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YMMV / Supermegatopia

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  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The comic's Green Lantern Expy is named Limelight, which is the name Green Lantern Jessica Cruz would take.
  • Values Dissonance: Secondary character She-Male, a parody of Marvel's She-Hulk who grew a fully functional set of male genitalia along with the new super-muscles and happily embraced having them to spice up her bedroom activities, was a raunchy gag when the comic was new. Nowadays, she'd be considered a one-dimensional transphobia hate crime, as a) her name is an old slur for trans women, and b) her main gags revolve around people being creeped out by the idea of an Amazonian Beauty also having an (implicitly quite large) set of male genitalia and actively enjoying using them to have sex with anybody who's willing.
