista the Pale Rider and Michael Rhodes.
  • Deal with the Devil: One has to accept Lore's offer in order to become his servant. Once they have surrendered themselves to him, there is no going back. A Nevermind is grafted into their bodies to ensure loyalty, cause extreme agony in case of disobedience and eventual death, in case it's removed from their bodies.
  • Deconstructed Character Archetype: God-King Lore deconstructs the Invincible Villain. Lore is an extremely powerful mage, who also commands seemingly endless resources and armies that never seem to run out. Many heroes spent years fighting non-stop against him, but they never seem to make any progress - on the contrary, their fighting led to many innocents getting caught in the crossfire and making things worse. In the end, he is so incredibly powerful that everyone who opposes him has just straight up given up on fighting him and has either fled Terrenos to somewhere safer (like the Five) or has submitted to him (like Mike and Kallista) to stop the carnage. However, being indestructible in combat does not automatically make him a perfect dictator, and as it turns out, being an invincible villain also takes a toll on Lore himself. He has utterly failed to stop the resistance from summoning an endless supply of children from another world to fight him in vain, performing Destructive Saviour terrorism to his infrastructure and enforcers along the way, ultimately preventing him from ending the war that ravages his empire, so he can establish peace in this realm.
  • Demonic Possession: Lore is capable of possessing his servants with the Nevermind — an extension of his own will that gives them powers, but also ensure their loyalty.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: For all his flaws and being an ruthless despot, he did seem to genuinely love his daughter Mastema and shape her up as his heir by providing education and companionship.
  • Evil Old Folks: His true appearance is that of an old king with a white beard who slightly resembles Mikey.
  • Fallen Hero: He is revealed to be the real Chosen One and he already saved Terrenos, but something happened to him that turned Lore into what he is today. When his backstory is finally revealed, the definition becomes muddy: he was indoctrinated to be a "hero" by a trio of Wicked Witches by becoming a brutal conqueror so he could "save" Terrenos.
  • Game Face: The picture in the right is just his transformed state.
  • God-Emperor: With a title like God-King, he more than earns it. He has no equal in sheer power and not even the Five - the most powerful characters in the setting - believe anyone can stand up to him and opt to abandon the fight and contain him to Terrenos so that he can't threaten any other world.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Lore might be an Eldritch Abomination in human form given his horrifying powers to control, possess and corrupt his minions, not to mention his wretched, rotting appearance. Even though his physical form is actually a frail old man, his unusual superpowers still qualify.
  • Knight Templar: According to Mastema, he doesn't just believe he's the savior of Terrenos, but that he must spread his version of "good" to all other worlds.
  • Multiversal Conqueror: He is an extradimensional tyrant that wants to annex Earth to his home dimension, and he has designs to do the same to all worlds.
  • Off with His Head!: Mikey decapitates him in Issue 44, finally killing him and showing his head to the surrounding warriors.
  • Satanic Archetype: Horrifying demonic being? Check. Makes deals with others offering power in exchange of their souls? Check. Used to be a heroic figure until he eventually fell out of grace? Kinda sorta. He was considered "heroic" by many, but in fact he was pushed into being a "hero" by brutally conquering Terrenos.
  • Tyke-Bomb: In his backstory, he was indoctrinated as a boy by three witches who used him to conquer Terrenos for them. Then they were captured and imprisoned before he could give them control of the empire. After centuries without handling, Lore has become uncontrollable.
  • Villainous Breakdown: After Mikey shatters his sword in Issue 44, he spends the rest of the battle trying to claim himself superior, despite Mikey utterly trouncing him. Rather than defeating him in combat or showing how much better he is, he is reduced to demanding his army fight Mikey, for which he doesn’t get the chance. It comes across less as an Invincible Villain and more as a pitiful loser trying to claim the person defeating him is not as effective as they are blatantly shown to be.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Lore doesn't see himself as a Evil Overlord; he still thinks he is the prophesied hero that will (eventually) bring peace to Terrenos and redeem the universe.
  • Winged Humanoid: He has a pair of bat-like wings and is adept at flying and as using them as weapons.
  • Wrecked Weapon: Mikey shatters his sword in Issue 44, due to them fighting on Earth, not Terrenos.

    Kallista the Pale Rider

Lore's right-hand witch, and a warrior from Terrenos that initially fought against Lore's regime until she made a deal with him and became his most powerful minion. She appears mostly in flashback scenes that take place in Terrenos and has yet to make into the narrative.

