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YMMV / The Orville S1E07 "Majority Rule"

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  • Canon Fodder:
    • Who administers the upvote/downvote system? When did it originate, and how did it become the all-consuming Hat of the Sargosians?
    • One of the fake images that puts LaMarr over the top at the climax, saving his life, is a video clip of him in military fatigues returning from a deployment to greet his dog. The upvote/downvote system is indicated to be global, so who exactly is there to fight?
  • Spiritual Adaptation: Though there is a nod to the "alien planet develops into a near-exact replica of human history" trope that often popped up on Star Trek: The Original Series, the episode if anything owes more to the story structure of a typical episode of Sliders — the good guys arrive on a world where one aspect of modern society has been massively exaggerated, and one of them ends up in a troublesome situation that needs to be resolved before they can leave.
  • Unintentionally Unsympathetic: As bonkers as Sargus 4's justice system is and as much as LaMarr doesn't deserve being lobotomized over his misdeed, his problems are still entirely caused by his being a moronic jerkass. Not only did he ignore the general orders (and common sense) not to draw attention to themselves, he kept grinding on the statue, even as his superior office was warning and ordering him to stop.
