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YMMV / One Piece – Rainbow Mist Arc

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  • Complete Monster: Wetton was once the feared leader of the Wetton Pirates who unleashed his men to rampage through Ruluka Village. Ordering his men to burn the city to the ground and murder even the women and children, Wetton himself nearly kills six children before all but one steal his ship and escape to another dimension in the Rainbow Mist. Without a ship, Wetton dominates the survivors and forcefully becomes their mayor, demanding ridiculous taxes over fifty years and having those that can't pay worked to death in labor camps to build his Rainbow Tower. The Straw Hats soon arrive and come into conflict with Wetton as he uses the Tower to form a bridge through the Mist to rob the ship graveyard on the other side. As Luffy defeats him, Wetton destroys the bridge and abandons dozens of his men, even his son and grandson, to death to keep the treasure and doom his enemies in the process.