  • Better to Die than Be Killed: Deliberately drinks poisoned tea to choose her own death in the final issue.
  • Dark Action Girl: A very terrifying and fearsome example; as Lore's enforcer on Terrenos, she is a female Humanoid Abomination feared by all rebels for her magical powers, and in her introduction she casually kills a massive predator without much effort while a young Mikey and Rya hide from her.
  • Desecrating the Dead: She does this to Kylen after he's murdered by Mikey, as the weakening barriers between worlds allow Kallista to cross over to Earth by possessing his body and then tearing it apart. In the next issue, she proceeds to twist his remains and summon monsters out of it.
  • The Dragon: To Lore. Perhaps a straighter version than Mikey, since she acts more directly in their world as an enforcer and his best warrior.
  • The Dreaded: The rebels would sooner flee than try to fight her outright because of her immense power.
  • Evil Mentor: She takes this role to Brennan, training him in magic and stoking his resentment of Mikey.
  • Evil Redhead: She is more pink-haired than actually red, but still very much evil.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: One extra eye underneath the left side of her neck.
  • Fallen Hero: Kallista used to be a rebel too, until she struck a deal with Lore and took a Nevermind.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: She was an innocent magical creature that had her life spared by Mastema and joined the rebellion after the Mages left Terrenos. She eventually came to the same conclusion, but chose to submit to Lore instead becoming The Dragon.
  • Heel–Face Turn: She is on her way at least when Brennan convinces her to help the heroes stop Mastema.
  • Humanoid Abomination: As a result of becoming a Nevermind, although her body looks even more monstrous and twisted than Mikey's.
  • I See Dead People: She was cursed to see the dead, leading to her hatred against Mastema.
  • Last of Her Kind: Kallista is the last surviving fawn, a magical creature capable of making magic learning by just standing near them. Her race were being slaughtered by Lore's trolls before Mastema spitefully killed them except Kallista.
  • People Puppets: She crosses over into Earth by taking over Kylen's recently deceased body, using it to mock the Rhodes and the surviving mages just before ripping it apart and revealing her true self.
  • Two-Faced: The entire left side of her body is a corrupted, crimson mess.
  • Tragic Villain: She turns out to be this; the last survivor of her people, unintentionally cursed to hear the dead and left only to join Lore after crossing the Despair Event Horizon. When Brennan uses astral projection to really look into her soul, he sees a adorable girl underneath the abomination.

Other Characters

    The Diviners 
Also known as 'Cleansing Spirits', they are supernatural entities from Terrenos which are summoned by the desperate (or the mad) to obliterate Lore's agents. However, they are meant to be a last resort; extremely dangerous and unreliable, the Diviners willingly cause collateral damage whenever they pass, twisting and destroying everything around them, turning innocent bystanders into mindless weapons, and will not stop until anything touched by Lore is dead and vaporized. Those who knowingly chose to summon them before all hope is lost must be nothing less than insane.
  • Bears Are Bad News: The one Diviner that manifests itself on Earth takes the form of a bear that was recently killed by Mikey.
  • Defeat Equals Friendship: The Diviner merges with the one who defeated it, Brennan. This awakens Brennan's magical heritage in the process.
  • The Dreaded: Diviners are so fearsome that Rook warns young Mikey that he will be trained to fight and kill any creature, but if he sees any Diviner, he should run.
  • Godzilla Threshold: The Diviners are considered a last resort in Terrenos. They are so dangerous that only a madman would consider using it against Lore's servants.
  • Light Is Not Good: A purifier spirit of light is actually just as destructive and violent as the dark target it was summoned to kill.
  • Obliviously Evil: Apparently, purifying spirits have no sense of collateral damage. Or personal space.
  • Pet the Dog: The Diviner heals Brennan after he was fatally shot as a gesture of good will.
  • Pure Is Not Good: Its a cleansing spirit that possesses people and turns them into weapons to fight demons.

An orc warrior that used to serve under Lore before rebelling in disgust and forming a resistance against him. He serves as Mikey's mentor and kicked off the plot by pulling him from Earth to fulfill his destiny.
  • Accidental Murder: Rook is gunned down by several US soldiers because they thought he was one of Lore's minions and ends up dying shortly afterwards.
  • Badass in Distress: He has been held captive by Lore.
  • Because Destiny Says So: Rook is a huge believer in the Chosen One prophecy and thinks that justifies everything, when even his own companions don't hold much faith in the prophecy. It's implied he doesn't either and hid it from Mikey in hopes of them managing to free themselves from Lore.
  • Defector from Decadence: He used to serve Lore without a Nevermind to ensure his loyalty, which made it much easier to turn against him.
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight: In Mikey's arms, managing to tell his protege he was his family all along before passing away.
  • Fate Worse than Death: Since Lore took over Terrenos, he's been using Rook as a "torture toy". Particularly cruel in that once he finally manages to escape, he's accidentally murdered within a few hours.
  • The Mentor: To Mikey.
  • Our Orcs Are Different: Of the honorable "Blizzard" variant.
  • Parental Substitute: He saw Mikey as his son, being briefly but clearly overwhelmed with grief when Mikey says he's not his dad and calling him family shortly before he died.
  • Rebel Leader: Against Lore in Terrenos.
  • Token Heroic Orc: Given that the majority of his race still serve Lore while he became a resistance leader.

    Princess Zoshana 
One of Mikey's companions as a child, she is a princess of Terrenos prophesied to marry him.
  • Arranged Marriage: Of sorts. She is destined to be Mikey's betrothed because the prophecy says so, but she doesn't love him. They are still fine being friends with each other.
  • Body Horror: Was subjected to this in the flashbacks when her magic awakened during Mikey's training, transforming her entire body into a inhuman monstrosity.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Her parents were so overprotective towards her that they burned people in the stake for believing to represent a threat to her daughter, leading her to internalize the guilt for their deaths.
  • Romantic False Lead: In a way, yes. We are led to believe she is the person that Mikey ends up with but not Rya.
