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KD Since: May, 2009
1st Mar, 2021 05:42:59 AM

Something good against a mob will usually be an Area of Effect attack.

I'm not sure that there's any trope for weapons that are good against single targets as that's usually the norm, whereas there's a trope for (normally) single-target weapons getting multiple kills in one shot — One-Hit Polykill.

When it comes to a Boss Battle, they come in so many different styles. What works great against a Damage-Sponge Boss might be useless against a "Get Back Here!" Boss. It's hard to say that "This weapon works against all bosses everywhere."

Edited by KD
coconutkirin Since: Dec, 2020
2nd Mar, 2021 01:26:42 AM

I my case, the character has an ability that increases its damage output if there are no more than 1 enemy at the moment.

Perhaps Situational Sword could fit, but here I'm asking if we have something more specific.

"When it comes to a Boss Battle, they come in so many different styles. What works great against a Damage-Sponge Boss might be useless against a "Get Back Here!" Boss. It's hard to say that "This weapon works against all bosses everywhere.""

What I meant is that "something is more effective against bosses/single targets than multiple targets". Or vice versa.
