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YMMV / Star Wars: Vader Down

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  • Heartwarming Moments: Leia's character arc in this story. For most of Vader Down, she’s going full Captain Ahab on Vader, willing to sacrifice everything to destroy the man who let Alderaan explode. This culminates with Vader in Leia's sights, unaware of her presence and occupied with Commander Karbin. As she's getting read to pull the trigger, she's contacted by C-3PO, who informs her of the danger Han's group is in. Leia at first appears unresponsive, flashing back to Alderaan… and then to a vision of her friends lying dead. Leia turns away and immediately goes to save her friends. She's lost everything important to her once… and she won't let that happen again, even at the expense of avenging her world.
  • Signature Scene: Vader's Badass Boast when he's alone and surrounded by rebel troops is easily the most memorable moment of the entire comic.
