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YMMV / Tintin: Flight 714

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  • Alternate Character Interpretation: Some see Carreidas's descriptions of what an awful person he is (especially when he calls himself a "little reptile") as a hint that deep down he honestly regrets the life that he's led, especially when contrasted with Rastapopoulos's much more gleeful ranting about his misdeeds.
  • Bizarro Episode: With the most explicitly supernatural third act since The Shooting Star, an unprecedented comic bent to the villains, and a healthy dose of Laser-Guided Amnesia for all involved at the story's resolution, this is often considered the strangest story in the series. It's been ventured that this is meant to be more an Affectionate Parody on Herge's own part than a tale to be taken completely seriously.
  • Fashion-Victim Villain: Rastapopoulos spends the entire book inexplicably wearing a ridiculous pink shirted cowboy outfit.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Mik Kanrotikoff (Ezdanitoff in the French version) acts as the middle-man between Earth's scientists and aliens formerly worshiped by the residents of Pulau-pulau Bompa. He uses a telepathic transmitter to communicate with the aliens and is introduced telepathically instructing Tintin on how to find him. He saves Tintin and company from a volcanic eruption by hypnotizing them into entering a flying saucer, erasing their memory of the events of the story, and depositing them on a dinghy in the ocean, though still leaving them dazed and at the mercy of the volcano.
