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proudeagle Since: Aug, 2012
06/08/2016 16:50:26 •••

Her anti-fans made her famous

I think Sarkeesian's series is overall accurate in mentioning problems many video games face in their depictions of women. It's just that her discussion of tropes and the misogynistic elements in video games are incredibly generic and have been discussed within the gaming community in addition to extensive discourse in academia. Her research, as it were, didn't amount to much as her work was all synthesis.

What propped her to popularity is the vitriol some gamers spewed at her when she decided to start the series asking for funding. Since then the concerted hatedom propelled her into popularity as this voice of "feminism in video games".

Looking at the videos she puts up, it's mostly a simple trope you could find on this very site, with multiple scenes/gameplay from video games as examples of its use, and how harmful it is. This discussion is held at length even if the harm seems pretty self-evident.

Sarkeesian's series isn't a breakthrough by any degree, but the vitriol she had to deal with when she made it is baffling. Her haters basically brought about the thing they were trying desperately to prevent. Hopefully the attention brought to the issues of misogyny in video games from this circus lead to better games and more inclusiveness and diversity in video game studios and stories.

catmuto Since: Nov, 2012
01/08/2016 00:00:00

Honestly, until I saw Angry Joe's List of Gaming Events of two-thousand-something... I forget which year... I didn't even KNOW about this woman.

Let's hope the haters realize that one woman complaining isn't gonna change an entire industry; it has to come from within the industry itself and, if those gamers still want some deranged, misogynistic stuff in their games, they can certainly find it on the internet somewhere.

AnsemPaul Since: Oct, 2010
06/02/2016 00:00:00

It says it all when a critic is only respected because of the complaints they got, not the work itself.

Do we really want an industry where a man is defined by what they produce and a woman by how many mean words people say about her?

Holding her up instead of female programmers or composers doesn't seem to be helping fix the imbalances in the industry

SpectralTime Since: Apr, 2009
06/02/2016 00:00:00

You missed the point.

On her own merits, she has no fans. But by martyring her, elements of the gaming community have only succeeded in uniting people in support of her simply because the alternative is looking like them.

Pannic Since: Jul, 2009
06/02/2016 00:00:00

I wouldn't say she has "no" fans on her own merits, but yes, she's mostly famous because of how the legions of shitheads essentially proved her right.

marcellX Since: Feb, 2011
06/03/2016 00:00:00

I don't agree with this being a 2 sides thing, but for the sake of argument, let's roll with it for a sec. It's easy to realize, point and laugh at how the haters, mysogynist, etc. were the one who gave her rise to fame by trying to prevent it. However in that same way the supporters are on a similar blind boat. I can't count the times I've heard something along the lines of, yeah she's not really that good at what she does or I even somewhat disagree with her, but we need a voice so might as well be her. So what does this, paired with some of the comments here, mean? Woohoo, gaming feminism has a figurehead and spoke person that was, even if unwillingly, chosen and put there by the opposition? Hooray for mediocrity?

I think Ansempaul put it best.

SpectralTime Since: Apr, 2009
06/03/2016 00:00:00

So? At the end of the day, all any of her \"critics\" had to do was *not* be the absolute worst kind of person imaginable, and her show woulda dried up on the vine without anyone really caring all that much.

But they did. And, well, would we be talking about, to use a terrible metaphor with terrible equivalence, that one time a buncha hippies hitched a bus to Mississippi if a buncha scheisskopfen hadn\'t organized violence against them? At that point, does it matter?

None of these reviews are really in her favor. I don\'t like her work. I don\'t even think she\'s an ideal voice for this kinda thing. But the only reason she *has* a voice is that stupid, evil people keep making her more and more visible.

YasminPerry Since: May, 2015
06/03/2016 00:00:00

Anita is not that great at feminist criticism; most of what she says is VERY basic feminism 101 stuff, and, worse than that, her videos are, to put it simply, over-long & boring. If the haters didn't despise her, frankly, no one would care about her material at all.

SpectralTime Since: Apr, 2009
06/03/2016 00:00:00

That is what everyone is saying, yes.

marcellX Since: Feb, 2011
06/08/2016 00:00:00

@Spectral Time

Again, you're focusing on the wrong thing. Sure we can point and laugh at the mysoginists for the fact that they basically created the thing they wanted to avoid. However, the result also affects feminism in gaming. Detractors point at her and say, see this movement just wants to complain and live in a bubble and as Ansempaul said, getting validation for drama and victimization rather than merits, actions and acomplishments; Companies and the media use this chance to pat themselves on the back and congratulate themselves as inclusive and progresive by giving her some sort of award or recognition, then proceed to do jack-squat in trying to fix, change and or find solutions to the issues. And it works well for them, as more and more it seems FF and Anita behaves like a business/businesswoman rather than movement/activist. Basically in this interpassivity method at best and charity canibalism at worse, they put a nice paint job and glitter over the same discriminatory reality.

SpectralTime Since: Apr, 2009
06/08/2016 00:00:00

That sounds to me like an inherent-in-the-system problem with having famous activists in the first place rather than a specific trait of Anita Sarkeesian.

marcellX Since: Feb, 2011
06/08/2016 00:00:00

Did I ever said it was a specific trait to Anita Sarkeesian? If you yourself said you don\'t consider her an ideal voice, then there should be more of a desire to promote a worthy one rather than be content with the one that was indirectly and unwillingly appointed by the radical and hateful in the opposition. The LGBT community is pushing back against Caitlyn Jenner and earlier others like Perez Hilton being perceived as their ; Similarly to the black community and Al Sharpton, Bill Cosby, (even before the resurface of his rape alegations), Tyler Perry, amond others.

Given that, arguably, she isn\'t really probiting content of noteriaty and, wether purposely or not, is famous for drama rather than merit. When said drama died down, so did her and her message. So in a way, aren\'t those same mysoginist haters now getting what they wanted? even if everything happened completely by accident and out of their control.

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