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YMMV / Treasure Hunter G

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  • Awesome Music: Pick a battle theme. Any battle theme.
  • Goddamned Bats: Gnomes. While not very hard to kill, their attacks are long ranged and can randomly inflict status ailments, most commonly confusion and sleep. Hope you've been stocking up on some status healing/preventing items!
  • Les Yay: Mio is a Really 700 Years Old wizard with the power to crush empires. She actually refuses to save the world herself simply because Rain won't sleep with her.
  • That One Boss: Dark Lord's first form. There are a lot of powerful mooks around the battlefield, some of which have the ability to heal, combined with the fact that Dark Lord himself can create more mooks if you try and dispose of them. He also has a bunch of powerful elemental magic and the ability to Teleport Spam if you try to get away from his attacking range. Not to mention the fact that your primary source of healing (Rain) is unavailable for this fight. You'll be guaranteed at least one party wipe if you aren't careful or don't have some potions at your disposal.
