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YMMV / Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent

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  • Captain Obvious Reveal: When even the Sheriff says Korka is crazy and eccentric, it was no surprise when she turned out to be completely nuts. The reveal at the end just makes her look crazy, but not wrong.
  • Follow the Leader: It really is very similar to Professor Layton...
  • Good Bad Bugs: The first game used to block using the ESC key on some video cards. When this was patched, it accidentally made the Demo version be the full game.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The first time your attempt at solving a puzzle is interrupted by a Scare Chord and one of the Hidden People stealing a puzzle piece. And then it happens again.
  • Sophomore Slump: Downplayed but still present. The sequel got slightly lower reviews and is widely considered to have less interesting puzzles.
  • Squick: Nelson needs gum to concentrate (which translates to hints for the player). There is no gum in Scoggins since most goods are received in the spring. You can find previously chewed gum, however...
  • That One Puzzle: Earth, Sun, & Moon in the sequel. Controls are surprisingly slippery and unresponsive despite it being very similar to several other puzzles, and the end goal is somewhat unclear. The solution is one of the most searched online, second only to the similarly unclear Lander Circuitry.
