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datadoggieein Since: Mar, 2013
17th Mar, 2018 06:19:02 PM

An ad for Block 13? Don't ask me why it was on an English-language channel, but that's what it sounds like.

SparkPlugTheTroper (Captain)
20th Mar, 2018 10:06:50 AM

Nope, it wasn't an ad for Block 13. Thanks, though.

SparkPlugTheTroper (Captain)
25th Mar, 2018 09:32:29 AM

I just remembered that the announcement might have had to do with making donations to the TCT station. If this also helps, I think this announcement aired in Spring 2013, close to Easter, and during some kids programs.

Edited by SparkPlugTheTroper
SparkPlugTheTroper (Captain)
20th Feb, 2021 06:52:21 PM

I know this is an old query, but I'm bumping this anyway. I still haven't found this announcement and would be genuinely interested to find it again.

SparkPlugTheTroper (Captain)
8th Mar, 2021 05:46:07 PM

I highly doubt anyone's gonna find this, but I'll bump this again just in case.
