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  • Chorus-Only Song: "Everything We Had". You can thank the film adaptation of P.S. I Love You, where the song was featured prominently.
  • Cliché Storm: The first three songs from Fast Times at Barrington High ("About a Girl", "Summer Hair = Forever Young", and "His Girl Friday") are all absolutely filled with punk-pop cliches. The album gets better after that, though.
  • Ho Yay: William Beckett and Gabe Saporta of Cobra Starship. They both ship it. Fueled by Ramen ships it. Gabe even wrote his own fanfiction. Enough said.
  • Signature Song: It was "Slow Down" towards the beginning of the band's career, "About a Girl" towards the end.
  • Tearjerker: "Down and Out" is the main one, but "In the Rearview" counts as well.
  • Win Back the Crowd: Lost in Pacific Time successfully did so, on the heels of Fast Times at Barrington High, an album that most fans consider sub-par.
