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rjd1922 Since: May, 2013
21st Jul, 2018 01:03:33 PM

Don't know if we have this one, but I don't think the impersonated person should have to be a Complete Monster, just have a notorious reputation the impostor is unaware of.

Keet cleanup
Chabal2 Since: Jan, 2010
21st Jul, 2018 02:43:52 PM

In any case, something that propelled him over the Moral Event Horizon, or in some way caused everyone to think of him as undeserving of any kindness.

  • In one case, Al gets sent to prison on Bob's evidence so he could marry Al's girlfriend Carla. Al escapes, ends up looking like Bob through plastic surgery, and replaces Bob as Carla's husband. But as time goes on, Al's plan turns against him, as he discovers Bob's evil ran far deeper than he thought (including the murder of Carla's father).
  • In another, Al impersonates an arms dealer. When dealing with the soldiers who've heard of "his" rep, they make it clear they don't like him or what he does (as the dealer is known to sell to people who don't hide that they commit ethnic cleansing or war crimes). Maintaining his cover requires great self-control to avoiding protesting that he'd never do that.

Edited by Chabal2
4tell0life4 Since: Mar, 2018
21st Jul, 2018 04:28:23 PM

The reverse of Criminal Doppelgänger

We can never truly eradicate the coronavirus, but we can suppress its threat like influenza