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YMMV / Van-Pires

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  • Awesome Music: If nothing else good can be said about the show, at least John Entwistle composed some pretty kickin' songs for the soundtrack.
  • I Am Not Shazam: Van-Pires is the name of the villains, not the heroes. Although the Motor-Vators need fuel like the villains (thus making them Van-Pires as well) they don't refer to themselves as such outside of the first episode.
  • So Bad, It's Good: The bizarre premise, cheap effects, and neverending stream of bad puns certainly make it a treat to watch.
  • Special Effects Failure:
    • The CGI generally looks cheap even by the standards of its time, but the real problem is that the producers seem unable to integrate CG elements into a live-action scene, leading to various... oddities.
    • And the one time live actors and CGI appear onsceeen together ("The Swarm Storm"), we find out why that is normally avoided. Namely, the live actor is surrounded by a hideously obvious green-screen halo.
