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YMMV / Sabrina and The Groovie Goolies

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  • Adaptation Displacement: Far overshadowed by the live-action Sabrina TV series that debuted in the 1990s.
  • Fridge Brilliance: Salem does not talk like in later incarnations, but many episodes show that witches can naturally talk to animals. Of course, Sabrina seems to understand what Salem says...
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: The Groovie Goolies were broadcast in other countries but were really popular in France where they were known as Les Croque Monstres. They were popular enough that the characters even appeared on a parade float in the 1986 Carnaval de Cholet.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: In one episode Sabrina switches places with Salem and starts to talk and Aunt Zelda is confused on if Salem is talking or not, and then 25 years later...
  • Values Dissonance: In the Groovie Goolies segments, there is a Running Gag in which the twins Batso and Ratso get into some kind of Zany Scheme that usually involves playing a prank of some kind on the other Goolies, or getting into some other kind of trouble, usually ending with them getting spanked. This would not fly in animated TV shows today.
